
Chapter 48

--- Undisclosed Asteroid ---

This was an asteroid that would have been ignored by most. It didn't lie in an area with a large number of valuable minerals nor was it particularly isolated, being just on the outskirts of Kashyyyk which meant a large number of Republic forces, transports, and smugglers passed by it. 

Which made it the perfect place for meetings of those of the Underworld. 

Sitting around a table were the leaders of 5 of the most important criminal organizations of the Galaxy and a representative of the Hutts. 

Fredo Kang was the current leader of the Exchange with two of his most loyal subordinates behind him. The Exchange was one of the largest criminal groups that had existed since the time of the Sith Empire. They were once so powerful that they could confidently place bounties on Jedi. If not for them angering the Sith, they would have probably been able to overtake the Black Sun and Hutts long ago. But unfortunately for them, they were hunted down and nearly destroyed. It took them thousands of years to regain their strength to what it currently was which was still little more than a shadow of its former self but was still powerful enough to get a seat at the table with the others present. 

Next to them was the Underlord of the Black Sun with the current leader of Clan Vizsla and a figure wearing a black cloak and hood standing behind him. 

On the other side of Fredo was Jial who sat with Mira and a large Trandoshan wearing black and red robes. This was Seviss Vaa who Jial had summoned years ago and was responsible for creating his Jedi-slayers. Although Jial's Yautja was known mostly for gaining power above the board, they were also the best smugglers in the Galaxy, able to make deliveries that no one else could, or was willing, to take on thanks to their stealth technology. 

Next to Jial was Shri, a female Togruta who was flanked by two other Togruta. Shri was the leader of The Pride. They were some of the best assassins across the Galaxy and all were Togruta. Although they were the smallest in size compared to everyone else, they were some of the deadliest. The Pride had never failed an assassination, partly due to being smart enough to not get involved with foes too dangerous but also due to the skill of their agents. 

There was also Queen Aveth of the Zygerrrians with male Zygerrians behind her. The Zygerians once had an Empire that they had built off of slave trading but they had unfortunately been defeated by the Republic and nearly destroyed. They had been slowly building themselves back up and were once again the most powerful and reputable slavers in the Galaxy though they did not have the same Empire that they had before.

The last person present was Kijez who represented the Hutts. The Hutts were undoubtedly the largest criminal organization in the Galaxy, having their own section of space. They could be said to have their finger in everything. Although they were not the best at anything, they could easily claim to be the 2nd best at everything.

Kijez was actually the one who asked for the meeting because the war between the Black Sun and Yautja was affecting everyone. Pirates, thugs, and smugglers were running rampant due to them realizing that the Underworld was about to go through a major change, so each of them was trying their best to make a name for themselves to be able to take over for the group that was defeated. 

Kijez began to speak in Huttese but Jial stopped him before he could continue. 

"Enough of that," Jial stopped him. "We each have our language that we prefer to speak but we use Basic for a reason. So either speak it or bring a Hutt here that does."

Kijez gave Jial a stinkeye. No one told a Hutt to speak Basic. They all understood that Hutts found it beneath them so they waited for the droids they brought with them to translate. 

"Fine. "This war between you and the Black Sun needs to end," Kijez agreed, not willing to go back to the other Hutts and let them know that he had failed in this meeting. "You have already killed 4 of their Vigos in the past 4 years and destroyed one of their fleets. You have gotten your revenge."

"Hehe," Shri chuckled from her seat. "The Hutts would allow someone to disrespect them and just end it there?"

"The Hutts are different from the rest of you," Kijez shot back

"Oh? And how is that?" Fredo asked

"Our Empire has never been defeated."

Aveth and Fredo both frowned when they heard what he said. He was obviously referring to when they had lost their empires to the Republic and Sith respectively. 

"Empires can be built, fall, and rebuilt at any moment. I suggest you be more careful before the Hutts learn that the hard way," Shri warned him politely. She had no dog in the fight but she did not like how arrogant the Hutts were.

"Enough of this, Kijez. Tell me, how much is the Black Sun paying you?" Jial asked. While he respected the parley, he was not willing to just give in to the Hutts' demands

"Enough to let you know that this war is not just going to be between you and the Black Sun if it continues. The Hutts are prepared to get involved," Kijez informed him, not denying that they had been paid to show favoritism to the Black Sun

"Then let us see just how far the Hutts are willing to go," Jial stood up from his seat before walking away with Mira and Seviss behind him. 

Before Jial walked out of the room, he turned around to the cloaked figure.

"Does the rest of the Jedi order support your decision to back the Black Sun or are you all just like Revan?"

Jial did not wait for a response before walking out of the door and letting it close behind him. The others looked at the cloaked figure in surprise. They all spoke for a few more minutes about possible deals before making excuses to leave. As leaders of the Pride, Exchange, and Zygerrians arrived back at their ships, they saw that they all had notes placed on the entrances of their ships.

[The Yautja think that the Underworld needs to undergo some changes. One of those is a true alliance. You all are more than welcome to visit Yautja Prime if you wish to discuss any interest in that. And the other is taking out the Black Sun and the Hutts.]

The Hutts and Black Sun had been far too arrogant for their own good. They had been towering over the other 3 groups for a long time and swinging their dicks around. The three had long wanted to overthrow them. 

They each saw how powerful the Yautja were and what their potential was. So unknown to the Black Sun and the Hutts, the parley to end to war between the Black Sun and Yautja had turned into the meeting that started the Shadow Collective.

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