
(Finding the third Star Map.)

Chapter one:

Carth watched as the celebration wore on. The Wookies were free from their slaviors and Zaalbar was welcomed back home. They also found the Third Map to the Star Forge. Now all they had to do was find the Star Maps that are on Korriban and Mannan. Hopefully they go to Korriban next. Carth needs to find his son and convince him to leave the Sith. Carth noticed that Satele was sitting away from the celebration. Her walked over to her and sat next to her.

When the Jedi wiped Revan's mind she became Satele. This also takes place on the second place they visited Dantooine. Where she became a Jedi Padawan, and where they found the first Star Map.

Carth was leaning against the wall of Satele's room on Korriban. Satele is going into the tomb of Naga Shadow with Uthar Wynn and Yuthara Ban alone. Satele was meditating on her bed. Hk-47 guarding the door entrance.

Carth couldn't help but be relieved that they have convinced Dustil to leave the Sith Academy. This left him to deal with his feelings towards the Jedi meditating. She was strong, kind, and loyal. All of that on top of her clear power and abilities with the Force, not to mention her leadership skills, and her abilities in hand to hand combat with the lightsaber. Even on Taris he had to stop himself for failing for her. Satele has long black hair that was pulled back up from her forehead into a bun on top and a short ponytail below just like her older sister Bastila Shan, tan skin, and light brown eyes with flecks of gold in them. She had an average height and broad shoulders. She was also muscular.

Thank you for helping find Dustil. Carth said and Satele smiled slightly.

It was no problem I'm just glad I could. Satele said and Carth nodded.

Satele, promise me something. Carth said and Satele stood up. And walked towards him.

What? Satele asked and Carth knew that she wouldn't make any promises that she couldn't keep.

To be careful and return from that tomb. Carth said and Satele flinched.

Carth, you know I can't make that promise. Satele said.

I know, but I need you to make it out of that tomb. Carth said.

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