
Chapter 51

While the battle of Magravia could be considered a peaceful one, the battle on Llanic was far from as civil. The one that Jial had put in charge of this campaign was Seviss Vaa. The Sith Lord stood inside the ship Jial had given him, The Corsair, while looking down on the space station before him.

'So this was the ship that Lord Sadow once had? Quite impressive,' Sadow thought while he saw in the bridge of the ship. 

The Corsair was a powerful vessel that Naga Sadow had once possessed. While not the most powerful vessel in the traditional sense, it was one of the most dangerous ships to exist. It contained Sith Magic Crystals that enhanced the abilities of the user to the point that Naga Sadow was able to detonate stars with these crystals enhancing his already powerful Dark Side abilities. 

All around Seviss Vaa and his fleet were the remains of the ships that had defended the planet. The Hutts had never thought that someone would actually have been bold enough to invade their world so their defenses were made only to protect from pirates, not an actual invasion.

"Statement: Meatbag. The task has been completed," HK-47 walked onto the bridge and greeted the Sith Lord. "The dropships have been deployed to the station. But Master may have some complaints about this method."

HK-47 was one of the few people in history who would dare to disrespect the Trandoshan Sith, especially to his face. But Seviss knew how much Jial valued the droid so he had to bear with the way that HK-47 addressed him. 

"There is nothing down there but criminals, slaves, and enemies," Seviss waved off HK-47's concerns. "As long as we take the planet before the day is over, he will have no trouble with us deploying the Jedi-slayers. We needed to test them for large-scale deployment anyway."

The forces under Seviss did not assault the planet directly like the Mandalorians had done. Instead, they sent in several dropships filled with Jedi-slayers to the space station and Seviss used his powerful abilities to project the live images over the major cities of the planet. These were nothing more than Preatomorphs that had been bred and enhanced by Seviss' Sith Alchemy. 

The 30 dropships were sent towards the station, each containing about 50 of the enhanced Preatomorphs. The ships did not even land but crashed through the hull and walls of the ship while Preatomorphs jumped from them before they detonated. The creatures then began to move about the station wildly, killing anyone that they had come across. 

The citizens and visitors of Llanic were forced to watch as the Preatomorphs tore apart soldiers and pirates alike that they had come across. The creatures at others alive while bringing some to a large nest where they were forced to let creatures attach themselves to their faces before their chests were destroyed by smaller creatures bursting out from them. They saw all the carnage and violence that the creatures had done to the station and how their numbers only grew instead of decreasing.

But the worst part of it all was that it was silent. 

They could not hear the screams of pain and suffering or the men and women begging for mercy. And that was what made it worse. Because their minds filled the void of those sounds, imagining sounds perhaps far worse than what had truly occurred. In less than an hour, the station had harbored nearly 50,000 individuals only had 7,000 Preatomorphs on it after the attack.

After letting them see the attack, Seviss projected his face over the cities to speak with the people. 

"As you have seen, the forces on the station were all slaughtered. Not a single one was spared from the wrath of those creatures," Seviss spoke slowly, letting everyone understand just how dangerous the Preatomorphs were as if they had not been forced to watch their brutality. "And they will be sent down to Llanic by tomorrow at noon if the Hutt forces on the planet are not forced off-world or dead. Anyone who tries to leave will be destroyed by our fleet. So the choice is yours. Will you die with them or take your chances and rebel?"

As soon as the message ended, Llanic began to riot. Anyone who was known to work with the Hutts was killed. Men and women, free or enslaved, citizens or just visitors. They all rebelled. Whether they used blasters, knives, or even rocks, they used anything they could grab to kill anyone who was associated with the Hutts. Even those who were considered close friends to many of these people betrayed them when they came to them to hide.

Being killed was one thing by blaster fire was one thing. But dying to the Preatomorphs was another. If they were lucky, they would get a fast death. But if they were unlucky, they would be forced to be used to breed those creatures. 

It wasn't even midnight before all of the Hutt forces were eliminated. Their bodies were thrown into massive piles that overtook some homes in size. 

When Seviss and HK-47 landed on the planet with their army of Zaku II, the entire city was silent. The entire planet was silent. 

The pair marched to the capital building with no one in their way. Everyone stayed in their homes and watched as the pair and their droids made their way to the building where the largest pile of bodies was present. 

And in the very front of that pile was Vobsa the Hutt who was in charge of the planet. His body was destroyed. Plaster bolts, vibroblade cuts, blunt objects hitting him. Various wounds could be seen on the corpse of the former leader of the planet. 

Seviss gave HK-47 a smug look to which the droid just shook his head.

"Statement: I did not say that your plan would not work. I simply questioned whether Master will be pleased with it," HK-47 stated before walking past the pile of bodies to get the data from the capital building to find out more about the Hutt's operation on the planet. 

Need help to pay the wi-fi bill since my roommate did not pay during his turn. If anyone wants to donate. Will release 5 more chapters today if we make it


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