
Saying goodbye.

Sol "I… did it… it actually worked!she's alive! Oh thank the force it actually worked!"

*koff koff koff*

Sol "well I only have 10 minutes left on this plain. I wish I could talk to you one more time but I don't think you'll wake up before I disappear. At least you and our child will live on. I was really looking forward to watching her grow up for as long as I could. "

*tears start flowing uncontrollably*

Sol "I. I don't want to leave you alone. Fuck life's so unfair sometimes… I wish I could have stayed with you forever. Sheara if you can hear me I just want you to know I don't regret anything. Loving you having you as my wife I wouldn't have made it this long without you. I might have become the very thing I despise without you. A fallen Sith so I don't regret loving you and I don't regret giving my life for you. If there's something I regret it's that I can't be there for you or our child anymore. I just?!?"

jedi master "that damned Sith actually pulled it off! Bampa pudo scum like you should have died after falling to bring her back! Serge fang we should kill them both now before she wakes up and wall he's still weak. We can't have a Jedi who was tanted running around alive and well. And this Sith is as good as dead anyway so why not extradite the proses."

fang " I agree. She's a disgrace to the Jedi and obviously all Sith should be erased from the universe."

serge "Do it quickly you two their allies will be here soon."

fang "Got it darian let's get this over with."

darian "your no fun at all. Well at least I get to end this bastard with my own hands."

sol "so the three wannabe lovers of my wife are going to try to destroy all my hard work? Over my dead body!"

*lightsaber igniting sounds*

3 minutes later

sol "haaa haaa haaa that's it for me. I got nothing left. I'm starting to fade. At least I don't have to worry about the three stooges anymore. They were Far more trouble than they were worth."

Sheara "mmmnnn sol what's with all the noise?!? SOL NONONONONO DONT DIE! YOUR NOT ALOUD TO DIE!"

*sol sadly smiling*

sol "I'm sorry love. That's one request that I can't fophill. I wish I could truly I do I had to give everything I had just to bring you back. I'm sorry that your idiot husband is so weak he can't bring someone back without giving up his life in exchange. Please take good care of our child."

*sol disintegrates in to particles of light and dark before completely disappearing*

Sheara "no sol please come back. I don't want to live in a universe where you're not in it."

*cry's uncontrollably*

The next chapter will be longer

Hates_Thanatoscreators' thoughts