
Star Wars: The Last Je'daii

After an unexpected death and rebirth, Ian is reborn on the planet Lotho Minor. His grand journey begins with the uncovering of a piece of ancient tech; The Force System. The System isn't the cheating type, with inventory, store, levelling up, consumable 'stat points' and all that, but a more grounded one, a teaching/learning aid of sorts, it does have a stat board though. The chapters are short, but I update pretty regularly-- In fact, calling them chapters seems wrong there more like pages. Mc gets the system chapter 10, and the story at least at the beginning doesn't focus on him too much. It starts getting (In my opinion) really good around chapter 13.

TheDevilYouKnow · Movies
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33 Chs

Star Wars: Question the Quintessentials

After Ian accepted his discipleship the system once again continued with its script.

"The inheritor has accepted the legacy, normal functionality has been unlocked, Grandmaster Illus is tasked with teaching the inheritor the Core to a satisfactory level, and helping the inheritor achieve the rank of Padawan. Until then, other aspects shall be sealed, to limit distractions and to ensure the inheritor has the necessary means to survive before further learning."

"See you later, In-heri-tator," Nikola said with a grin.

Everyone but Illus dissipated, like a mirage; phantoms that never were.

"Congratulations inheritor, you have unlocked the Core learning section. The Core is a group of fundamental techniques that all force-sensitives must learn, including but not limited too, the ability to run, hide, predict, and move objects, with the force. The Core, when used in its natural state, will not affect the inheritor's affinity in any way, it is neutral, but most techniques can be fueled with Bogan (Dark) for additional power or tempered by Ashala (Light) for additional control."

"To complete the first section of your training and reach the rank of Padawan you must complete the following tasks:

First Task. Achieve Tier 1 in the Core abilities: Meditation, Presence Control and Force Speed.

Second Task. Achieve Tier 1 in two of the following optionals: Force Sight, Force Sense, Force Empathy or Force Telepathy.

Third Task. Achieve Tier 0 in the Core ability: Telekinesis."

"Once the three tasks have been completed the inheritor will receive a test, if the inheritor fails the test the Force System will be lost and if the inheritor passes, upon reaching the rank of Padawan, he will be able to unlock one additional skill tree, to be taught by its respective master."

"Good luck with your training, and may you find balance, inheritor."

The system finished up its monologue and Illus walked up to Ian. "Any questions, disciple, I will answer what I can; within the limitations?" she asked.

"Too many to count, hughh, where do I even start... The system said I have to reach the rank of Padawan, are you lot Jedi?" Ian asked. "Jedi? Similar perhaps, we are or were known as the Je'daii, probably the precursor to these Jedi," she answered.

Ian had never heard of the Je'daii. He was just an ordinary star wars fan, he hadn't even got around to watching the new movies, never mind looking up archaic lore.

Ian continued to ask Illus a series of questions. "Ok, ok, what about these tasks, the tiers, what are they exactly?"

"They are the various levels of proficiency in an ability, tier zero represents that you have understood the ability and can wield it. Further tiers are representative of a force sensitive's mastery of an ability, and with each tier, we can teach you an additional application of the ability that we, your masters, know. So say you reach a certain level in basic meditation, I can teach you moving meditation," Illus replied.

"How many tiers are there?"

"That's dependant of a given masters skill in the ability, for example, if The Force System had assigned master Nikoli as your Core teacher you would only be able to learn up to Tier two in presence control, due to Nikola's woeful mastery of the Core," she said, grinning at the end.

"Hey!" Ian heard Nikola's voice suddenly chime in. "Im not that bad!"

"Proving my point perfectly-- Your not supposed to be listening in Nikoli, and if your Core wasn't so bad, would I have been able to detect you?" Illus said, her hand clasped over her mouth suppressing a laugh.

"Boyyy!" Ian heard a roar; Ray.

"Tsk, don't listen to Illus too much, I will admit no-one can best her in the Core, but what does a great mechanic like me need for those petty tricks," Nikola said hastily, apparently scared of Ray.

Ian's lip twitched, weren't these masters supposed to be thousands of years old, where was the dignified temperament you'd expect from an ancient master of the force.

"Ahh, that reminds me, the system said some aspects would be sealed, I thought it meant the other masters?" Ian said inquisitively.

"Yes and no. The other masters can not teach you any force related abilities during your initial training or they will accrue a penalty, a time out if you will, but they are for the most part free to do what they want otherwise. If you do pass your test and become a padawan, you can learn the basics of everyone's discipline, and pick out a master for further studies into one of their specialities. When you become adept in that aspect of the force, you will reach the next rank, the rank of Journeyer," Illus said.

Ian digested the information and tried to think of anything else he wanted to know.

While he was deep in thought... His tummy grumbled.

"Ahh, I haven't eaten," he said, surprised.

Exposition dump. Let me know if I missed any important questions for Ian to ask. Also, I accidentally deleted a review.

Sorry mate, I was trying to comment on it and for some reason, my phone sent out around 50 bloody comments. I must have clicked on and deleted it while I was deleting my comments or maybe web novels deleted it because of the spam messages.

Also, does anyone in the comments actually like the new movies(trilogy), personally I didn't, half the reason im writing this is to delete them out of my mind.

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