
Chapter 39

The two sisters were giggling and chatting with one another when Hash suddenly stopped. She looked up as she felt a disturbance. 

"Come out and we might go easy on you," the older twin called out, causing Nott to jump to her feet. Hash slowly raised herself off the ground while keeping her eyes on the entrance. 

"Hmm. Are you two the wolfgirls? I thought I was going after a pair of Shistavanens," a figure wearing a white mask appeared from the entrance

Nott looked them up and down, trying to see if they were armed but she could not find a single weapon on them. 

"Who are you?" Nott asked while activating the plasma casters on her shoulders. If the person made any sudden moves, she was ready to blow them away. 

"They are a Seyuhi Dervish. A group of Dark Side assassins but they should have been wiped out about a hundred years ago," Hash supplied some information. She enjoyed reading through the major events that occurred in the wider Galaxy. 

Both of the plasma casters on Nott's shoulders blasted forward barely missing the red figure who dodged to the side. After the first shot, the casters did not stop but continued to fire, forcing the figure closer and closer to the wall. 

The Seyugi Dervish was able to get his footing back while charging forward and sticking close to the wall. They were able to dodge blast after blast before suddenly dodging to the side. 

A small dent in the wall appeared while Nott had her fist outstretched. 

'Shadowstrike? How does this girl know Shadowstrike?' the Seyugi Dervish thought to themself while jumping around even more wildly. Nott was attacking at random intervals forcing the assassin to constantly stay on their toes and at a distance.

'Fuck it!' they thought to themselves before kicking off against the ground with all of their strength. They were able to close the gap but at the cost of their left hand being blown off with a plasma bolt. 

The assassin appeared right in front of Nott with their arm pulled back before punching with all of their strength. But before it could connect, the strike was stopped mid-air by a blue barrier.

The assassin saw the barrier and jumped back to retreat but his back collided with something. Without even being able to turn around, two silver blades stabbed into the assassin's chest, killing them instantly. 

The body of the Seyugi Dervish fell to the floor without any strength to support it, causing the lightsabers to end up cutting through the chest and melting most of the organs in their body. 

With their strength from almost a year prior, they could defeat Jedi Knights when working together. After a year of constantly training and improving their skills, the duo was able to fight on par with Jedi Masters. An assassin that lost the element of surprise was truly no match for either of them. 

With the assassin dead, the duo took off their mask and threw the body outside to be eaten by any random creature that came across it. 

"Shit!" Nott shouted, causing Hash to look over in her direction. Then she saw that the lizard the two of them were cooking had been burned to a crisp. Hash collapsed to the ground dramatically when she saw that their dinner was ruined. And since it was dark out, it was way too dangerous to go out and hunt for more food. 

"I am going to hunt down all Seyugi Dervish," Hash swore to herself jokingly, not knowing that she would eventually become famous for exterminating dozens of them


A week later, the duo returned to Wyne victoriously and with the fangs of several Kimogila as proof that they had accomplished their missions. They also presented the white mask to Jial who frowned when he saw it.

'Seyugi Dervish,' he immediately knew who the mask belonged to. These assassins were constantly employed by the Sith during the past few hundred years. The Sith used them to take out promising young Jedi or influential Jedi Knights and Masters. One could say that they had sped up the decline of the Jedi. 

'So of the people that don't like me right now, that must be the Black Sun Syndicate. I'll be sure to repay this later,' Jial could already guess who had attacked them but he couldn't strike back immediately. If he did, they would surely know that it was him. But that didn't mean he couldn't strike them later. 

Jial walked down to the basement before taking the elevator down to the lab he had constructed under the main facility. The entire lab was hidden in a stealth field using some of the Stygium that they had gathered from the depot. When he reached the lower levels, he was greeted by Sektor.

"Master," the cyborg greeted him with a bow. "Are you here to check on their progress?"

"Hmm. How are they coming along?" Jial asked while walking forward

"Very well. Each one has a Stygium crystal implanted in their cores and is armed with the weapons that you had supplied them," Sektor gave him the basic update before going into details about their various system and performances. 

Jial listened to everything that he listed while walking forward until he reached a railing. There, he overlooked the edge to see about a hundred droids on the lower levels sparing with one another.

These droids were modeled after the Yautja. Each of them had cords hanging from the back of their heads to resemble the dreads the creatures possessed, had Stygium to allow them cloaking features, plasma casters in their shoulders, emp fields that shut down all cameras and scanners within a certain range of them, and wrist gauntlets that had dangerous blades in them. They also had self-destruct codes that would automatically detonate when they received too much damage or were captured. 

This was Jial's hidden force and trump card. He planned to send them all up to the Mothership and have them take on assassination, sabotage, and espionage jobs for him. They were also going to act as hidden guards around Wyne.

With these droids, Jial was sure that he would be able to deal with any internal threat as well as reduce the number of external threats that he came across.

"Perfect. Let's get the first batch of Bad Bloods up to the Mothership," Jial ordered

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