
Chapter 1: Hidden Agenda

I've lived my whole life aware of my own ability to operate at a wavelength much higher than the average human being. Not to say that I've always been, or even now, have obtained some sense of perfection. Similarly, I've never encountered one specific enlightenment. There have been various moments which have led to me coming to different conclusions, but if I were to glorify one of those specific moments as some sort of turning point in my life would be degrading to my own belief that life isn't about one specific period in time. In fact, to me, life isn't about time at all. Sure, it just so happens to be one of the most important things on our minds, whether it be deciding when to wake up, when to eat your first meal, or when to go to sleep. Tome is simply always on our minds. But I challenge you, for a second, to imagine the world without the human construct of time. We would be completely fine. Less efficient? Quite possibly, but it's not out of the realm of possibilities that we survive without it.

Anyway, life as we know it is a collection of experiences happening all at once. Be it, you as an individual human, or a coral in the middle of the ocean living it's life wave after after wave. We all experience life in a different way, and there's no reason we can't all be happy.

Unfortunately, there's shit that exists in this world that inhibits our ability to prosper and be happy as a globe. For one, humans are a very ignorant species. We are often times very negative, and fail to see how poorly we are managing our own sustainability and that of the planets. I think that after centuries of social hierarchies, the only way certain people have found the ability to stay on top is through money. I believe that it's going to lead to a downfall in society. I acknowledge that the idea of currency is extremely efficient in a world where people need to buy, sell, and make things, but wow does it bring out the worst in people.

Let's take a step back and think about something money has caused humans to do. One day, in an era where currency was valued through gold, silver, etc., a country decided that it would be a good idea to send missionaries and sailors ima conquest to foreign lands. In the process of fulfilling God's duty of spreading the word of the Lord, not only are people slaughtered, women raped, and diseases introduced, but the gold and all other precious jewels of these locations was taken as well.

I think it's time we stop glorifying something so toxic, and start breaking every barrier our haunting past has created, because believe it or not there are people with a lot of money who have hidden agendas of keeping consumers and the common folk from rising in social status. We must break free from the power of wealth, and. Whom to enjoy the simple things again.