

As fate would have it, the anticipated fight was originally called off due to Kankuro's reluctance to reveal his tactics. However, Shino couldn't help but wonder what would happen if his opponent were to be replaced by a clone?

While he trusted in his father's ability to protect him, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease knowing that there were forces out there that would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. Who knows if Mr. McSnatcher would send out his tentacles to kidnap him and force him to join the sinister abyss called Root.

So, ever since the plan began, for his own safety, he made a bold move - his body in Konoha was no longer the real him! Ever since the implementation of his plan in the Aburame clan, Shino had already transported his main body to the safety of his base!

The body active in Konoha was merely a clone, controlled remotely from his hidden base. With the replenishment from his bugs that have infiltrated every corner of Konoha, his clone could remain in action for a long time.

Aided by Alina's assistive control, the mental energy consumed to generate the clone was greatly reduced to a level where he could sustain the clone all day.

The only issue was the fact the bugs need to 'recharge' chakra at a chakra power bank, mutated from his drones by sacrificing their biomass storage.

Outside of the minor costs that left loopholes, it was a perfect replica, capable of fooling even those closest to him.

Even if anyone did happen to discover that it was a clone, they would only assume that he had hidden his real body nearby. They knew he had camouflage insects, so they never suspected that he had the incredible power to remotely control his clone from afar!

His insect clone was basically a shadow clone, but without independent consciousness. Instead, it was his avatar under manual control or Alina's assistive control.

The battlefield was filled with anticipation as Shino's body suddenly dissolved into a swarm of insects. They swirled around in a dizzying display of agility and coordination before reforming into the shape of Shino himself, standing calmly at the side of the judge, Genma.

He then said with a stoic face, "My main body is busy, so..."

"Clone? This…" Genma stared at the young man with a bit of sweat on his face. Honestly, even he didn't notice until the young man revealed it, "This isn't in accordance to the rules. Are you forfeiting?"

"No, it's because I think this is-"

"Boy, are you underestimating the enemy?" Genma's words hung heavy in the air as he interrupted the young boy in front of him.

Shino's gaze remained steady, unflinching under the scrutiny of the experienced ninja.

"This shouldn't be allowed..." Seeing his determined countenance, Genma hesitated, his eyes darting towards the Hokage seats where the Hiruzen was deep in discussion with the 'Kazekage'.

The audience was in an uproar. First, a missing contestant. Now, a clone shows up to fight – this Chunin exam had started to look more and more like a joke!

As Shino awaited the final decision, he adjusted his glasses and gazed out at the waiting stands. His keen eyes fixed on Kankuro, whose face was contorted in a mixture of sweat and anxiety. Would he choose to forfeit once again, even in the face of a mere clone?

Shino knew he couldn't change the trajectory of history so easily. If he wanted to force Kankuro to fight, he had to play some tricks.

Aggressive tactics won't work because he would risk offending the Sand Village. Although the 'Kazekage' was a disguise, if he accidentally drew the aggro of the invading Sand ninjas, it would be difficult to implement his following plans.

So, Shino designed this soft tactic and left the decision in Kankuro's hands.

By choosing not to fight a real opponent, Kankuro risked tarnishing the Sand Village's reputation, but mostly his own for being a coward.

However, if he forfeited in the face of a mere clone, it would be like admitting that Konoha had given the Sand village a handicap, yet they still couldn't overcome it and hid like a turtle. This would dump the Sand village's reputation into the gutters, downgrading the scale of commissions they would receive in the future.

After all, the words would be passed on that the ninjas of the Sand village could only escape in the face of Konoha ninja clones.

Shino's plan was a subtle nudge, a way to make Kankuro realize the gravity of his decision.

However, the final choice rested with Kankuro. Shino could only watch and wait to see if his plan would succeed. If Kankuro still shrinks like a turtle, he would have to reluctantly postpone his plans to become a Chunin and delay some of his other operations.

Suddenly, Shino felt a line of sight lock onto him. Turning his attention over to the Hokage stand, he saw Hiruzen Sarutobi's gaze locked on him. Although far, he knew what the old man was implying by his look.

As Shino stood there, his senses keenly attuned to his surroundings, he felt a prickling gaze lock onto him. Someone was watching him, and it wasn't just anyone - it was the Hokage himself.

Despite the distance between them, Shino could feel the weight of Hiruzen Sarutobi's gaze, and he knew what the old man was silently implying.

If the fight proceeds, he can't lose. Or Konoha will be the one that turns into a joke.

But Shino was not one to falter under pressure. He had already made preparations, and he was confident in his abilities. His main body was safely hidden away, and he could now play the game his way without fear of consequences.

Gaining Shino's confident affirmation, there was no change in the Third Hokage's expression. He nodded stoically, his expression giving nothing away, but he could tell from the Hokage's body language that the old man was communicating with his attendant ninja in hushed tones.

Not long later, the ninja came down to deliver the message, "The Hokage and Kazekage agrees to let the match proceed."

The audience were a bit surprised as they exchanged bewildered gazes. After they calmed down, their curiosity was piqued as they sat waiting with bated breath for the next thrilling bout.

"Damn it, this bug boy-" Kankuro uttered as he gritted his teeth.

"Kankuro…" Temari started, but hesitated.

Kankuro struggled inwardly, but in the end, he still decided to forfeit. Although the village's reputation would be hit, as long as they could win the battle afterwards, it wouldn't matter.

Alas, before he could, a growl came from the side, "Go."

Both Temari and Kankuro froze as their eyes peeked over at Gaara, whose face was clenched in anger.

Sweat rolled down Kankuro's face as he uttered, "But my match doesn't matter at all. I don't want to expose-"

"That man agreed," Gaara's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the Kage stands, his expression distorting in anger and frustration as he tried his suffocation.

His gaze then shifted to his brother Kankuro, and the intensity of his glare only seemed to increase. The air around him grew thick with tension, and even the others in the waiting stands could feel the weight of his gaze.

It was as if Gaara's very will was enough to shatter the resolve of anyone who dared to cross him, "He agreed!"

Gulp. Kankuro swallowed before he uttered in dissatisfaction, "H-Hey… Gaara, I hope you still remember the plan-"

"What plan?" Naruto butted in from the side, trying to defuse the situation.

The brother sister duo sweated. They were too distracted by Gaara's unstable emotions, and almost forgot there were other contestants nearby!

"Nothing. It's my plan to win," Kankuro's face contorted with uncertainty as he prepared to hop down, muttering helplessly under his breath.

"Ah! Who said you're going to win! Shino is like really strong, dattebayo!"

"Tsk, just a clone!" Kankuro grunted angrily as he leapt over the rails, "I'll teach this bug a lesson for underestimating us Sand shinobi."

"Don't overdo it," Temari reminded.

"Got it."

Shino's eyes narrowed behind his glasses as he watched Kankuro step onto the arena floor. A small smile played at the corners of his mouth, and he adjusted his stance, ready for whatever was to come. He knew there was a risk that his ploy wouldn't work, but it seemed luck was on his side.

In the original, the fight occurred outside the arena. Shino had always known that this fight was inevitable, one of the crucial turning points in the story. To alter the plot was out of the question, and he had no choice but to reveal a part of his true strength when the time came.

However, he wasn't about to let the opportunity go to waste. If the fight took place outside the arena, he wouldn't have the advantage of publicity, but that didn't mean he could escape the watchful eyes of the dark side ninjas. Therefore, Shino intended to make the most of this fight and turn it to his advantage.

Shino was aware of the potential consequences of letting Sasuke and Naruto run outside of Konoha unsupervised. It was improbable that they would not be watched by someone, be it the Anbu or the covert organization, Root, who definitely had a lot of free time due to not participating in Konoha's defense.

The outcome of this is that he would draw that bad old man's attention regardless.

So, he made a strategic decision to reveal his strength publicly in the arena. By doing so, he could attract the attention of powerful figures such as the jonins and the daimyos, and demonstrate the full potential of his bug techniques to his clan, increasing the propagation speed of the bug throughout his clan.

"Oi, referee, isn't this unfair to fight his clone? What if his main body is the weakness?" Kankuro strolled over, a calm facade masking his complaints as he tugged on the bandages tightly wrapped around his puppet.

His determined demeanor made it clear that he was ready to fight.

Genma's questioning gaze shifted over to Shino. Shino's glasses glinted in the sunlight as he spoke, his voice calm and composed. "As long as you are able to inflict any harm upon my clone, you-"

"Hehehe! Fool. You don't know anything! Don't worry, I'll make sure to crush all your bugs fast and end this naive farce. Don't let me find your real body, or don't blame me if you die..."

A sudden tug and the bandage unwrapped, revealing a puppet. Kankuro's fingers moved with precision, and blue chakra threads connected with the puppet, bringing it to life with an intimidating clack as it lay on his back. All eyes were now fixed on Kankuro, and an uneasy silence filled the arena as everyone waited for the battle to begin.

"Alina, deploy combat assistant."

[Executing protocol CCA... Retrieving opponent data… match found. Activating Anti-Kankuro protocol… retrieving arena data… Generating virtual map… Projecting combat assistance interface… Checking system for bugs… All signs are normal. Alina the Chunin Combat Assistant at the Overmind's service!]

Bugs began to flow out from Shino's body, buzzing menacingly as it formed two small swarms around his arms.

"Condition of victory: any significant damage to the clone…" Genma's gaze shifted from Shino to Kankuro, then back to Shino, his expression inscrutable.

"Prepare yourselves… Begin!"

The battle commences.

Next chapter