
Participation Check

As he solemnly stared at the notification from Alina, Shino was interrupted by the familiar ruckus nearby. He quickly opened his eyes and glanced towards the noise, where he was greeted by his teammates Kiba and Hinata, who had arrived at the training grounds.

"Hey Shino, what's up?" Kiba asked, a smirk on his face.

Shino adjusted his glasses and silently stared at Kiba with a stoic face, hesitating to answer, but in the end, he spoke up, "Just-"

Kiba naturally interrupted, "Training right? Yo, I could guess it just by taking one look. Akamaru could smell the sweat of your bugs miles away, right Akamaru?"

"Arf! Arf!" Akamaru yipped with a wagging tail.

"We were just on our way to grab some food," Hinata chimed in, her voice soft and sweet, but anyone could hear a tinge of excitement in her usually shy voice. "Kurenai sensei offered to treat."

When he heard this, Shino was dumbfounded for a moment. So good? Kurenai sensei is actually treating their team of rice buckets?!

Shino hesitated for a moment, considering his options. He knew he had work to do, but he also knew the importance of bonding with his teammates. Plus, his teacher was calling, and he had a hunch regarding what it was about.

With a silent nod in affirmation, he agreed.

"Whoa, that's great. Then, let's go! I'm starving!" Kiba excitedly uttered with a grin.

The trio made their way to a nearby restaurant, where they were greeted by their sensei, Kurenai Yuhi. She had already secured a table and was waiting for them to arrive.

"Hey guys, how are your trainings? Are there any questions?" Kurenai asked, a slight smile on her face.

"Yo, not bad, Akamaru and I are ready for anything!" Kiba replied, taking a seat at the table. "Kurenai sensei, we are ready to eat."

"That's great to hear," Kurenai said, her eyebrow twitching imperceptibly.

Taking a sip of her drink, she continued, "Remember, if you ever need advice or guidance, don't hesitate to come to me."

The group chatted and laughed over their meal, sharing stories and making plans for their upcoming missions- well, mostly Kiba talking because Shino and Hinata were busy...

As they finished up and prepared to leave, Kurenai stood up and addressed them.

"Team 8, I have some important news to share with you," Kurenai began. "As you may already know, the Chunin Exams are coming up. This is a great opportunity for young ninja to showcase their skills and earn a promotion in rank."

Kiba looked up, his eyes wide with excitement. "The Chunin Exams? That's awesome! We should definitely participate!"

Hinata, on the other hand, looked unsure. "I-I don't know if I'm ready for something like that," she said softly.

Kurenai nodded understandingly. "I know it can be daunting, Hinata. But the Chunin Exams are a chance to prove yourself and grow stronger. And don't worry, I'll be there to support you every step of the way."

Shino, who had been silent up until now, spoke up. "Sensei, could you tell us more about the-"

"Yea! Tell us more, Kurenai sensei! Chunin Exams? Are dogs allowed? Who are we fighting?" Kiba butted in- like usual.

Shino adjusted his glasses, and simply stared at Kurenai sensei. Inwardly, he questioned Alina, "Did you add that count to the Kiba interruption variable?"

[Affirmative, Overmind. The life form marked as Kiba Inuzaka had interrupted the Overmind for a total of XXX times in the past 3 months. As long as the Overmind gives the command, Alina will grant the lowly target retribution. Would the Overmind like to grant permission?]

"Not now. Just keep it on the tab for now," Shino commanded with a sly smile, his glasses glinting ominously.

Of course, the other three didn't notice anything. Poor Kiba, still excited over the Chuunin Exams, not knowing that he had offended a future galactic overlord.

Kurenai smiled at her inquisitive students. "Of course, Kiba. The Chunin Exams consist of three rounds. The first round is a written test that evaluates your knowledge of ninja techniques, tactics, and history. The second round is a survival event. And the final round is a tournament-style event, a series of one-on-one battles between the remaining participants where they fight until only one is left standing."

Kiba pumped his fist in the air. "Sounds like a blast! I can't wait to take on some other ninja and show them what Team 8 is made of!"

Hinata looked uneasy as she twiddled her fingers. "But what if we get hurt, or we don't make it past the first round? Won't that be embarrassing?"

Kurenai shook her head. "It's true that participating in the Chunin Exams carries some risks. But as ninja, we're trained to face danger and overcome it. And even if you don't make it to the final round, participating in the exams is a valuable experience that will help you grow as a ninja."

"I see," Shino nodded thoughtfully, before pausing a moment. Seeing no one interrupt him, he raised his brow and continued, "And what are the benefits of becoming a-?"

"That's right! What happens if I become a Chunin?" Kiba exclaimed excitedly as he ruffled Akamaru's head.

[Overmind, the Kiba Interruption Variable has been incremented…]

Shino's eyebrow twitched, but nothing was shown on his stoic face. This dog is almost forcing him to strangle him... but he had to hold back. Be stable.

Kurenai smiled. "For starters, Chunin are given more challenging missions and higher pay. But more than that, becoming a Chunin means that you've proven yourself to be a capable and reliable ninja. It's a mark of respect and honor within the village. You will have the privilege to lead a Genin team and be proctors or teachers of exams-"

Kiba grinned. "Count me in, sensei! I'm ready to take on the Chunin Exams and show everyone what I'm made of! Just wait, everyone will need to call me Kiba-sensei soon!"

Kurenai's red eyes locked onto Kiba with an imperceptible playful look, but she didn't say anything in the end. It was good to be confident. The Chunin exam was meant to snuffle out this overconfidence...

Hinata still looked uncertain, but Kurenai could see the determination in her eyes. "Are you sure, Hinata?" she asked gently.

As she recalled the cheerful young man in an orange jumpsuit in her mind, Hinata took a deep breath. "Y-yes, sensei. I want to try."

Shino glanced over at Hinata imperceptibly and knew that some events were already set in stone. The protagonist's radiant aura never fails to penetrate where it counts.

Kurenai beamed with pride. "That's the spirit! I have every confidence that you three will do your best and make Team 8 proud. Of course, there are still necessary precautions and risks that you must know..."

The four of them continued to discuss the Chunin Exams and strategize their approach to the upcoming challenge. Kurenai knew that the next few weeks would be intense, but she was excited to see what her students were capable of.

The Chunin Exams were a chance for them to prove themselves, not only to the village, but to themselves. She has seen their hard work in the past months, especially the two quiet ones. And as their teacher, Kurenai was honored to guide them on their journey of growth.

"Remember, stay focused and always work as a team," she said, her eyes locking onto each of theirs. "I have faith in you all. Now, go home and inform your parents. It is best to get their consent for this. If they disagree, come to me and I will help you persuade them."

"Yes, Kurenai sensei!" (x3)

Shino knew that this was perhaps the only line he could say without being interrupted, but his voice was still drowned out by Kiba's. So, it sounded like he was interrupted? Huh? Alina, add another one to the counter!

[Affirmative, Overmind.]

The group bid their goodbyes and made their way out of the restaurant. It was time to prepare for the Chunin exam.

With all the optimized training in the past months, Shino knew he was ready, at least for the opponents he was destined to meet. He may not be able to defeat powerful monsters like the one within Gaara, but surviving should not be a problem- if he doesn't get struck by a random Tailed Beast Ball…

"Alina, how is the mapping of the Forest of Death?"

[Overmind, 98% of the location marked as the Forest of Death has been mapped out. A virtual map has been generated and can be displayed at anytime.]


However, the difficult part is the end of the Chunin exam.

"Uncle Snake should probably arrive soon, huh? Seems I'll have to stop my resource collection for a while. I better play it safe until he gets busy with the old man- Uncle Snake is very good at sensing geniuses, and I definitely don't want to be on his radar, lest I end up with a cursed seal."

Looking into the distant, Shino fixed his eyes upon the grand edifice that stood proudly in the center of the village - the Hokage building. Its towering height and commanding presence evoked a sense of reverence and awe, a testament to the power and authority it represented, yet it is this authority that will soon be vanquished.

Shino adjusted his glasses as he muttered, "Konoha Crush Plan, huh?"

Veiled behind the shadowy confines of his raised collar, an imperceptible grin appeared on Shino's face.

"With danger, comes opportunities- come become the nourishment for my Zerg army!"

With a measured gait and an air of quiet composure, Shino turned on his heel, receding into the distance, while unbeknownst to the unsuspecting village, the seeds of an impending tempest were poised to shatter the tranquility and unleash an ominous maelstrom.

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