
So stuff happened.... (Read first.)

For the past three months my life has taken more turns and twists than I thought possible, not gonna go into details but everything seems to have calmed down at least a little bit now. So I'm going to cover a few things in this chapter, they are as follows:

1. The chapters have all been deleted for now, I intend to re-write them and craft a new story within them, the first few chapters will have minor changes and will be with you guys asap. The ones that will require more changes will slow down the release rate a bit however it is for a better narrative overall.

2. I intend to write this story my way, if you don't like the character or the way he acts then I'm gonna ask you to either suck it up or move on. I'm crafting my own story, I get that it may not be the Sith character you want however sticking to what is expected of the Sith is boring and a bit dull to write. If characters are perfect from the start then there will be no room for them to develop as the story progresses, he has been taught information yes however learning and experiencing things are completely different.

3. The story will be split into more distinctive Arcs from now on as I intend to re-write the first and add additional chapters into it. I have rough plans for 12 arcs atm however depending on the narrative as a whole that may expand or decrease.

4. Finally I want to say thanks to those who have supported the novel in my absence, the amount of views the novels has is amazing and I honestly want to say thanks once more. I hope you continue to enjoy the story going forwards and have a good day!

Next chapter