
Chapter 2: More Than Just A Galaxy Far Far Away

" Where are we." were the words that started a whole conversation between the young master as he was known now in this universe yet he already knew the answer to his question since Death had left his memories and the most pertinent of the previous host like his name which ironically hadn't changed very much just in the spelling instead of the standard John it was now more similar to the Martian Manhunter version of J'onn and instead of Cloud there was an added s at the end of the name.

The back story of the body he now possessed and owned was as such one who came from a family background of middle class family who was loyal to the empire in fact when the Emperor made it possible to send young children to the academy on Carida they did so without hesitation thus young J'onn had been their for the past five years learning how to be an officer in the JROTC program since the age of 10. The major draw back to such a program was that no child could mentally take all that training so there were many breakdowns mentally and physically and at times some even died though it was never reported on the Holo Net. J'onn was one of the very few to survive as the children's program till the end of the training there was an accident another student lost control and beat the original owner of the body into a vegetative state or so he had thought.

J'onn was currently on a small medical ship bound for his homeworld of Coruscant he was being released from the Empires JROTC program due to the incident of violence a few days prior and that's when he woke up not as the original owner of the body but as some one completely new to his surroundings yet had an intimate knowledge of the universe and whose first few thoughts were how his friends would kill him if they knew where he was now.

" Sir, how long till we reach Coruscant?" he finally asked the attendee that had been assigned to him on his return trip, and who at the same time had not been told of the previous owners condition due the empire wanting it all kept hush hush, the attendee responded " We've been in hyperspace for the past day or so and should be coming out of it anytime soon also the academy has sent home paperwork detailing all that you have done and completed and if I were you I'd get some rest you've earned it."

After getting his earful J'onn did exactly that he combed through the memories that had been left behind from the previous owner to be ready and familiarized with his family and all its members also he checked himself over and did the one thing he had wished was real in his own universe he opened himself up to the Force and felt all things at once which nearly drove the 15 year old lad crazy due to having never been trained so he quickly shut himself off to the Force and began to prepare what to do next.


In the throne room of the Emperor Palpatine his meditation in the dark side was suddenly broken as he had felt a vergence in the force he had not felt since the creation and birth of Anakin Skywalker and this caused his heart to shudder for it took great sith alchemy to tip the balance to the side of evil. Palpatine quickly checked the balance to be sure that nothing had changed and nothing had still that sudden pressure in the force needed to be found and either submitted or destroyed thus he summoned his enforcer Darth Vader " Lord Vader I have instructions for you." spoke the Emperor and Vader replied " what is thy bidding my master?" " I sense a great disturbance in the force come and leave the galaxy I want you to root out the source of this disturbance and either make it submit to me or utterly destroy am I understood?" the dark lord of the sith said only one word before departing "Crystal."

The Outer Atmosphere

J'onn had finally decided what he was going to do he had known that staying on Coruscant would be unwise since he wanted to learn the ways of the Jedi and Force so with his knowledge of where everyone else was located he quickly decided that it would be his best interest and find Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet of Tattooine and ask him to train J'onn into at least a respectable padawan the only thing was how could he get away from his family without hurting them and so he thought of a few ideas finally resting on one he would tell them that the empire was expanding out to that area and he wanted to be one of the first to go.

Now that J'onn was planetside his parents wasted no time and were at the pickup point on time to bring their son home they quickly left the spaceport area and boarded a taxi speeder heading towards the midlevel area where the families for political aids resided once inside their comfortable apartment questions about the academy were asked and he told them everything except for the part where his former host was caught unawares and beaten to a vegetative state afterwards they sat to dinner and that's when J'onn made his request " mother father I would like to transfer to Tattoine there's a post out there for a junior aid that could use my touch and I would like to be the first to go before anyone else." his mother replied " but you just got home and from what you just told us the academy itself was harrowing and you want to just march right back out there as if nothing happened why not take a few days and rest on it" "the problem is I don't have a few days the post could be gone by tomorrow and I really want it please father you know what I'm talking about." The boy had been right many a time had promotions come and he had been passed over due to his lack of initiative so he agreed without hesitation " J'onn is right he needs to take that post as soon as possible there will be time later on for family gatherings but I for one would like for the Clouds to rise up in rank." and thus it was settled J'onn Clouds was going to Tattoine.

enjoy the release and let me know your thoughts in the comments section

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