
Chapter 94

Jacen's pink blade came crashing down but it was knocked away by Jial's bare hands. Well, Force covered hands.

The father and son were undergoing some training like usual with Jial giving Jacen some advice in the middle of the battle.

"Don't lose yourself in anger. That is for the weak," Jial reprimanded while knocking the blade away once more

"Only the strong can properly channel their anger as a tool. Those who use their anger to compensate for their weakness get consumed by it."

"Shut up, Old Man!" Jacen didn't want to hear it, his eyes fully turning yellow

'I am going to be the next leader of the Yautja. I am the son of the the strongest man and best duelist. I can easily tame the Dark Side to my will!'

Jial could easily read his son's thoughts while barely using the Force. His anger and arrogance was almost palpable.

"You are far too arrogant for your own good," Jial informed him before not even blocking the next blow but making a counterattack instead.

Jial's fist collided with his son's solar plexus, knocking him several meters away and the wind out of him.

The teen clutched his chest while trying to breathe once more.

Jial simply stood over his son and did not make any move to assist him.

"You think that because you are my child, that makes you as strong as me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Even after all the education you have been given, you are barely a Padawan. While you have been blessed with resources and talent, your lack of discipline is what holds you back."

Jial walked away from his son on the floor not willing to say anything else to him. He had been trying to impart the lesson onto the boy for years but he refused to learn.

Jacen watched his father walk away with resentment.

'What do you mean I haven't tried hard enough? I train plenty! It is all of you that are holding me back.'

In Jacen's mind, he had done everything right. Instead, it was because everyone had refused to teach him more advanced skills that he could not surpass them, not taking into account that when he was not forced to train, he would do nothing but play around.

Jacen was so consumed in his thoughts that he did not realize several individuals were watching the sparring session.

"Don't learn from him, Anakin. A warrior must accept their faults and weaknesses. Them they either try to eliminate them or compensate for them," Kira advised the 10-year-old.

"Understood, Master Kira," Anakin made sure to remember Jacen's sorry figure. He never wanted to be beaten like that.

"Good. Let us head off to go and study some more," the older man pulled Anakin by the shoulder, no longer letting him view the scene.

He only showed Anakin the fight because he wanted for Anakin to see the wrong path that Jacen had taken but he didn't want to humiliate the teen by letting the kid just see him lying on the ground and unable to get up.

As the pair were walking out of the compound, they saw one of the Yautja-Wolves. She had vibrant blue fur with random strands of silver that made it seem like lightning was spilling off of her as she ran.

"Korina! Kira yelled out, catching the attention of the wolf. The wolves regularly visited Wyne so some of the members had gotten close to them.

Korina looked at the pair and narrowed her eyes. She let out a low growl when she saw who was calling her.

"Bastard!" she yelled before opening her mouth and unleashing a powerful Force Push

Kira laughed while firing back his own push. Although weaker than hers, it had enough strength to reduce the power behind hers into nothing more than a strong wind when it reached the pair

"Are you still upset about that little prank?" Kira asked while barely holding back his laugh

"I had a flying Servum chasing me for an hour before I was able to kill it!" she yelled before firing a blast of Force Lightning from her mouth

Kira brought out his lightsaber and blocked the lightning but was pushed back by several meters before he could hold his ground.

Luckily for Anakin, Korina had enough control to direct the blast only at Kira. Otherwise, he would have been burnt to a crisp

Korina was not the beta of the pack just because of her beautiful fur afterall.

Seeing that she had pushed him back, the wolf let out a snort of disdain before running off.

Kira watched her leave with a twinkle in his eyes.

'I gotta prank her again. She gives the best reactions.'

Anakin looked at his teacher and shook his head.

'I'm gonna need a new master. Master Kira is gonna die soon.'

Unaware that his student was predicting his death, Kira brought the boy back to mother.

He had forgotten all about his plans to train him that day as his mind had been occupied by the ferocious look that Korina gave him.

While Kira was trying to get himself killed, another person was in a very dangerous position.

Jial was facing his wife who was starring daggers at him and had two lightsabers at her hips.

"I told you to have some bonding time. Not another training session," she informed him through gritted teeth

Jial felt frustrated as well. He didn't want to just have another training session as well but Jacen was stubborn.

He offered to go hunting? He was rejected.

Offered to fly their ships together. Rejected.

Asked him if he wanted to do anything. Rejected.

Asked for a rain check and if Jacen simply needed some time alone that day?

"Yeah. Give me 20 something years and then I can see if I got an opening."

After so many rejections and then getting a smart-ass remark, Jial went to the things he knew best. Giving orders, fighting, and training.

"You know I wouldn't just start a training session without reason. The boy rejected everything I offered, including just doing something another day in case he was busy," the supreme leader of the Yautja held his hand to his forehead in frustration

"All he wants to do is fight me. No matter what I say or do, he wants to fight."

Talon sighed. She knew their son was rebellious but she just couldn't understand where he got it from.

He was never pressured to do anything besides some training for self-defense.

It was Jacen that wanted to join the military and also Jacen who wanted to lead his own squad.

The mission on Naboo was to prove that he deserved a Class 4 role as an officer but he failed spectacularly.

He couldn't take orders, he wasn't patient, and he couldn't fight. He was a good pilot but had no other qualities that could even make him a squad leader for a group of pilots.

"So what are we gonna do?" Talon asked

"Just leave him be," Jial couldn't let Jacen constantly occupy his time. He had spent the past 16 years trying to raise the boy up right

Since he was already 16, he was an adult by Feeorin and Twi'lek standards.

Talon also thought of this and sighed to herself.

"Fine. We will treat him like Nott and Mira then," Talon agreed with Jial. They would promote him over others if he proved himself but only then.

They were not willing to cripple a part of or the entire Yautja organization for one person, even if it was their son.

Jacen was informed of that decision later that day by Talon.

And by the time they woke up the next morning, Jacen and a Scout Ship were gone. Along with 2 Titan eggs and 5 million credits.

Next chapter