
The Williams

San Francisco, Pacific Heights.

Penthouse Apartment.

Helen Williams had just returned home from the hospital. For a leading cardiothoracic surgeon on the west coast, her expression looked really twitchy. Her 8 year old daughter had made a mess of the living room with her toys and dolls. She cursed her husband for being so lenient with their daughter. She had always been patient with her children. Thankfully all 3 of her children had a calm temperament. Thinking of her son her heart ached.

Mia Williams still had not felt the presence of her mother. She was busy playing with her dollhouse.

" Sis Bella, this dress really looks good on you. You definitely look like mom in this dress. You should not show it to Mumma. She will be angry with Mia if she knows Mia has stolen the dress." Mia was blabbering as she played with on of her dolls. All the dolls had been specifically assigned to each family member.

"Big brother, you should not sleep in the afternoon. Mumma says you get fat if u sleep in the afternoon." That was said to a doll that was kept as though it was sleeping.

"Mumma doesn't like it when you sleep. Hmmph.

I am not sharing my cookies if you make Mumma unhappy".

Helen felt her heart twisting when she heard her daughter saying this.

"Hi baby. How can you say that to your big brother? You know that he loves you the most."

When Mia had been born Logan had been ecstatic. She was his favourite person. He loved spending time with her. When Mia was 2 years old tragedy took place and her baby had been unresponsive since then. Helen felt her eyes sting.

"Mumma, you were listening secretly what Mia said. You listen secretly is bad. Are u thinking of big brother Mumma? "

Mia and her family visited big brother every month. Her Mumma would always be sad after coming home. She knew she had a big brother but her brother was always sleeping. He never played with her. Boys were mean. Her father was right. Stay away from boys.

Helen felt warm listening to her daughter. Her daughter had always been very sharp in understanding her moods. "Mumma was thinking about my little princess." Helen swooped her into her arms and gave her kiss.

" Ooohhh look Bella. Someone says I spoil my princess too much and she does the same" said Arthur Williams as he entered the living room with Isabella Williams.

"Princess come give Daddy a hug."

"Big sis Bella.." leaving her mother's embrace little Mia ran towards Bella.

Arthur, "...." who got stood up with his arms open. Helen giggled looking at her goofy husband who was looking so disappointed. Arthur looked at her wife and gave his devilish smile saying" Hi honey. How was your day?"

Arthur Williams was well respected criminal defence lawyer who a partner at a well reputed firm. Giving a brief peck to his wife he sat on the sofa looking at Mia showing her sister the dollhouse.

"Had back to back surgeries today. I am so tired." said Helen resting her head on her husbands shoulder.

Helen's phone started ringing. Caller ID showed Matilda. She frowned, feeling nervous and apprehensive thought whether her baby was alright. Why was she calling her?

"Hello Helen, it's Matilda."

"Hi Matilda. What's going on?"

"Helen. He is awake. Logan is awake." said Matilda barely containing her excitement.

"Whaaatt! " Helen stood upright in her place. "Tilly plz don't joke about this"

" Do you think so less of me Helen. He is awake. His brain function is showing improvement" said Matilda angrily.

Arthur could sense something was wrong with his wife. Tears started streaming down Helen's face. In a trembling voice she looked at Arthur and said" My baby... our baby. He is awake. My son is awake Arthur... Tilly, we will be there as soon as possible. We will talk when we see. See u soon. Bye. Tilly... Thanks!"

She looked at her husband who was always goofy and happy feeling apprehensive yet excited talking on his phone trying to book tickets for the earliest flight.

She called out to Mia and Isabella. " Girls. Go pack your things. We are going to see your big brother," she said.

"Is big brother going to play with me this time? "

"Yes baby your big brother has woken up."

Bella has been 8 when Logan got into the accident. Her brother had always been looking after her. She always felt like she could do anything if her brother was there. Her eyes felt hot. She felt her eyes fill up.

Mia looked at her mother and sister. She felt boys are really mean..

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