
The Forces Child

Palpatine was having an absolute delightful time in the senate this evening.

Watching the little senators squabble over such trivial things such as alien rights and taxes being too high.

It always sent a pleasant chill down his spine when the poor fools actually believed they were doing anything of use.

4 years of this and he still hadn't rid himself off this little guilty pleasure. Watching them squirm while their Emperor stood above them all, ready to sweetly talk to them until they realized they're whole entire argument was destroyed.

Oh he loved it so.

"People are starving in the Mid Rim, we tax them for all they are worth, for absolutely no reason, I propose a new bill" a sweet voice mixed with absolute stubbornness rung out once again.

Yes this is the one he took the most pleasure in crushing, from his own home planet, the lovely Senator Amidala. It was adorable, her little posse with Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and others he could care less about.

He opened his lips with a wide smirk hidden behind a dark cloak.

"Hey is this damn thing on?!"

Everyone ceased talking as a random holo recorder activated from the Senator of Eriadu.

A tall broad shouldered young man was seen, shoulder length hair flowed behind him and it seemed like some being was crying in the background.

"What is the meaning of this?" Palpatine questioned the Senator.

The man raised his hands in the air, trying to imply he did not know. He fiddled with the device trying to stop it but nothing came from it.

"Hello you disgusting peices of bantha poodoo, my name is Anakin Skywalker, and this disgusting peice of slime behind me that is crying like a little Baay Shfat, is the illustrious, the beautiful, the dashing Jabba The Hutt."

Gasps rung across the entire Senate chamber, the Daiymo of the Hutt clan was crying, almost whimpering behind a human man?

The man than smiled, sending a chill to spread even to the Sith Lord above him. Of course he would never admit this to sentient life form.

"Oh, I forgot, this is what remains of Nal Hutta" the man was seen grabbing the recorder and made it look outside the windows of the large skyscraper the 2 beings were in.

Buildings were seen absolutely demolished, Hutts were seen being brutally stabbed and shot at while screaming for mercy.

"I brought my old best buddy Jabba to his home Kriff hole just to watch it all pan out, and oh isn't just glorious" Palpatine scowled at the scene, the Hutts were very big business partners of his.

"I know you guys don't know how to do all this so I will do it for you, slavery is abolished, all sentient life forms seen trying to buy or claim another sentient life form will be brutally, and I mean brutally, prosecuted" the man's smile grew, he pulled out a pure white light saber, shocking the entire Senate once more.

Than with one swift motion Jabba The Hutt was decapitated, his head quickly plopping to the floor, the whole off Nal Hutta shook with the yells of freedom.

The white saber was now pointed towards Palpatine the man's gaze turning predatory.

"And you Darth Sidious have been allowing this to transpire, even manipulating it to your advantage. It took me 12 years to destroy the Hutts, let us see how long you last Sith Slag, oh and also you forgot about this guy" a pale human like being was pulled into the room.

The Grand Inquisitor, one of the scariest figures in the Empire and the leader of the Outer Rim Armada.

Tears ran down the man's face as Palpatine watched on with a confused frown.

The Grand Inquisitor, the 3rd strongest force being in the Empire was seen kneeling to this "Anakin Skywalker". His eyes were completely bloodshot but you could still see the absolute terror that they contained.

Than his head was turned 180 degrees.

A yawn was heard from the Anakin.

"I'm not a Jedi old man, I'm going to look forwards to seeing your head on a pike and all your Moffs strewn about like the trash they are, all Hutt ships are mine, all my brotheren shall be free and at the ready. Empire, I hope you have an absolutely fantastic today, because tomorrow you shall have war."

The holo recorder dropped onto the Eriadu Senators lap, the man looked at it as if it were going to melt off his skin.

Palpatine growled, how dare this insignificant SLAVE TALK TO HIM LIKE THIS!!!!

His anger quickly grew to hatred, even his apprentice could feel it from star systems away.

The Senate building shook with the dark sides rage.

Senators Monthma, Organa and Amidala all looked at each other. Sweat dripping down each of there brows.

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