
An abrupt awakening

It was around midnight. A light dew had started to form on the grass causing it to shine from the little light that could reach it. He sat in his driveway for a minute trying not to doze off in his car. He was tired, this was the fifth day in a row he'd been out this late. Alistair slowly opened the door to his Jeep and reluctantly stepped into the cold.

After making his way up to the door he realized it was cracked open. Alistair reached down to his waist only to curse himself. He had left his pistol in his room, he rarely left home without it. He reached into his pocket and flipped open a pocket knife. He held it like an assassin waiting to drop on its prey.

He slowly pushed the door open and made his way into the closest room, it was empty. The bed was still made and nothing looked amiss. He made his way to his room and retrieved his pistol. After looking throughout the house he noticed nothing missing and assumed he might have left the door open on accident as rare as that was.

Alistair showered and got into some basketball shorts and an old college t-shirt before making his way into the living room. He checked his phone and noticed he had two missed calls from his roommate. He shrugged it off figuring if it was important, she would've also texted him.

As Alistair laid there he felt calmness overcome him as his eyes rested on the clock. It was a quarter past one and he was finally falling asleep, he let the calmness take hold and slowly drifted off.

His brain jolted him awake, he knew that feeling. It was one that saved his life several times overseas. There was something wrong but he couldn't move. He glanced at the clock.

"Thats not right, I havent even been asleep for five minutes. Why can't I move?" he thought to himself.

An overwhelming feeling of dread crept its way into Alistair. His eyes darted over every inch of the room before finally resting on a dark figure in the corner. He refused to look away and noticed this thing was flickering like a dancing black flame. Alistair's heart began to pound in his chest as he continued to stare at this sinister figure.

Eyes and a mouth appeared on what Alistair assumed was its face. The eyes were pure white and its teeth were perfect with a pronounced set of fangs.

The shadow let out with a deep and commanding voice "Boy, do you fear death?".

Alistair still couldn't move but refused to look away. His body still paralyzed, he figured he couldn't speak so he remained silent.

"Silent in the face of death my boy. Tell me, is it because of bravery or fear that you do not speak" the shadow spoke with a change in tone and a smile.

Alistair found he could move his mouth and decided to speak. "I fear death, but I do not fear you". Alistair wanted nothing more then to live but he could not move and accepted his fate.

The shadow smirked upon hearing this and approached Alistair. "Boy, you're much to weak now." The shadow held out a hand. Alistair's eyes widened as he saw what was in the palm of the shadows hand. A sinister looking purple flame danced around as if it had a mind of its own. The shadow stopped before him and spoke again, "I will give you the strength for whats to come, you will be my heir in due time."

The shadow placed its palm on Alistairs head and commanded the flames to confine his body in its unholy embrace. Alistair's eyes turned marble white much like the shadows as the flame seared off his flesh. The pain was excruciating, he could do nothing but scream.

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