

"Or forget it." Theon said.

"Too." Amir agreed.

The spacecraft is so old that almost all of its parts can no longer be used.

The two began to clean up the pile of scrap iron.

"What is it?" Theon was in a drugged mood and pointed to what appeared to be a storage warehouse, the cylindrical box that had been broken.

Amir was also weak, busy for an hour without results, this is a double blow of mental and physical strength, he moved to that side, opened the lid of the storage compartment, at this moment, Amir stood up and quickly took out the contents of the storage compartment.

It is a silvery-white cylindrical object with two symmetrical arc-shaped devices in the upper part, with a simple pattern in the middle to increase friction, a circular structure at the bottom, and a protruding square controller.

"Lightsaber! Thain! Lightsaber! Amir shouted at Theon, who was stunned and forgot to speak.

Ten minutes later, the two gathered around the table and looked at the gray stick in front of them.

"Is this really a lightsaber?" Theon asked.

"It should be, but where is the switch, where is it..." Amir stared, and the whole person was broken. The lightsaber that he had been looking forward to since watching movies in his last life finally arrived in front of him, and he couldn't find the switch! All the places on the hilt of the sword have been pressed, but there is no switch!

"Mature men, it's time to eat, who will call Xiaojie back." Pierre appeared in the doorway. www.tcknh.com Warrior Fiction Network

The two deadlocked looked up at each other, and Amir grabbed the lightsaber and ran out the door, "I'll play for a few days first." "

"Eh!!" Theon, who did not react, shouted messily.

The entire planet has no night, relying entirely on the controls surrounding the planet to control the brightness and darkness of light, cycling night and day according to a standard day cycle.

Now that the light is starting to dim, Coruscant enters dusk, and the neon lights around him become even more vivid.

Walking along a familiar path, searching one location after another along the way, I finally saw a group of bad young people in an alley, and Little Jay Myers was suddenly among them.

"Xiaojie!" Amir shouted and walked over to the group.

"Amir!" There were three people in the group, and they all showed happy eyes when they saw Amir.

"Long time no see, hair is good, Lango, green hair is very suitable for you, Veronica arm has changed model again?" Amir greeted familiarly.

Before going to military school, he had been with this group of people, although they all looked fierce, but they were all children younger than themselves, and Veronica was only 15 years old, a year younger than herself, and a red-haired human girl.

"Amir, you have a holiday? It just so happened that we took on a new job. "Lango is a Farin, with the appearance of a reptile, like a standing lizard, his wrists are covered with scales, and his skin color can be controlled freely, but he likes green, so he usually shows people in green.

"Okay, the future bosses of the Coruscant underground, let's discuss this big matter when we finish eating." Amir didn't care, as early as two years ago, they had been doing some work regularly.

In the past, it was nothing more than helping others support the human field, showing off their might, there was no danger to them, and they could earn some change to spend, and they often accompanied them.

"It's the work given by Xenier, and two thousand credits are given after the fact, each person." Veronica, who wrapped her arms around her chest, said, and she had a relatively cold voice as opposed to her red hair.

Lango's eyes, which had always been calm, also lit up.

Two thousand credits is not a small number, for these children at the bottom, two thousand credits can survive for a year without worry.

But, Xenil. During school breaks, they worked with Xenil a few times, and although each time it was dangerous, those tasks always made Amir feel wrong.

Amir turned his head and looked at the three who were about to move. Taking on some less secure jobs, each time successful, is enough for a few of them to eat several times in the restaurant, and no longer eat the worst nutritional paste on the market.

They rarely fail, because each mission will be accepted by Amir and Veronica, and too dangerous things will be rejected directly, so the mission is still completed without risk.

But desire can be suppressed, after all, it is indelible, and huge interests in front of them will always make people desperate.

"It seems that if I don't come back, you plan to do it directly?" Amir asked with a smile.

Veronica nodded silently.

"I'll see you in the old place later, and discuss this task together in the evening." Although Amir felt that it was not good, and his intuition made him hope to refuse this task, he still did not bear to see the eyes of the three people in front of him, and decided to understand the situation first.

The two left and returned home and slowly began to enjoy the dinner prepared by Pierre, a cup of hot rice dumpling coconut tea and roasted until golden Nuna chicken.

Amir, who is accustomed to Earth's chicken, refused to eat this Nuna chicken for the first time because it was too ugly, but...

"What a fragrance!" Amir gulped.

At the dinner table, listening to Theon constantly bragging about what he had picked up during that trip, the strange parts and outdated panels could always be considered treasures by him, but only Amir listened with relish, Pierre had heard it too many times, and Jay was completely out of his mind.

Finally, under Xiaojie's constant urging, the two who had finished dinner rode Amir's modified Coke and left the house.

"My motorcycle wasn't designed for two people." Amir looked at Xiaojie, who kept complaining about crowding in the back, and said with a smile.

"If this order is completed, I will definitely buy a XP-30 landcob." Xiaojie began to make a flag, but his self-talk while he was fantasizing strengthened Amir's determination to refuse the mission.

The red motorcycle maneuvers nimbly through the residential areas of Coruscant, and Amir has always been an excellent pilot, both on land and in the air.

This Coke, which was completely assembled by himself, was definitely thrilling to drive by him, but Xiaojie, who had long been accustomed to it, was not worried at all, and from time to time he moved the position of his butt, sticking his head to the side and blowing the wind, like a husky.

Finally, the motorcycle stopped next to a room, and Amir and Xiaojie skillfully climbed up to the roof from the side, which was no longer the dark ground floor, but a house on the surface, which they had found uninhabited a few years ago, so that the roof of this house became a "conference room" for the four of them.

Two figures have long been waiting here on the balcony.

"Tell me, what mission?" Amir asked straight to the point.

"Do you want to discuss the task directly when you just came back?" Veronica said coldly, her eyes drifting to the side.

Lango's green skin almost turned purple for a while, and he didn't speak in amusement, only Xiaojie jumped on a platform where he was often and shook his legs.

"Haha," Amir said with a haha, walking to Veronica's side and also leaning against the railing, "I've been here for two years, and I didn't get anything, but this time I brought some new parts and just added some new features to your arm." "

"Hmph," Veronica's mouth turned up slightly, "I thought it was on a mission to get us." "

Seeing that the situation eased up a little, Lango immediately interjected and said, "Do you want to talk about the mission?" This mission is completed, we can go to the Ice Eye Bar for a good get-together. "

"Yes! What kind of work does Xenil give again, it's best not to move for a few fruits like last time. Amir stepped down when he saw the stage.

Veronica placed a holometer on the table in front of her, and a projection of a human appeared in front of several people.

"Our goal is what this person has in hand."

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