
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Wind Wolf King

After Rona walked back to the room and changed into a new dress, she went to the medicine cabinet to rummage through the herbs, and got herself a potion for oral administration. After drinking it with the healing magic, her face turned rosy.

"Didn't you go to collect medicine? Why are you still injured?" Claire asked with concern.

Rona was still in the embarrassment that just happened, her face was still a little flushed, "I was attacked by a monster while collecting medicine."

Claire's eyes flickered, this is the big treasure of Nafu City, nothing can go wrong.

"Let some knights follow you when you go out in the future, to ensure safety."

Rona shook her head, "No, it's just an accident." She was still not used to being followed to protect her.

"That's okay, you tell me you were attacked by monsters in that area, and tomorrow I'll ask Hunter to bring people and magic scrolls to wipe out all the monsters that threaten you in that area."

Hearing these words, Rona's heart warmed, but she shook her head abruptly, "No, this situation won't happen in the future." She felt that Claire didn't have to go to great lengths to do these things for herself.

"You are a member of Nafu City, and you are the best doctor in Nafu City. How can you ignore it when you are attacked? Tell me, what kind of monster attacked you."

Rona hesitated for a while, but finally said: "The Gale Wolves, I didn't find any medicine in the fast area before. It should be the Gale Wolves that wandered over recently."

"The Gale Wolves?" Claire wondered.

Rona nodded, "Yes, that's a pack of a hundred or so wolves, and there's a second-level hurricane wolf king. The wounds in the back are from it."

Claire's eyes suddenly lit up, it's okay if you don't say so, I'll give you another reason to avenge you!

In Rona's eyes, those were more than a hundred vicious beasts, but in Claire's eyes, they were more than a hundred mounts that ran faster than Hunt and the others! I was still worried about where to buy so many mounts, but now they are delivered to my door.

"Stop talking!" Claire waved her hand, "I'll go there tomorrow too!"


"Oh yes! I came to see you today on business." Claire took out the black seed from her bosom, "Here's to you, see what you can plant."

"What is this?" Rona took it and felt it, "Magic plant?"

Claire shook her head, "I don't know either. What I found when I was packing should be passed down from my ancestors. Do you think it's a magical plant?"

Rona closed her eyes again and felt it carefully, "There is indeed magic flowing in it, it should be a magical plant..."

Claire smiled slightly, it seemed that the seed that was traded was not useless at all.

"Then leave it to you, anyway, I don't know what I can cultivate."

Rona nodded and put away the black seeds. She has magic that can make plants grow quickly. In a few days, she will be able to see what this magic plant is.

"Let's rest early, we will set off together tomorrow." Claire smiled, then said goodbye to Rona and walked out of the yard.


Suddenly, a shout came from behind. Claire stopped and looked back. The sentence just now was not from the spiritual connection, but from Rona herself.

"I just learned this sentence..." Rona said weakly.

Claire then remembered that she had called the other party to learn Common Tongue before, and then blinked, "The Common Tongue you speak is not standard!"

Rona's face flushed again, she had learned it for a long time, and Claire smiled and slipped out, lest the other party smash him into anger.

The next day, Claire took Hunter and more than 30 knights and rode out of Nafu City on horses, with Rona as a guide and ran towards the branch mountain range of the Beast Mountains.

At the foot of the mountain, everyone dismounted and began to enter the mountain. Claire put a light technique on herself, but she could still keep up with their pace.

After entering the mountain range, the next thing was to listen to Rona. She led the crowd to turn left and right and walked in the forest for an unknown amount of time. Claire thought she had a good sense of direction, but when she got here, he It is expected that it will be difficult for him to even go back the same way, but Rona is still very comfortable.

Rona suddenly stopped the crowd: "Stop! I smell them here. It should have been less than two hours since I left."

Claire nodded at Hant. Hant immediately took the more than 30 knights and started to lay traps in an orderly manner. Claire was not idle, and set up a few magic circles on the ground that could trap the wolves. Then he began to find some herbs nearby to cover up the atmosphere of the crowd.

The next step is to wait quietly...

After another hour or two, there was movement on the trap set up. First there was a thumping sound, followed by a wolf howling, and then the scattered wolves met the ones that Claire arranged. A magic circle, the howls of wolves echoed in the forest one after another.

"Go!" Claire gave an order, and Hunter rushed up with someone, followed by Claire and Rona.

When I arrived at the scene, I found that more than 50% of the wolves had fallen into the trap, and there was a wolf king who was obviously different from the other wolves and exuded silver light. The wolves inside were rescued.

And this is why Claire set up traps. If it is just ambush, even if the wolves are defeated, they will use their own advantages to run away. That is the wind-type monster, not to mention Claire and others in the forest chasing after them. not on.

And if more than 50% of the wolves were trapped, the wolf king would definitely not be able to abandon so many wolves to escape, otherwise the entire wolves would be severely damaged and could only confront Claire and the others head-on.

"Go and restrain those wolf cubs who are not trapped!" Hunt ordered, and the knights in armor rushed up immediately.

However, Hante's eyes were staring at the Galewind Wolf King in front of him. The Galewind Wolf King also stopped and continued to attack the magic circle. A pair of sinister eyes kept scanning Hant's body.

"Ow!" The Wind Wolf King roared in the sky.

Then the four claws grabbed the ground hard, and the whole wolf turned into a silver wind and attacked Hant. Hant's pupils shrank, and he couldn't see the opponent's movements at all. He could only use the big sword across his chest as a defense.


The sound of the impact sounded, and Hunter was repelled by two or three steps, while the corner of the wolf king's mouth showed a humanized mockery, and he arched his body to strike again.


A blue lightning strike sprang from Claire's fingertips, hitting the head of the Galewind Wolf King.

The Wind Wolf King jumped back, dodging the blow, and the place he was standing before was blasted into a big hole by the lightning strike. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The Wind Wolf King, who had dodged a blow, turned his gaze from Hunter to Claire, with a look of fear in his eyes, and at the same time his body slowly retreated.

But Hunter also saw it at this time, the opponent was not retreating at all, but was accumulating energy! Immediately, his body flashed and stopped in front of Claire.

In the next second, the wolf king slammed towards Claire, but he was stopped by Hunter, so he could only slap a claws on Hunter's chest angrily, tore open three large holes in his armor, and The flesh and blood inside was also turned out.

"Huh!" Hunter breathed a sigh of relief, the injury was not serious with the armor blocking him, but it would have been bad if the shot just fell to Lord Lord.

Rona, who was behind her, immediately performed a healing technique on Hunter in front of her, almost instantly healing the injury.

Seeing that his attack didn't work, the wolf king was treated instead. He grinned angrily, revealing his white teeth, and a powerful aura emanated from his body.

"Hunt out of the way, this is a magic attack, your armor can't stop it without this enchantment." Claire, a magician, sensed it with just her breath.

Sure enough, the wolf king opened his mouth, and a wind blade condensed on its mouth, and then attacked Hunter at a very fast speed, but Hunter turned over and avoided the blow with Claire's reminder.

Claire squeezed out a wind blade with her backhand and shot it towards the wind blade. The two collided. Claire's wind blade was regarded as smashed into pieces, but the wind blade launched by the wolf king was also disrupted. He turned in the direction and shot elsewhere.

The direction of the shot collapsed an unknown number of big trees, and the power caused by it was no less than Claire's previous lightning strike.