
Chapter 12: A Change In Two Destinies

After Rahn had said those words he deactivated his lightsaber and waited till the young man before him did the same, which J'onn did exactly at the same time. Both men began to walk towards Morgan Katarn the older keeping his eyes on the younger as they quickly approached him and his homestead, as the two men got close enough Morgan could see that they had been talking but low enough to where he could not here and that maf him very curious. Finally the three men stood close enough to converse Rahn quickly took control of the conversation " so young one tell us your story and why it is you came to Sulon." J'onn looked at both men and began to speak " my name is J'onn Cloud I'm from Coruscant and yes I'm from an Imperial family as well as being a graduated officer myself but that is not all the Force speaks to me it guides me it first led me to Obi-Wan and his desert home and for three and a half years he trained me in the Jedi arts from there I had plans to go back to Coruscant and start a Rebellion there against the emperor and his agents but the Force had other ideas and it led me here the reason being is to save both your lives from death i have had visions while meditating of both your deaths by the hand of a man who wears black straps over his eyes both deaths were by bladed weapons one for you Morgan a vibrosword and for you Rhan a red blood lightsaber." J'onn paused and looked both men in the eye and saw the anger that was there but underneath it all the fear that was almost hidden showed itself in the eyes Morgan spoke before J'onn could continue " hearing such words from someone who I dont know is upsetting but if it is true what can be done to change it at the same time how do I know your telling the truth your random and out of place yet I can tell that there is no ill will present in what you say your just the bearer of what you've been shown so again I ask what can be done to change our fates" J'onn was surprised at Morgans response but was ready for all possible out comes even this one.

as all three men sat at the dinner table discussing their present situation it was quickly established that force visions could be shared if the one having the visions joined hands with other recipients which led to both men having done so and seeing their future demise it was unsettling and though he was the younger both men looked to J'onn for answers he could think of only one option " The both of you need to come with me staying here for you Morgan means death I know you have your farm here and memories and family but that's the best I can think of also its he wise of you learned to us the force and a lightsaber but the choice has to be yours. As for you Rahn I still need a teacher I know Obi-Wan taught me all that he has but my training is still incomplete it'd be good if me and you stuck close to each other for the next few years but again just like Morgan the choice is up to you. Both men told the younger that they'd have to sleep and think on it, it would be a big change.

The Following Morning...

Morgan was the first one up that morning he looked around his house and then stared intently at his ceiling making a decision and coming to a conclusion. Rahn woke up next and in one of the guest quarters and meditated through the morning the Idea of having an apprentice full time sounded like a good proposition it would keep his skills sharp for dueling since he could tell that the young man before him was heavily skilled in combat as for force abilities he could teach a thing or two especially if Morgan decided to join its be good for the future and the threats to come. From Rahns view he had a mission to fulfill and his being alive meant it would happen even if he knew it would fall on someone else at least he'd be there to guide that person.

J'onn woke up from his sleep in a cold sweat this time having seen a new vision in the force of an event he thought he wouldn't have to worry about till a later date but it seemed that with his change of the future he'd altered someone else's and that meant he'd have hurry and get back to Obi-Wan by the following year so he could be there to give Vader a well deserved surprise as well as the Emperor till then he hoped that his new friends would also become his new traveling companions at least or to get at least one of them to come along but he would be in for a surprise once they had joined together.

Each man looked around the table at the other with J'onn waiting for either of the other two to speak which seemed like an eternity until Morgan suddenly spoke " I have decided that I will leave my farm and travel the universe with you J'onn as for learning the ways of the Jedi I'm not sure I had a bad experience as a child I accidentally killed another child using my abilities and I swore from that day on I would never use them again but with the events heading the way they are I'll have to reconsider my oath." J'onn looked at Morgan and responded with an ok which left both men to wait on Rahns response which he did not give them long to wait " I will do the same and stick close to you J'onn it may be strange but I believe you when you said the force led you here and I also believe that I can complete your training with your understanding of the Force your blade skills on the other hand may not be refined but your an excellent duelist you just need a sparring partner and I need to resharpen my skills. Overall I feel that this is the will of the Force." J'onn looked at both men and responded " Let's get a plan together we know can't stay here on Sulon forever we need to plan an exit on a ship I have fifty thousand credits and that won't be enough for all of us so im all ears ...."

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