
The Man Who Didn't Want to Be Isekai'd

The morning came with a sudden awakening.

That morning, I brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and went to school.

This is my daily routine, not that I care much. I was already used to it.

Then I almost died.

That was my first thought when I saw the truck crashing into the pole.

Scenes like this had become common in my life.

Yesterday, while returning home with groceries from the supermarket, I helped an old lady cross the street. And the exact moment I left her on the sidewalk, a truck with no one driving it came towards me.

…I survived. How? I jumped over the nearby wall.

I don't remember exactly the day these 'attacks' started, but I know they were becoming more frequent.

I wasn't stupid, I knew the meaning of these trucks trying to hit me. But to be honest, I didn't want to be sent to another world.

Yes. I didn't want to be sent to another world.

It might sound foolish. But my current life, although not the best, is still comfortable. I don't want to abandon this life to hunt demon lords or become an adventurer.

Have you seen how much work an adventurer needs to do?

They risk their lives in exchange for a few coins that barely suffice for their meals. How could such a system work? Even being reincarnated in anime worlds was dangerous.

Imagine. You are sent to a world like Dragon Ball's. How to survive in this world? Be born as a Saiyan? Don't joke. The chances of being born in that race are low, most likely you would be born as a common human with no talent.

And don't start with the talk that hard work beats talent. That's nonsense.

The best example we have is Rock Lee from the world of Naruto. Even his master, both trained to exhaustion every day, and where did they end up? They are still weaker than the main villains and characters of the series.

And again, don't tell me that Guy can fight against Madara. He only managed to fight that man because of his forbidden technique, and even so, he was unable to defeat him. In the end, he was even saved by Naruto.

Naruto… Naruto… many say that you had no talent, but the truth was that there was a damn demon fox inside you. That alone showed how unfair the world was.

Cough! Cough!

I got off track. But I can't help it, I always get irritated thinking about these things.

Anyway, I didn't want to be isekai'd.

That's why I always dodged the truck attacks.

Sometimes I almost got hit.

Like the time I opened my fridge and a damn truck came out of it. This was already defying logic.

Or even that time when I was breaking my record on the incline bench press at the gym, when suddenly… BOOM! A truck flew in through the window, destroying the whole gym.

That day, I was near the gym's exit, so when I saw a truck coming through the window, I just ran out.

I felt like I had offended the pride of the God of Trucks. But who cares?

After the attack failed, I continued my walk towards school.

I must admit, because of the constant attacks, I managed to improve my strength and reaction time, which ensured that I was the top student in physical education classes.

Stepping in front of the school entrance, I felt something was wrong.

Thinking it was just in my head, I didn't care and took another step.

And at that moment…

The space around me distorted.

When I blinked, I found myself in the same place, but the blue sky was now dark.

The other students entering through the school gate had also disappeared.

I was alone.

It seems that I really irritated the Truck God, to the point where he even sends me to another dimension. I wonder if this isn't against the rules?


I hope this ends soon, there's a sale at the supermarket today.

"You won't escape this time…"

I hear a deep voice coming from above the school's roof.

I look up to see who the deep voice belongs to.

Eh… an old man with a long beard… how… generic…

I wonder if there's a rule among the gods that they can only look like old men with long beards or hot girls.

"...You seem disappointed."

I don't seem disappointed, I am disappointed.

I just wanted to live my life.

Make some friends, get a girlfriend, watch anime.

But no… here I am, looking at an old bearded man with some mental issues.

"Won't you talk to me?"

Aren't you a god? Can't you hear what I'm thinking?

This god is really pathetic.

"You know, boy. You are the first to avoid being sent to another world with all your might. Many would kill just to have the chance you are having."

"Why don't you go to those who wish to be sent to another world? Why come to me? Don't you understand that I don't want to be isekai'd?"

I finally couldn't hold back anymore and spoke.

The old man, not expecting this response, widened his eyes.

"Do you realize what you're saying? Are you going to waste this opportunity? You know, if you're sent to another world, you'll have the chance to live a life you never imagined was possible."

"You will live great adventures. You could get rich. Having a harem is also not impossible."

"…Old man… let me ask. Are you… stupid?"


The old man's expression only confirmed my suspicions. He was stupid.

Wouldn't it be better to send someone who really wants to go?

If I go to another world, who guarantees that I'll do what he wants?

Initially, I don't even want to be isekai'd, so why would I do what he tells me to?

The opposite would happen if the person was willing, then the old man would just need to say a few words, and that person would do whatever he wanted.

"You are bold in your words… very well."

"I tried to be nice, but you didn't-"

"Fail to recognize Mount Tai? Was that what you were going to say?"

I couldn't help but interrupt the old man.

"Have you been reading too many Chinese things? That phrase… gave me the chills."

Does this old man have that much free time? Damn, he almost used that famous phrase said by Chinese young masters.

"You, you… bastard!"

The old man pointed at me, trembling with anger.

I might have been rude in my speech, but he can't blame me, right? He first sends trucks to get me isekai'd, and even knowing that I didn't want to be isekai'd, he didn't give up. Could it be… this old man likes me?

No, no, no!

Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine.

This old man can't be that perverted.

Looking back at the old man on the roof, I sighed.

"Just speak, why did you bring me here?"

"You still don't realize? It's your destiny to be sent to another world! I intended to send you to a modern world, but seeing how you act, I'll send you to a Chinese cultivation world, and I'll make sure you have no talent. Hahaha! I'll also make you be born near an evil sect. Yes! That's right! This evil sect will destroy your family and use you as a guinea pig in experiments. You will be tortured for hundreds of years."

I didn't know why, but seeing the way this old man was acting, I was sure he came from a Chinese cultivation world. The way he spoke, the way he acted. Yes… this old man must have been a Chinese cultivator!

To be honest, I was worried about being sent to the world that old man mentioned. But seeing that he hadn't done anything to me until now, I realized something.

This old man can't attack me.

Why would he continue to talk to me when he has the power to bring me to this place? Why not just send me to the other world? If he's so powerful, he can do that, right?

Also, I don't see any trucks.

Is this old man really the God of Trucks?

Despite my doubts, I would have to wait and see.

The old man laughed for a while longer. And realizing that I didn't seem impressed, he pulled out what looked like a cellphone from his pocket.

Rapidly pressing his fingers on the screen, the old man looked at me and said, "Kid, you're screwed."

The moment his voice came out, I felt something happen.

A strong wind arose, making me take a few steps back.

As I put my arms in front of my face to protect it from the strong wind, I didn't see the old man descending from the building.

And when the wind finally stopped, the old man was a few meters away from me, looking at me with a smile.

Why do the eyes of this old man show signs of madness?

Something is wrong…

"You look scared."

"Actually, I'm more concerned about your mental health. If you want a doctor, I know a good one."

Despite the bad situation, I couldn't help but make a joke.

"He, he! Let's see how long you can keep making jokes, boy."

But what the hell?!

I thought the old man would summon trucks that would attack me.

I never expected the old man to run towards me for a physical fight.

What kind of God of Trucks is this?

Getting into a physical fight with the old man, I had to admit.

He… was very… weak?

Looking at the old man lying on the ground, with bruises all over his face.

For a moment, I didn't know how to react.

I thought the old man would only need a single blow to send me to another world. It never crossed my mind that this old man was a complete fake.

I even took the cellphone he had in his pocket. Thus discovering that the cellphone was actually responsible for bringing me to this different dimension.

There were various applications on the cellphone.

Different dimensions, weather, map, etc…

But as much as I searched, I couldn't find the reincarnation function.

How did this old man intend to send me to another world?

Wait… could it be…

A hoax?

But this cellphone was real, I made sure of it by testing the weather app. Making it sunny in this different dimension.

So… if this old man is not a hoax… Could I be stronger than a god?

That's crazy even for me.

Suddenly, the dimension I was in seemed to split in half.

Only to regenerate seconds later.

But then, I saw someone in the distance, walking towards me.

"What the hell is this?"

Walking towards me.

A muscular man with clothes that seemed smaller than necessary to make him look more muscular.

That wasn't the problem.

The problem was that the man's head was a damn truck!

Holy shit! I must have used drugs without knowing.

I knew I shouldn't have trusted that kid who sold me chocolates.

"It seems you managed to deal with that troublemaker."

"Eh? Eh?"

This guy with a truck head, can he talk?

"Yes, why couldn't I? I am the God of Trucks."

Even reading thoughts? Ok, he is really a god.

The God of Trucks walked up to me and pointed at the old man on the ground.

"This guy is an old acquaintance of mine. Once he was the God responsible for sending people destined to reincarnate in Chinese cultivation worlds."

I knew it! This old man never fooled me!

"This former God committed a grave error and was deposed from his position, thus losing his powers. But who could have imagined that at the moment he was deposed, he went mad? He even stole the divine cellphone."

Ignoring my thoughts, the God of Trucks spoke.

Divine cellphone? Despite being able to change the weather and go to other dimensions, I didn't find anything 'divine' about the cellphone.


If what this 'God of Trucks' is saying is true. Then who was sending trucks to isekai me?

"I didn't target you... although you were destined to be sent to another world, I never targeted you. In fact, every time I sent a truck, I was actually warning you to get out of the area because the old man was approaching."

"If you can send trucks like that, then why didn't you deal with this old man? You know, you are the God of Trucks? Can't you do that?"

After these events, it was impossible for me to fully trust this 'God of Trucks'.

"Things don't work like that, boy. This world is more complicated than you imagine. We Gods cannot directly interfere in this world, I only appeared here because this man brought you to a different dimension."

Despite feeling that something was wrong with this explanation, I nodded my head, just wanting to get back to my home.

The God of Trucks seemed to understand my thoughts.

"I can see that you're tired, how about this? I'll stop trying to get you isekai'd. I'll even give you a bit of luck."

"Whatever, I just want to go back."

"Yes, yes."

Understanding my wish, the God of Trucks touched the old man lying on the ground with his left hand, making him disappear to who knows where.

"Alright, I'll handle things here. I will bring you back to your dimension."

Saying this, the God of Trucks snapped his fingers.

In the blink of an eye, I was back at the entrance of the school.

Sounds of laughter and conversations echoed all around.

Students were entering the school.

Yes! I'm back!

I did a little fist pump in the air as a celebration of being back.

Finally, I could sleep without worrying about being isekai'd.

And if that God of Trucks didn't lie, my luck has increased.

Getting a girlfriend and some friends won't be a problem. I can't wait!

As I took my first step into the school.

I felt my vision darken.

I had let my guard down.

I trusted the word of that damn God of Trucks.

I knew there was something strange with those two.

That old man… They must have planned this together.

They must be laughing at me now.

A truck collided with me.

After avoiding being isekai'd for years…

I finally lost.

I admit my defeat.

You won.

Truck-kun, or rather…


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