
Chapter 2

A few hours later they arrived at a Munificent that, on Gunrays command, immidietly jumped to Dookus Coordinates.

Grievous however, was contemplating on how to train himself in the force. He wasn't sure if he should follow the dark or light side or do it like Revan and find a balance. Grievous stopped these thougts and concentrated on being able to use it first.

The first ability Grievous tried to learn was Telekinesis, since it would become rather powerfull later on and was easy to train.

First Grievous tried to lift one of the credits that he got from the Quest and found out that it was suprisingly easy to do, considering he never used the force before.

[Force Power Telekinesis (F) learned]

After half an hour he could lift 10 Credits and let them stay in the air for a few minutes. 'System, open the shop' thought Grievous. He was very interested in the shop since normaly it would have quite powerful items.

[Understood Host]






Force Powers


System Points: 11.000]

Grievous looked thoughtfull at the options he had 'what would you recommend system?'

[I would recommend Host to buy a basic meditation techique to properly train yourself in the force. With your current system points you can purchase a grade D meditation techique. Proceed?]


[1.000 system points left]

[D grade meditation purchased]

[You have learned D grade basic meditation. Training this Skill will raise your force level and allow you to learn more advanced techiques]

If he could Grivous would have smiled after reading thr skill information, it was exactly what he needed in the star wars universe, where the force decided everything, and he was very confident that Dooku and Sidious wouldn't teach him much outside of lightsaber forms so that he wouldn't become to strong. After all, in their eyes he was just a puppet to be used and thrown away. 'But they didn't include me in their calculations, and i won't suffer the same fate as the original Grievous'.

Determined Grievous sat down and started using his meditaton skill, which made him enter a sleep like trance.


Grievous woke up when a B1 droid shook him and said "Sir, we are closing in on Count Dookus Flagship. Viceroy Gunray told me to bring you to him" "Yes, i'm on my way".

'System what are the results of my meditation?'

[Force Level: Youngling (20%)]

After seeing the results Grievous turned to the droid who was just about to leave. "How long ago did the Viceroy and me enter this ship again?" "7 Hours sir". 'That means i raised my Force Level by 20% in around 6½ hour, thats clearly faster than it should be. System, whats going on?'

[When you asked Amon to make you Force sensitive he also granted you S grade Force talent]

Grievous couldn't think clearly for a moment. 'S grade? Isnt't that usually the most powerfull? Why would he just give it to me for free?'

[There are grades that surpass S grade such as SS, SSS and X. However, they can't be given or bought, they must be earned or created by yourself]

'Doesn't that mean he gave me the strongest Force talent he could?'

[Host is correct. He decided to give it to you considering your karmic points]

'How many points did i have to make him give me an S grade talent'

[I am not allowed to tell you anything except that you have the highest amount in the history of mankind]

"uhm, sir everything alright?"

Grievous thoughts were interrupted by the droid and he realised that he just stood there for about 2 minutes, talking with his System.

'I need to be more careful from now on. Dozing of in combat could get me killed. Now that i think about it, i should only meditate when i'm save as well, i didn't even notice that B1 until it shook me'

Then suddenly something entered Grievous mind 'Hey i leveled up twice after completing the mission, did i get anything?'

[ You gained 2 skill points from your level ups. you can use them to increase your skill level]

'Why didn't you tell me before?'


'It can't be that you've forgotten right?'


'Did i hit a nerve?'

[If Host continues to act this way the System shall selfdestruct itself and Host's body in 10, 9, 8, 7]


[...Apologie accepted...]

Grievous noticed that the droid was about to say something again. "Yes i'm alright, could you lead the way?" "Sure thing sir".

The B1 unit lead Grievous to the bridge of the Frigate, where Gunray was already waiting.

"Ah, Grievous there you are. We will arive at Count Dookus Providence Dreadnought in a few minutes" "Thank you for informing me Viceroy". Grievous amd Gunray talked a bit until they arrived at Dookus location.

When Grievous enterd the Dreadnought an B1 immidiatly walked up to him and said "Sir, Count Dooku awaits you in his meditation chamber".

'That might be a problem'

Dooku was a strong Force user and Grievous had no way of hiding his Force sensitivity yet so he needed to think of something that could explain it. Which was needles to say almost impossible. 'I need to convince him that i don't know about it, that will at least give me time to surpass him and at that point Sidious might decide to make me his apprentice which would give me a lot more freedom'. Having formed a plan Grievous begann to confidently walk towards Dookus chamber.

Next chapter