
A devastating welcome home

The carriage came to a sudden halt as we reached the Kingdom gates. I came back to reality as the voice of the courtier spoke to me. " We have arrived Sir Vincent. Welcome home". I opened the curtains and low and behold....The Kingdom Starlight in all its beauty.

We entered the gates and all the towns folk crowded the streets with flowers and gifts. Dances of rejoice were danced, cheers and songs of joy were heard. This Kingdom I served, no longer needed to live in fear of being attacked anymore.

We came to a stop in front of the castle. Stepping out, I was greeted with warm cheers of my people. How long it had been since I've seen their smiles. I nodded off the courtier and he went on his way.

Here I stood, in front of the people who kept their hopes up and lend me some of their strength in this battle that I had won. Taking a deep breath I spoke. "My dear Towns Folk. We no longer need to live in fear of being attacked again. As I, Vincent Scroff, have defeated the Enemy for good!"

The crowd applauded and cheered once more as I turned my back and entered the castle doors. The evocative smell rushed to me as I traced my fingers along the engravings on the walls. Today was the day...I would see my beloved princess and finally make her mine.

Before I can make it to her room I could hear small murmurs from another. Being the nosy person I am, I listened in through the cracked door. "How can we ever tell Sir Vincent. He will be devastated by the news." One of the female maids spoke.

"We have to tell him, It'll only be worse if he finds out himself. It's better if we tell him now then let him see the girl" The other spoke. What were they talking about? It seemed that there was something wrong with the princess...at least that was the only girl that they could've been talking about.

In a swift movement I left the maids and rushed to the princesses room. Opening the door my heart sank to the floor. There my love lay, still and quiet. I ran up to the bed and fell to my knees. As I went to hold her hand....it felt cold and lifeless.

Tears formed in my eyes and everything around me didn't matter anymore. "Please don't tell me...I have failed to protect my princess..." Just as I was about to break down, a hand touched my back. "She is not dead...but rather in an eternal sleep. We do not know how to fix it....we've contacted all the Wizards and witches in the kingdom and so far all say that they cannot help"

I turned my head and saw the queen at my side. "I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you to see your daughter in this state huh? Mrs.Summers?" I spoke, tears rolling down my face. "No...I cannot imagine how hard it is for you to come back and see your soon to be wife in this state"

"How did you--" I began but she cut my words of. Her pruned hands caressed my face, wiping the tears away. "I could just tell...from the moment you laid eyes on my daughter, that you would love her so dearly and marry her. And I, Mary Summers, Queen of Starlight...give you my blessing to marry my daughter when she wakes from this eternal sleep"

I closed my eyes and nodded as a thank you. Turning my gaze back to my sleeping beauty. I pressed my lips against her fair skin. "Please wake from this curse soon. I've missed you so much" I spoke in a whisper. Mrs. Summers had left the room shortly after to leave me and the Princess alone.

" My dear Naliya Summers. I know you probably can't hear me but, If you can...I just wanted to tell you that my love for you never left." I turned to the drawers next to her and opened the bottom one, Pulling out a box. "Today was supposed to be the day that I came home...got down on one knee and finally build up the courage to say...Will you marry me Princess Naliya Summers, of the Kingdom Starlight." I placed my warm and scarred hands on her delicate face. "But I guess I was too late..."

I let out a slow and deep breath as I got up. I knew I couldn't sit around and mourn all day. I had to try and get work done or at least find the cause of why she had so suddenly fell into a state of slumber. I kissed Naliya on the forehead and whispered, "I'll be back soon" Then I took my leave.

Walking through the corridors felt lonelier than usual as the gentle voice of the princess was not here to speak to me any more. Once I reached my room I noticed a letter on my desk with amber ink that was used for the writing.

Without hesitation I ripped it open and unfolded the letter that was inside. I traced my eyes metallic over and over again. A fire rose in my chest as I read on causing me to punch a hole into the wall. I knew I could feel a dark magic somewhere within the fallen kingdom. Why did I turn a blind eye to it. All of this could've been easily avoided If I checked back thoroughly.

Once more I brought the letter to my face and read again: " Dearest Vincent.

You really think you killed me? Well think again. You took everything away from me...and now it's your turn to feel my pain and grief, as I take away what's most dear to you. I won't say what but I'm sure you already guessed what it was or maybe...saw what it was. Alas that is all that needed to be said. See you soon Sir Vincent."

I ran my fingers through my Jet black hair and let out a frustrated huff. There was no signature of who wrote the letter, but I already had a person in mind who could've done this. There was a sneaky snake in the castle and it was my duty to find it and kill it for good this time.