
Getting a Lightsaber pt.2

While I am complimenting which crystal I should choose I felt something tugging me through the force as if whispers in my mind.

I couldn't understand them but I cloud feel they were tugging me closer to them.

After a while, I finally got to a place where there were dozens of crystals beside each other.

"....Dark.....n...Light" I heard the whispers becoming louder.

Yet I could still feel that from there the voices originated.

So I closed my eyes and left the force to guide me.

I outstretched both my hands and grasped what was in front of me.

And then I heard it.

I was saying it even though I never heard it.

"There is no Dark side, nor a Light side, there is Grey.

There is only the Force.

I do what I must to maintain the Balance.

And Balance keeps me strong.

There is no good without evil, but Evil shall not flourish.

There is Chaos, Yet Order

Through Passion, I gain Serenity.

Through Victory, I gain Harmony.

Through Knowledge, I gain Strength

I am the wielder of the Flame, The protector of the balance

I guard the Force, and The Force guards me.

I am the guardian of Balance

I am its warden."

It was like something was guiding me when I said these words.

Then I started walking without my control.

Yet I wasn't panicking.

It was like the force itself was telling me where to go.

I walked many steps, Yet time felt like it was only a word.

Then I saw it building station(forge) for lightsabers.

When I walked near it my hands started moving I was controlling them yet I wasn't.

I and The Force were one at that moment.

I started to use telekinesis to bring parts together

I closed my eyes and let the force guide me.

As I move the parts through force I can feel it coming in place all the right clicks then I feel the crystals being put in places.

When everything was done I opened my eyes the sabers were one of a kind mishmash of many

The blade emitters were the same as of the dark saber(should be named Mandalorian I think)

The switch modules were knighted.

The grips were Fulcrum (same as Ashoka's from Rebels)

And pommels were knighted too.

(just google the parts themselves and try to make a picture of it in your head or if you have Minecraft add advanced lightsabers mod and try to make them to see how they look.)

I took both of them one in each hand and activated them.

In my left hand was a saber with black core color and white outer color(just the OG dark saber. Just without the marking on the blade just pure colors.)

And in my right was saber with white core color and black outer color(the same just inverted colors)

Then finally I got clear control of my body once again.

"Oh, I like this.

Well, I think its time to test these babies.

I have a monster to hunt." I say to myself.

Then a thought hits me.

"Where did I come from again?"

(Hope you enjoyed the chapter

The colors of the lightsabers won in a landslide.

Thanks for support to java2001, Daoist735561, Hakai_King, Karma_Time, Fateister, TuftyMuffin9530, life_coffee, enord51, Aquinto, GhostWolf, Lonnie_Barrar, mrlink2015, Checkup007, Million04, Sagb93)

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