
Chapter 4

Jial wanted to reject him outright but held back the outburst he was about to deliver. Although he didn't want to work for them, he also couldn't afford to offend them. He wanted to reject Ac tactfully. Luckily for him, AC gave him an out. 


"I don't mean joining the Black Sun," Ac held up his hand to stop Jial's rejection. "I'm one of the lieutenants under one of the Vigos of the Black Sun so this is some insider information. We are looking for some forces that are able to hold this planet down for us. The Black Sun plans to make this a trade hub for mercenaries and smugglers."


"Nar Shaddaa but not under the Hutts," Jial guessed


"Bingo!" Ac snapped his fingers at the correct guess. "But the Black Sun can't make it ourselves. Too many eyes on us. The Republic and Hutts would interfere."


"So you want to have allies that can do it for you," Jial could read the hidden context. "And larger organizations would have their own operations already set up as well as secrets you may not know about. You want to help smaller ones grow so they will not only be loyal to you but you will also know more about them than a larger group."


Ac's smile grew larger the more that Jial spoke. The young Feeorin was smart and that was the most important thing that Black Sun was looking for. They could find plenty of people to be muscle but the ones that would be able to make this project work were the smart ones. Jial being a Feeorin was a bonus. His long lifespan meant that there was less likely to be a shift in power for his group like with most other groups.


Jial thought about it for a moment when a blue screen appeared before him.


[Multiple Paths Detected


Path 1: Join the Black Sun plan to reform Lok

Rewards: Favorability and support from the Black Sun faction and 20x Battle Droid Summon

Consequences: Wyne Sector of Lok must be taken over within 1 year or the host shall lose System and lose favorability with the Black Sun faction


Path 2: Reject the Black Sun offer

Rewards: 1x Base Summon and 50x Battle Droid Summon

Consequences: Hostility with the Black Sun faction]


Jial didn't even have to read the 2nd option before he chose the first one. He was stuck in the Karthakk System for the next 20 years. Unless he wanted to be wary of assassination attempts from the Black Sun as well as dealing with the various factions on the planet, he would be a fool to choose anything other than agreeing to join their plan. 


"Sure. I don't mind joining up with you guys. Might as well make a friend that can also help me out a bit," Jial accepted Ac's proposition.


[Host choice confirmed. Rewards are placed in storage.]


Ac stood up and held out his hand to Jial who took it in his own. Both males shook hands to seal the deal.


"Good. We plan on pulling out of Wyne in a month so there should be some chaos ahead. How much support do you think you need to secure this town?"


Jial began to think about how he could handle his path goal. He needed to not only take over the town but also the rest of the sector of the planet. The main threat to him was the heavy weapons. Personnel could be taken out with a well-placed shot and proper timing but the weapons on ships and turrets were a major threat.


"I really just need some explosives. 50 rockets, a few launchers, and plenty of plasma grenades and thermal detonators. I should be able to handle this town and the backlash that comes afterward," Jial was pretty confident that he could handle the backlash. As long as he got the right type of battle droids that came with heavy weaponry, he could handle the town with ease. He could also recruit over the next month as well with the credits he had received. 


"Those few things?" Ac asked, shocked by the small request. "Are you sure the two of you can handle it?"


Jial shook his head.


"I plan to recruit a small group during this period of time. I also know someone who owes me a favor and sent out a communication for them. They are going to bring me some battle droids and a ship that should also be able to help me," Jial lied through his teeth quite easily. 


'Telling someone about the System? I would be insane to do that.'


Ac nodded. That answer was able to satisfy him. He shook hands and walked out the door while thinking about what would happen over the next few years.


'My gut has never led me wrong yet. I hope that I didn't make a mistake this time.'


The Black Sun group originally planned to just leave silently and contact the winning faction of the Wyne Sector. This was one of the larger sectors that had been conquered and also where they planned to build the capital of Lok so they were willing to put up with one of the large factions winning and taking over. Ac's informing Jial of their plan was something that would have him marked as a traitor if others found out and Jial failed. But if he succeeded in meeting Ac's expectations, that meant Ac had a high chance of becoming a Vigos in the future due to his foresight and contribution.


While the Black Sun was a close organization with little infighting for one of its size, it was hard to grow above one's station unless one had made significant contributions. The takeover of Lok was that huge opportunity that many lieutenants were looking for. Many would be risking themselves for a chance to gain some recognition during this plan.


With Ac gone, Jial got out of bed and put his leather jacket back on before heading out into the streets with Sidon behind him.


"Where to, Boss?"


"The best place to recruit a crew. The bar," Jial smiled beneath his mask, Even though he had the system, that could only help him build his officers and elite members. He knew that companion summons would not be common so he needed to start gathering others to join up with him.


So Jial and Sidon reached the bar in the early hours where most of the drunks from the night before were lying on the floor or still drinking. The duo took a seat in one of the more obvious seats that had a good view of the door and half the bar.


When they took their seats, a Twi'lek slave girl walked up to them and stood next to their table. Her revealing outfit showed off her curves and flawless white skin.


"Good morning, sirs. Can I get you anything?" she asked hesitantly. Both had on frightening masks and were carrying heavy weapons. Even among mercenaries and bounty hunters, types like them were rare. 


"Two decent things to eat for breakfast and some water," Jial pulled out 100 credits and passed them over to her. "As well as you telling me whenever someone who has a decent reputation and is not part of any group enters for the day."


"Understood, Sir!" the female Twi'lek beamed. "My name is Kethna. Just let me know if you need anything else."


Kethna walked away with some extra pep in her step. No customers ever tipped her so she could never afford anything else in her downtime without heading to the pleasure house. Jial had just given her 90 credits which was worth 9 customers at the pleasure house.


Kethna came back a few minutes later with two Snorbal steaks and two glasses of water. Jial and Sidon took off their masks and began to eat while Kethna watched from a distance. 


'A Feeorin and a Delphidian? But those masks are unusual. Maybe they are from some powerful group or are a bit famous in another sector,' Kethna felt intrigued by the pair. Most of the beings that came into the bar either leered at her and felt her up or looked at her in disgust. There were few who were indifferent to her Twi'lek charm, especially since she stood out from most others with her white skin.


Unknown to them, Jial and Sidon had gained the interest of this Twi'lek slave.


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