
Start As a Lord In a Viscount

Fortunately, he is a magician himself, and he also has the ability to trade across borders. Then he had to develop his own viscount, and the traded Dali Pills could increase his power? ! The exercises traded from the martial arts world can actually make the knights under his command greatly reduce the time to awaken the fighting spirit? ! And what’s the deal with a dragon? After many years… The people in the territory sighed: “Thanks to the Lord for saving us, who are living in dire straits, let us know what is truly alive.” “Religion? Serious people who believe in that stuff must believe in the science propaganda by the Lord!” Every businessman who came to the territory could not help but sigh: “This is the greatest city I have ever seen, no one.” “Lord Claire, your reputation is known to everyone from the orc kingdom in the extreme west to the mermaid kingdom in the sunrise!”

Mrchampions · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
153 Chs


"What else is there?" Claire asked suspiciously.

"Mrs. Sophia, the countess of the August family, intends to cooperate with us to sell the goods in our store together."

"Oh?" Claire said in surprise, "What's the background of this?"

"Like my family, it's a family that deals in business. She is on the same level as my father, so she shouldn't be interested in our petty fights, but she still found me on a trustee and said It's about cooperating."

"Does she have any advantages?"

"The stores below her are all over the kingdom. It is said that Temi Bank is also a part of her. If we connect with her, we will reduce a lot of costs, and we will only make more money and not lose money." Xia En was afraid Claire continued to explain unclearly: "If we want to open a store in every city in the kingdom, it will cost a lot of money."

"If that's the case, why don't you cooperate." Claire shrugged, as long as you can make money, why not do it.

Xia En also smiled and said, "I think so too, but you are the major shareholder of the store, so I came here to ask your opinion."

"In a few days, I'll go to the capital in person and bring new merchandise with me."

"I'll just send someone to deliver things like shredded squid. You don't need to trouble the Viscount."

Claire smiled mysteriously, "It's not just shredded squid."

Shane was surprised. Could it be that there are new products?

"Crack!" As soon as Claire snapped her fingers, Yuna brought two bowls of soup and placed them in front of Shane.

"This is?"

"Do you taste it first and see if the taste is different?" Claire smiled slightly.

Looking at the pretending to be mysterious Claire, Shane used a spoon to scoop a spoonful of soup into his mouth. After tasting it carefully, he felt that there was no surprise. Then he put the spoon into the second bowl of soup, and the soup had just entered his mouth. Inside, Shane's eyes seemed to light up, and after tasting it, he impatiently scooped up another spoonful and put it in his mouth.

"It tastes so fresh!" Shane exclaimed.

Claire also took out a brand new wooden box from the space ring just in time, opened it and pushed it in front of Shane, and introduced, "This is MSG."

The iodized salt has been manufactured. How could Claire forget about the condiment MSG? It was extracted from kelp anyway, so it wasn't too much effort.

"Is this bowl of soup so delicious because of this addition?"

"Yes, what do you think of the price?" Claire said easily.

Shane smiled, "It's the same price as iodized salt!"

After Claire's ideological baptism, he has become a qualified profiteer who specializes in cheating nobles. What is there to earn the money of the poor, where can the money of the nobles come fast!

"Yes, but it has not been mass-produced yet. When I arrive in the capital, I will bring it to you together."

"no problem!"

The two chatted for a while. After Claire invited Xia En to have a meal, Xia En returned to the capital and did not stay in Nafu City for a long time.


Two days later, the market in the East District was finally built, and there were many people watching.

Claire had asked Reagan to publicize this long ago, but the crowds who came were all standing outside and no one dared to go in and set up a stall.

"Is this a market? It's different from those shops."

"The shops have all moved here. In the future, if we want to buy things, we have to come here to buy things."

"The Viscount has issued an announcement. You can buy and sell things at will here. You don't have to take your own things to sell in the shops. Not only do you have less money and sometimes you get more and you don't charge, but you can sell as much as you want here."

"Really? Then why doesn't anyone sell things?"

"You're stupid, take a look first, and wait for others to enter before entering. What if there is any problem? There was no such thing as a market in Nafu City before."

"This is an announcement issued by the Viscount. You don't even believe the Viscount?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I naturally believe in the Viscount, but even if the Viscount is not here, I feel a little flustered. Let's go after others, so be safe!"

Reagan looked at the people who were standing outside the market and didn't dare to take a step inside. The young master gave up so much of his profits to you, and you were all too scared.

"You can come in and set up a stall with only three copper coins!" Regan shouted loudly.

When they heard that they had to spend three copper coins in advance, the resistance of those people became stronger, and they took a few steps back. Before they made any money, they had to spend three copper coins first. They were reluctant.

Mainly because Claire didn't come to the scene, and Reagan didn't have his appeal here at all. If Claire was there, these people would definitely spend those three copper coins without hesitation.

Regan had a bitter face. He thought it was enough for him, but he didn't expect it to be so troublesome without the young master.

He quickly instructed his subordinates, "Quickly go to the Viscount's Mansion and invite the young master over."


The man quickly got into the carriage and drove in the direction of the Viscount's Mansion.

At this time, there was a woman in the crowd who was very hesitant with two baskets of agricultural products. She was a single mother, and she went to the wild to pick some agricultural products to sell in Nafu City, but the purchase price in the store was always low. I can't even get enough food for the price I get.

So when I first heard the news about the market, I was looking forward to the day when the market was built.

It's just that she finally waited, but no one dared to go in and set up a stall. Even though she believed in the Viscount's policy, she didn't dare to stand out in the eyes of the public and became the first one to set up a stall in the market.

He looked around for a long time, but still no one wanted to go in.

And she also went to those stores to ask about her two baskets of agricultural products. Even if she received all of them, it would only be ten copper coins, and she could not even get back the cost. There are still children at home waiting for her to buy food and go back. If this If the two baskets didn't sell for the corresponding price, the family would only be able to eat the things they picked in the next few days, and they might even be hungry.

But what she didn't know was that the purchase price was deliberately lowered by Claire in order to attract more people to the market.

The crowd was still chatting non-stop, and the woman's hand holding the basket turned white with increasing strength, as if to make up her own mind, she closed her eyes directly, turned away from the crowd, and moved towards Reagan. walked over.

"These are three copper coins..." Her voice was as weak as a mosquito.

After handing the three copper coins to Reagan, he entered the market without even daring to hear the outside voice.

The people outside were talking a lot, "Someone paid to go in."

"I went in, but no one might buy it."

"That's right, I thought about it just now, but it makes sense to hear you say that."

"It's too early, I'm more willing to go to the store to buy it."

"Me too."

Listening to the discussion outside, the woman lowered her head and began to struggle in her heart whether the three copper coins she spent were worth it.


Gradually, the voices outside suddenly became silent, but she still did not dare to look up, for fear that what she saw were those faces mocking her ignorance.

Until a gentle voice came from in front of him, "How much is this corn?"

Since she kept her head down~www.mtlnovel.com~ did not see any guests coming, and she became panicked because of her inexperience.

He raised his head quickly and said, "Ah! This corn is one copper coin and three pieces. If you buy more, I can give you a few more... Zi... Lord Viscount?!"

Only then did she understand why the voices outside had dropped, and it turned out that the Viscount was here!

"Okay." Claire picked up three corns at random, then took out three golden coins from his arms and put them in the other's hand.

"Lord Viscount, this is too much!" The woman quickly stood up and wanted to return the gold coins.

"Too much? I think it's just right. If you believe that I am willing to spend three copper coins in, then the three gold coins I will give you will be your reward." Claire turned back.

The onlookers outside looked at the three gold coins, their eyes dazed, most of them had never seen so much money in their lives.

Before they could react, Claire rode the wolf king and left, leaving only the shocked woman and the sluggish onlookers outside the market.

It wasn't until half a minute after Claire left that the crowd of onlookers outside reacted and rushed towards Regan.

"Lord Regan, these are my three copper coins! I'm going to go in and set up a stall!"

"These are my three copper coins, don't stop me!"

"Do you have anything to sell! Go in and set up a stall!"

"I don't care, I'm going to occupy a booth."

"Who is the person who said that he will have a few more days? I planned to go up. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have been the first to enter the market and get a reward from the Viscount!"

After Claire left, the market became lively.