
Chapter 13: The Surprise Attack On Sulon ( brief chapter)

Whilst the three men sat at the table discussing how to quickly leave then planet Sulon another issue had arrived in the form of imperials for the rebel alliance had a base established there and the imperials could not let that stand so the Emperor sent his servants to destroy them swiftly and the one leading the attack was none other than Inquisitor Jerec and Grand Admiral Thrawn but unbeknownst to them their actions created the perfect escape route allowing the young former imperial to use his credentials one last time before his section was discovered allowing the three men to escape to a rebel base that was far off into the stars.

" They escaped how is that possible there's no way unless they had imperial access codes." Thrawn looked deeply upset he had not seen this coming and that unnerved him for he was a calculating man who always studied his enemies even those who disliked him for his blue skin and red eyes of the Chiss race but he did not care he quickly recieved a response from the Male standing next to him on the starboard deck of the ship " They had help from one who must have been an imperial not only that but the force guides them ther can be no other option at least not with all that power I felt on that ship it felt as if a small congregation of jedi has appeared, pleas find out if we got there hyperspace coordinates right before they jumped." The Male who spoke looked tawny almost skeleton like with line tattoos near his bottom lip it was disconcerting to those who had to get close to him but the one thing that toyed with people's mind was the leather strap draped over his eye sockets which caused many to be afraid and not look him dead in the eyes. Another response was given " No sir they jumped to fast before we could register where they were going most likely it would be a random jump first before they settled.on where it is they're actually going."

The attack had come sooner than expected amd without vision or guidance J'onn and his companions narrowly escaped with their lives due to his use of his imperial ID tags and codes but he knew that would only work once at least with this group of imperials. Morgan Katarn sat with Qu Rahn in the loading dock area of the small ship that they had commandeered from the empire he had a feeling as to why the imperials had come to Sulon so abruptly and he had destroyed that reason as well as his family farm to leave no trace of evidence to be found the only things he took were Weegi and a digitized copy of the map to the valley of the Jedi which he knew the location of must be protected at all cost until the time was right to reveal it.

"We'll be coming out of hyperspace soon" J'onn had said over the intercoms "Rahn can you point me in the direction of the Rebellion so we can let them know of the situation on Sulon" he asked amd waited for the Jedi Masters response which he got in no time " I know they had a base on Dantooine but i heard they recently moved to Yavin Four, that'd be your best bet." J'onn was not surprised at the answer for he knew that soon Morgans son Kyle would steal the plans to the first Death Star and it would happen much more so now that Morgan was alive and well and not only that he was part of the Rebellion and J'onn knew that Kyle would never turn on family not since his mothers passing plus it'd be nice to start up a jedi center within the rebellion all he needed to do was get enough force sensitives in one place as well as have enough Jedi Masters to pass along there skills and abilities, J'onn began to formulate a plan.

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