
Emotion yet Peace; Peace is a Lie, There is only Passion(1)

Emotion yet Peace; Peace is a Lie, There is only Passion


Part 1

Kaliida Shoals Medical Center

Ryndellian Sector

near Naboo Star System

The victorious remnants of the bomber wing and its escorts landed in one of the empty hangars of the half evacuated Hospital facility. I parked my fighter next to Skywalker's Y-Wing and after shutting down the engines I popped open the canopy and got out. I moved around Anakin's bomber and met him and Master Koon, who was congratulating the young Knight for his "excellent" leadership abilities.

"Excuse me?!" exclaimed Ahsoka. "Delkatar was the one who knew that the original plan wasn't going to work! He warned us!"

"You are correct smarty pants." snarked Skywalker.

"It depends on the point of view." declared Plo.

"Indeed, Master Koon. Skywalker, a word." I said after hearing their exchange.

The younger man turned around to face me.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Tell me, how often have you led clones or other pilots who are not force sensitive in battle?" I inquired.

Skywalker frowned at my question.

"I've been a general for less than a month and I was assigned a fleet to command three weeks ago. So a few tims." Anakin answered after a moment of reflection. "We didn't get any new training."

"That figures. Did you have any military training before being given command? Has someone tried to hammer in your head that most people could not perform as well in combat as Force Adepts? We were fortunate that Grievous didn't send more vultures to intercept us, not to mention the pylons supporting the Ion cannon were actually vulnerable to our torpedoes. If that cruiser didn't try to fire just after the we hit its weapon this station would be gone and Kenobi's ships would be in a heap of trouble." Not to mention the excellent odds of us being shot to pieces by that behemoth on our way out.

The Jedi Knight looked positively mutinous. It seemed that no one had taken him up to a task in a long time. At least I could see him thinking, which was a good thing. There were many more ways the bomber raid could have gone to hell than I could think of from the top of my head and as far as I could tell the plan to take out that thing if we failed consisted of throwing two tiny fleets at it. Given that both Kenobi and Skywalker were really commanding battle groups, not proper fleets, it would have been a disaster – the Malevolence looked like it could take out their combined forces conventionally.

"Skywalker, you need to understand that expecting normal people to be able to keep up with you, will only get them killed. There are few aces that might be able to pull off stunts just like you in the cockpit of starfighter and that is before the Force is factored in. So in the future plan accordingly or you'll get a lot of good men killed." Me in particular, which was the important point.

I shook my head. "I'll never know whose idea was to put you Jedi as generals without first giving you at least basic military training!" I grumbled.

"That's not fair! We do good work out here!" disagreed Ahsoka.

I removed my helmet and looked her in the eyes. "Look kid, I am not disputing that you are doing your best and thats often better than could be reasonably expected. However, the way this war is being run is Insane! How many people will die because you have to learn the craft of war on the battlefield, where every mistake is paid with blood and lives?" I asked.

"I... but..." muttered Ahsoka. "Arghhh!" The young Togruta clasped her hands into fists and growled.

"Too damn many..." whispered Skywalker.

The smirk which was on his face ever since the Ion Cannon was blown up was gone. I suspected that he was recounting all the battles he's been part of since the start of the war. I had no doubt that a lot of Jedi had been killed and battles lost because the newly minted commanders of the GAR had no idea what the hell they were doing. That explained the attitude of Yularen towards the Jedi too. While he followed their orders, the Admiral had no respect for the Order members. Probably he has been part of battles in which the Jedi's lack of experience (and the disturbing tendency of some of them not to listen to advice) had let to easily avoidable losses. Then, considering his rank, Yularen would have undoubtedly read a lot of reports showing debacles caused by the new generals. No love lost there either.

"Then see to it that you do not make the same mistake twice. And listen to the military commanders you have access to. For example, it is very unlikely that Admiral Yularen has gotten his rank without knowing what the hell he was doing." I continued to dispense free advise.

Why couldn't have I ended up at least few years before the war began? Then I would have had more viable options than joining either side of the war or going somewhere to hide while Palpy build his Empire. I guess I still could try the later, yet this conflict offered too many opportunities to simply ignore. Ah, no point in grumbling about what might have been.

Skywalker gave me a sharp nod and left. He had a thoughtful expression on his face. I found myself alone with Ahsoka and R2-D2 who whined after Anakin. I grinned at the short astromech droid.

"So, you have your manipulators full with him, haven't you?" I asked the droid.

"Beeb-boo-br-bep!" It pointed its photoreceptor at me.

"I see. My condolences. It's hard to keep a hard-headed Jedi in one piece." It would have been much harder if I had ended up in better position to make first contact with the Confederacy.

"Booop! Wheep! Breep! Boop!"

"So your mistress wants him intact. Well, good luck with that." I chuckled. Did R2 D2 put with Anakin just because Padme Amidala asked him to? That sounded right coming from properly programed droid.

"That's Master Skywalker. He is one of a kind." said Ahsoka with a sad expression on her face. "Was it different in your time?"

I nodded.

"Military strategy and tactics were taught at both the Sith Academy on Korriban and the Jedi Temple. It was a different galaxy I think. It's not like I've got the time yet to see what happened after my mishap. You've had it easy. What was it? A millennium of peace? If you said that such a thing was possible during my time you'd be called mad and laughed out of the compartment. For us, the Sith, the very concept of peace is a lie. There is only passion. Conflict. It's how we grow and evolve. But that is also a trap. For way too many Sith conflict meant a war with the Republic, battle with other Sith, you get my drift. While that also helped to make us stronger and understandable mistake given the situation, that understanding was flawed."

"That is the contrary to what we are taught in the temple. There is no emotion, there is peace."

"What. The. Hell?!" I ground out every word as if I was shocked and furious. "So the idiots are still teaching you to suppress and ignore your feelings?!" You would think the Jedi would learn but no. Apparently the Empire didn't considering there was a Republic running things nowadays.

Ahsoka shrugged her shoulders and gave me a small, helpless smile.

"Emotion, yet peace. That was the first creed of the Jedi I respected from my time." I looked at Tano who was staring at me with huge eyes full with undisguised interest. "If I recall correctly the version of the Code you've been taught was the way an empathic and telepathic Jedi re-iterpreted it to serve better people like him, not for general consumption."

"Really? What was the Jedi Code from your time? Why did you learn it? How did the Jedi back then dealt with emotions?" Ahsoka did her best performance of puppy dog eyes and peered at me expectantly.

It should be criminal to look that cute. To wear such an outfit at her age too. Down boy, there will be a cold shower soon.

"They accepted their feelings but trained themselves not to be influenced by them when making important decisions. We however, accept our passions. We do not fear them, nor let them rule us but use them as a fuel for our power." I explained.

"That is certainly different. We are taught that emotions lead to the Dark side!" exclaimed the Padawan. "What about the Code? Come on, tell me!"

"That is lie. Denying your emotions? Ahsoka, you are a living, thinking and, most importantly, a feeling being. What do you think happens when your emotions become too much to handle after you've denied them all your life?" I asked quietly. "It makes you that much easier to turn to the Dark Side and if there's a war on, you might not need a Sith or Dark Jedi trying to seduce you."

Ahsoka shook her head in denial. "Nope. Not me. I'm still waiting to hear about that Jedi Code of old!"

"It is ironic, you know. For you Jedi, my kind are despicable servants of the Dark side. Do you wonder what we, the Sith, think about that? Each one of us is in conflict for control with the Dark side. It never ends. It is what defines us. And here is the biggest difference between our world views; How it all started. The Jedi believe that you either have to suppress your emotions or learn how to disregard them. We on the other hand seek to control our feelings. We accept and revel in them. But we do not let our emotions control us. To do so means that we have lost our eternal conflict. "

We stood, shoulder to shoulder, and watched through the force field how the flashes of light made by Obi-Wan's fleet as it tried its best to deal a death-blow to the Malevolence.

"You are trying to corrupt me, aren't you?" asked Ahsoka in a small voice.

I chuckled. "That depends on ones point of view. I am trying to teach you to think for yourself. If that's all it takes to demolish the Jedi Dogma you've been spoon fed in the Temple... Well in that case you could reach your own conclusions. Do you still want to hear about the Code?" I inquired while wondering what possessed me to... what was really doing? Trying to get myself an apprentice? Nah. It would be too much bother especially with the way the Order would jump on my case for corrupting one of their own.

"Of course I want to hear it. As long as its the Jedi Code not a Sith one!" Tano gave me a pointed look.

"Emotion, yet peace." I smirked. "The difference is quite profound, don't you think? Both from the Code you've been taught and from the Sith one. Through passion I gain strength. For me, emotions and conflict are the foundations of my power. It is dangerous path though it beats having to waste years in navel gazing and meditation for the same amount of power through the Force. Then that same time could be used to improve yourself. Or to have fun."

"That's certainly different." There was contemplative expression on her face as she thought over my words. "What's the rest?" Ahsoka continued to pester me.

"There's no ignorance, there's knowledge. There's no chaos, there's harmony… Shall I continue?" I inquired when I could feel her distress growing. Such a curious reaction to something so deceptively innocent.

"I need to think. I'll be back to hear the rest. I think." Ahsoka 'harumped' and walked away.

Tano was a bright kid. I hoped that she'll be able to see the Jedi teachings for what they truly were.

Next chapter