
Chapter 8 : Full Mastery of the Lightsaber under Ben Kenobi and a Rare Skill

The week had gone by smoothly for J'onn he had mind tricked his way out of his full five year commission though he had already completed the requirements and was due for promotion which he took as well as placement on the Empires roster for those in reserve which he took full advantage of which also gave him that full week to spend in the Jundland Waste with Ben Kenobi. Soon after J'onn was done with his business at the compound in Mois Eisley he headed straight for Ben's hut out in the wasteland and mentally prepared for his last week of training with his master.

Since J'onn left the compound earlier then expected he spent some time briefly in the market area of Mois Eisley looking for a gift to give Ben on his departure day nothing stood out till he got to the vendor trying to hawk knock off jewels to the public did he feel a pull as if he was being called to look thoroughly through this creatures collection which he did and upon inspection found two white pearl's " how much for these Pearl's here sir ?" he asked the merchant looked and upon close inspection said " 100,000 credits apiece for those are pearls from a Krayt Dragon." J'onn knew that he did not have the money for both so he tried a little mind tricking to see if he could get both sold to him for the same price "you will sell me both pearls for the same price of 100,000 credits" and almost for word for word the rodian repeated back what was told to him and quickly there was an exchange of credits and items.

After the purchase in the market area the young lad headed towards a vendor selling speeder bikes and purchased one that was quite cheap it was not as fast as the imperial bike he was used to using but it was sturdy enough and the build was similar and could be modified at any time if deemed necessary by the owner if he so desired. From there J'onn headed to the outskirts of town and began making his way to Ben's hut and upon arrival found the man staring in direction to the east lost in thought till he heard the hum of the bike.

" You've finally arrived I was worried that you'd left the planet earlier then was talked about but your here so let's begin." the old man drew his hilt and activated his blade J'onn did the same and got into the ready position from there Ben moved into attack position and charged at his opponent with a cutting slash on his left side which J'onn parried quickly and answered with his own reverse cut to the same side which lead into a game of speed and reflex between master and apprentice.

It was like watching two shadows clash and then disappear showed how much the younger had grown in his skills for every cut and slash or overhead strike delivered he met them and countered with a cut and slash of his own. The two continued like this for a full two hours non-stop until they couldn't lift their arms as they sat and rested and drew on the force to assuage their aches and pains Ben and J'onn discussed the strength and weaknesses of the youngers form three which Ben couldn't deny was pretty close to his but he knew that you couldn't only rely on pure defense alone so he began to teach him form four and that brought back memories of Qui-Gon Jinn as well as a bit of form five from his time working with Anakin during the clone wars and that caused Ben's heart to ache but the skills needed to be passed within the one week there could be no mess ups or mistakes.

The rest of the day was set on practicing the new forms and adding them to the defensive form three which J'onn grasped pretty well even to the point of modifying certain moves to fit within his attack pattern this one little attention to detail and ability to change caused Ben to reevaluate his new apprentice and to wonder just how far he could've gone in the old days of the Jedi Order.

A Few Days Later...

Within the next few days both J'onn and Ben knew each others strengths and weaknesses when it came to dueling for their training sessions had been long and without abatement and thought of rest truly relying on the force for sustenance and strength they pushed themselves until the final blow was stopped near the point of no return each man gaining new understanding of where the others mastery layed . Finally the broke off and rested for a few hours as the twin suns came down and began to conversate the younger man taking the lead this time " How long was that last duel go for, it felt like an eternity to me?" he asked the older man who responded with tiredness in his own voice " Well if you think that feels like an eternity then you truly aren't ready to leave this place just yet a duel can go on for a long time that is why I taught you form three first to wear down your opponent and then take the fight to them if necessary most times you can run away a fight need not always be the outcome only when facing the Emperor or his minions will you fight." after his lecture both men felt rested enough and restarted from where they had left off of.

The last Day...

It was the final day Ben had decided not to do any lightsaber training he'd said they'd done enough for the past six days and that today would be a special training on how to commune with the force as well as talk to those who had become one with it yet maintained there own personality and minds. " We both know to much to not pass it on to the next generation so I'll explain how to do this and show you how to as well from there you practice till morning and then we'll head to the spaceport in Mois Eisley" J'onn responded " yes master, also when the time is right I'll come back and check on you it's the least I can do." Though Obi-Wan would have preferred that J'onn keep his distance he respected the young man's dedication, after they had spoken Ben taught what he knew and J'onn learned and practiced till morning as he had been instructed.

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