
chapter 6: Learning and Fine Tuning Skills

erThe morning of the next day was almost repeat with a few minor changes J'onn meditated and then practiced levitation skills calling the blaster his father gave him from across the room and then pushing small objects with the greatest control doing his best to master the skills he had learned fast enough to be able to change certain events This time in Star Wars History.

Later that morning drill began smoothly with all six men in the squad on time and in place J'onn did a quick roll call their names were easy to remember Burns was the leader he could do it all then there was Gar'rik he was a resident of Tattoine a knife fighter , he had been there a little longer than J'onn, following him was Parricks the marksman and then Hobbes who was the demolitions expert then there were the twin brothers from one of the core planets both of them were reconnaissance trained and their names were Zhan the older and Jet the younger. The training was a little different today the men were focused trained on being weapnlenss or only having a bladed weapon and though the training was not as fast as the day before they all trained their new skills, for some and not for others, with proficiency making the paperwork and report that much easier not only that their training still ended on time.

As soon as the training hours was done and the paperwork had been turned in to the watch commander J'onn took a speeder bike out for use and once again headed to the Jundland waste upon arriving just as the day before Ben was there a little earlier and just like the day before Ben tossed the extra lightsaber he had in his hut to J'onn so he could begin practicing his blade work the only difference this time was Ben joined in and sparred the boy in light manner to see if what he had learned the day before had been retained and so with new techniques learned the old ones were refined the same went for force abilities learned one of the new ones being the mind trick force heal and force valor.

The training had been repetitive and grueling each new ability was learned and grasped which surprised Obi-Wan but it was not enough for him to see it grasped it had to be instant and that was why he pushed his training to the fullest extent with in a few hours he had his new padawan dueling him at half speed while concentrating on the surrounding area as well as using the offensive force power of push whenever the opportunity presented it self, after a few hours of dueling practice meditation was the following course and Ben stressed the need to be intune with the force and that meditation when possible was the key to it. The rest of what was taught Ben had told J'onn he would have to go into the world and experience for himself when the time was right.

Their training session ended around the same time as the twin suns were going down J'onn returned his practice saber and Ben told him to keep up the good work and practice though J'onn did have one question before the older man could leave " When will I get my own lightsaber?" and Ben responded " when you can move at full speed during our sparring sessions then you'll be ready to have your own, till then I'm off and bid you good day."

When J'onn got back to base that night he immediately went to his quarters and began to meditate on the events that had happened so far and realized this one thing he hadn't begun to use all of the knowledge from his past life to increase his skills in any substantial way in fact he hadn't even taken the cap off of what he knew he could do if he really tried and once he realized it he grew a little upset with himself bit only for a moment because from that moment he got up from his bed and went to his desk and found a holopad and began to record all the skills he could remember and how to activate them which there were so many that he passed out before he could log them all down.

The next morning J'onn got up late and cancelled the drill session for that day and took it upon himself to continue recording his past knowledge. By noon time he went and ran his own personal regimen before heading out to train with Ben Kenobi and this time it would be different or at least he thought so.

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