
Chapter 3: The Preparation to Leave and some Early Training

The following days had been nothing but busy for the Cloud family as they helped J'onn get ready for his posting on Tattoine his mother and father bought what ever was necessary for staying on a dessert planet they made sure he had the proper sleeping gear down to having enough water canisters to last him weeks on end if he got stranded also J'onn Sr. picked up his an extra blaster pistol just in case he lost his standard issue for he knew that having protection at all times was a must on that dangerous planet which had claimed so many imperial lives before.

While the parents were out J'onn took advantage and began going through his plan to convince Obi-Wan to teach him he thought he could use the living Force guided him ruse but realized to soon that he would be seen through by the aged Jedi Master thus it was back to the drawing board in his thoughts there was one thing he had considered but was not sure he could pull it off with Palpatine on the same planet until he remembered that he was not as defenseless as he thought he was he had knowledge of every force power light side and dark side and how to make them work and so he remembered the art of the small and began to slowly open himself up to the Force.

It was like someone had turned the lights and you could see the whole room in its entirety that's the way J'onn felt as he let the Force pour itself into him yet he knew he had to focus on getting the result he wanted the ability to hide in plain sight to other force users so that's what he did he narrowed his train of thought to allow it to shrink his presence and though it would've taken some years to fully master the boy did it well enough in a short span of hours that not even the Emperor himself could sense any changes at least that's what J'onn thought as he continued to work on his technique.

Later that evening J'onn and his family had dinner and then afterward his parents gifted him with the things they bought in the market his mother gave him the water canisters and extra blanket as well as a survival pack his father then presented him with a blaster pistol saying that having a personal weapon aside from what was issued by the supply unit was always wise. After they had given their gifts the family headed to bed for the next day J'onn would be leaving.

That night J'onn practiced the art of the small a little more before finally going to sleep or so he thought for he did not dream but have visions of the future he saw the sands of Tattoine and an old man looking back at him with a knowing look and then sudden pain as if someone was trying to pry his mind open he immediately woke up and looked at his chronometer the time had flown he needed to be getting up and ready which he did.

A few hours later J'onn and his family were at the Coruscant spaceport saying their farewells once it was all said and done J'onn got on to his transport ship and got settled into his quarters from their he went to the nearest restaurant on ship and waited for the ship to lift off which soon happened moments later after they had gotten past the planets gravity well J'onn orderd a plate of food due to rushing from home to make his departure and missing breakfast from there he went back to his room and began to meditate while using the art of the small his intention was to try and re-see the vision he had seen earlier that morning but had no success so he decided to rest for the 2 days and refine his camouflage skill till he was more than sure no one could find him unless he wanted them to.

2 Days later Tattoine.

Once J'onn had arrived on Tattoine he quickly made his way over to his commanding officers office to report in for duty. When he got there he was quickly ushered into the office by the secretary at the front desk from there the officer behind the desk spoke very quick and brief " I have gone over your records your record speaks for itself you'll be in charge of the units fighting skills and tactics after that you'll have the day to yourself as for right now get yourself to your quarters and get settled in and get to know the town you'll want to see where your soldiers go after their done training or do what you will it matters not just have the boys up early and training." " Will do sir." Jonn quickly responded and left the office.

When J'onn got to his permanent quarters he began to set up his room from there he left and went asking the locals where the Jundland waste were he got a few leads he made sure he looked like a civilian and was not in his imperial uniform after getting some general directions J'onn went to the imperial compound and commandeered a speeder bike and began heading towards the wastelands once on the border J'onn opened himself to the force and let himself be a beacon as well as hoping that the force would guide him as well suddenly he felt as if eyes were on him and he followed that feeling all the way to a ridge when he got there he saw what had been shown him an old man looking in his direction with a knowing look.

I have been having some technical issues with my writing device and I'm sorry also if there's any issue with the grammar please let me know

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