
Chapter 7: A Hall of Ghosts


Sinister plotting!

It has been three years since the Clone Wars began between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems led by the malevolent Sith Lord Count Dooku has begun. The Jedi have taken the side of the Republic in order to take down the newly revealed Sith.

Although the Sith that have orchestrated the galaxy-wide conflict still follow the Rule of Two, this does not stop them from bringing Force-sensitive people into their cause in the quest for submerging the galaxy into darkness as acolytes.

On the planet Bakura in the isolated edge of Wild Space, Count Dooku makes his plans within his command station…

The Command Station of Count Dooku on Planet Bakura. 19 BBY.

"Leave me, Duke." Count Dooku ordered Poggle the Lesser, the archduke of Geonosis who has escaped from Republic custody. Once he left, Dooku pressed one of the buttons on his desk, and the large hologram of a hooded head appeared before him. Dooku immediately kneeled before him.

"What is your wish, my master?" Dooku asked, not even looking up to the hologram.

"There has been a little issue with my plans in regards to Skywalker." Darth Sidious answered. "The unjust expulsion of Padawan Tano from the Jedi Order has served us well, further driving young Skywalker to the Dark Side. However, I have recently received intel that he has a new apprentice."

"I am quite sure, that he will not be that close to this padawan as he was with the Togrutan." Dooku tried to assure the Dark Lord of the Sith. "And yet, I sensed a strong presence of the Force within her. Not as strong as within the young Jedi knight, but far greater than that of your former mentor, Master Yoda." Sidious objected.

"You believe that this padawan can be useful to us, just like Skywalker?" Dooku asked, finally looking up to the hologram.

"Possibly, but we must be aware that she can be a threat to our plans. Her death may cause despair, guilt and anger within Skywalker." Darth Sidious answered. Dooku guessed that his master thought of eliminating Skywalker's new apprentice.

"I will find someone to do the task immediately…"

"No! You have a different task, my friend." Darth Sidious interjected. "A servant of mine reports that she has found a candidate to be a valuable tool in our plan for the galaxy. Bring your acolytes to Korriban, an assignment I have for them."

"Right away, my master." Dooku bowed.


"That should have softened them up. But if we're lucky, a few of the Jedi children have survived."

"We stopped being children weeks ago!" the Girl yelled at the enemy and began firing from her DC-15S blaster carbine while her friends, padawans like her, ignited their lightsabers, or at least, the ones they were able to find. For thirty-nine days it was the same; lashing rain, explosions, fire, death, corpses of clone troopers and… Jedi.

"This is it! Cut them down!" cried Zule Xiss, a Falleen who had a prosthetic left arm and also armed with a DC-15S while dodging blaster shots fired by the separatists. The padawans fought the enemy with such determination like cornered beasts for a day. However, the Separatist assault continued as a new day, Day 40 of the battle began.

"Master Diath, give me strength." A human male padawan named Tae Diath called to his now dead uncle and Jedi master. Tae stabbed his blue-coloured lightsaber into one of the droids as he led what remained of his company of clones wearing the Phase I armour. However, Master Diath seemed to ignore his nephew's words as the clones fell one by one, until only the black-haired padawan was left. He was instantly surrounded by the Separatist battle droids. Though these were nether the B1 nor the B2, these were A-series droids. Taller, stronger, and more intelligent than the clankers.

"Target acquired." One of the droids spoke. Tae stood there with his lightsaber still ignited. He knew that it was useless to resist, there were too many of them. His time has come. Soon, he will be one with the Force with his uncle. With his eyes watching at his doom, the 16-year-old Tae died as he was gunned down by the droids.

"Tae! No!" Elora Sund, a female Sullustan padawan cried, sensing her friend's death one on the other side of the battlefield, for the two shared a psychic connection. This happened to be her downfall as she grabbed her head and screamed in such agony and pain, even affecting the approaching Jabiim nationalists as the frequency at which she cried out was too much for them. The Sullustan then fell to the ground and silenced, releasing her final breath.

who was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order. Early in the war, Sund lost her master, and she became a member of the Padawan Pack on Jabiim. In addition to her lightsaber, Sund was trained in the use of a vibroknife, which she was found of using in battle in conjunction with her lightsaber or a blaster.

As she lied on the muddy ground, her fellow padawans Mak Lotor, a blonde human in white Jedi robes, and Kass Tod, a teenage Zabrak girl, approached her.

"What happened?" Kass asked as she stood on guard with her green lightsaber, while Mak inspected Elora's body. "I didn't see her get hit!"

"She wasn't," the teenage boy answered. "I think it was a psychic backlash from her bond to Tae! She's dead!"

Day 41, despite the AT-AT walker firing at them, the unified forces of Jabiim Nimbus commandos and the droids continued their advance.

"There is no pain, there is only the Force," Windo Nend, a Quara Aqualish padawan said to himself as he fought the Separatist forces on his own. "There is no fatigue… oof!"

Windo grunted as the blast of an explosion caused him to fly back, losing his lightsaber of blue-colored blade in the process. Hitting the ground, Windo raised his head as he heard a noise behind him. Turning around, the padawan saw an approaching Hailfire droid. The Quara Aqualish saw that his directly in the way of the machine's left wheel.

"There is no death…" Windo confidently said to himself taking out a detonator, activating it just as he was crushed by the Hailfire droid's wheel. The droid instantly met its destruction once detonator exploded under its wheel.

Elsewhere, Zule Xiss fired from her DC-15S carbine. Along with her batch of clone troopers, the Falleen held their positions as the B1 droids charged at them, supported by their AAT tanks. The other padawans also fought the approaching foes nearby.

"All the masters warned me of the dangers of hate and anger," Zule began talking. She then dropped her firearm. "But my anger and hate will kill you all!" With that, she ignited her lightsaber and charged at the Jabiim nationalists, slaying them one by one. They fell as some of them were beheaded, some were stabbed in the heart or chest, others were cut in half along with their arms, leaving a brutal image. Zule, however, didn't care, as she continued her rampage. She wanted to kill them all, for every Jedi master, clone trooper, Jabiim loyalist, and padawan, her friends, they murdered.

"Zule is slipping into darkness!" Mak Lotor yelled to another padawan, a male Gand named Vaabesh. Along with Kass Tod, the three blocked the enemy shots with their lightsabers as heavy rain went on while everything was burning around them.

"Does it really matter? At least she is on our side!" Vaabesh yelled in response, only to dodge as an explosion occurred nearby.

Meanwhile, Zule slayed a Nimbus commando. Turning around, she saw another one, lying on the ground, injured, and covered in mud. As she approached him, Zule raised her lightsaber, ready to strike the injured enemy. She knew that finishing the injured was not the Jedi way, and that she was filled with so much hate and anger, but she did not care anymore. Soon, this was all be over, and the hell on this world will come to an end.

"You're going to die, madman!" she hissed. "So are you, monster…" the commando answered, coughing. With little strength he had, he pointed his finger towards the Falleen teenager.

"See?" he asked. Zule turned around and watched in horror as the head of an AT-AT exploded. "May the Force be with others." Zule murmured to herself as the large walker fell on her and the injured soldier.

It was Day 42. Mak knew the Republic were losing the battle. There weren't many forces left. Many Jedi and clones perished. Mak and Kass stood together as Alto Stratus, the local Separatist commander, finally encountered them.

"You too tired to fight, Stratus. I can sense it, give up!" Mak yelled at the blond man with long hair and beard, only for the Jabiim nationalist to strike t him.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead. How about you?" Alto Stratus asked the 17-year-old as he stabbed him in the neck.

"Butcher!" the Zabrak girl cried in rage, charging at him with her lightsaber. Aiming for the arm, Kass cut off Stratus' right leg. Falling onto the ground, Stratus cried in pain, cursing the padawan.

"You're dead…" he told her as a Nimbus commando approached to assist him.


Zule turned around and saw two Hailfire droids firing their missiles at the two padawans. Mak Lotor quickly used the Force to hold the missiles.

"Kass, get out of here!" the blonde yelled, barely holding the missiles. "I'm too exhausted to hold it back!"

Kass Tod, however, approached Mak from behind, wrapping her arms around him.

"We die together, Mak. Let it go. Let them all go…" Kass spoke to Lotor gently as she nuzzled him. Mak took a deep breath. "I love you." He said to her. "I love you too." Kass answered. The two 17-year-olds closed their eyes as Mak put his hands down, allowing the missiles to strike them, killing the couple instantly.

Day 43:

"Hnh. Aubrie, my containment suit is breached. I'm being poisoned by the air…" Vaabesh yelled desperately as his clones were holding off the Separatists nearby. The Girl ran towards him with her blue lightsaber, but not to help him. "I'm sorry, Vaabesh. But I need your lightsaber." She told him.

The Gand sighed but obeyed.

"Of course. Take it. Use it better than I did." He told Her before dying. At the same time, Stratus was still tended by his subordinate.

"Hold on, commander." The commando told him. "All of the assassin droids are destroyed, and we're the last of the Nimbus. But we will win this battle…"

"You're not victorious yet!" the Girl yelled, holding her blue lightsaber and also the Gand's weapon. She immediately killed the commando by blocking his blaster shot and causing it to ricochet back to the commando's head. With the final obstacle to Stratus gone, the Girl approached the lying commander.

"You killed half of your people," She began raising Her lightsabers to stab them into him. "And you've murdered my friends."

"Don't lecture me about murder, Jedi. All of my victims were casualties of war." Stratus told Her, and with that, he drew out a blaster, firing at the Girl. Hit by the shots, the Girl, however, fell onto the Separatist commander, stabbing him with her blades.

"Just casualties of war…" Status murmured as he died with the unconscious Girl lying on top of him and rain falling on them, and the multiple corpses of nationalists and clones, along with the destroyed war machines.

However, the Girl suddenly awoke as somebody shoved her. Opening her eyes, She felt pain from the blaster shots. Still, She found strength and turned around. She gasped in shock as she saw her friends, the padawans that fell before Her, standing on their two feet. However, what frightened Her was that they looked like resurrected dead. Zule stood there without her prosthetic, having only her flesh right arm. The padawans were filled with cuts, scars, and burns on their skins. The Girl whimpered as she saw yellow glowing eyes on their faces.

"Zule… Mak… Nend… how?"

"It was you." Zule told Her in a deadly tone. "What?" She asked, tears flowing from her eyes. "We all died because of you!" Vaabesh hissed without his containment suit. "If you helped me instead of taking my lightsaber, I would have been alive!" he continued.

"I'm sorry," the Girl cried. "I had to do it. I had to finish him."

"That's just a stupid excuse!" Windo Nend snarled at Her. "You have encouraged Him to leave us!" both Kass and Mak told Her. "You told Skywalker to leave and take the rest of our troops with him back to Coruscant!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't good enough," the 17-year-old Zabrak shouted. "Me and Mak could have been together. We could have more!"

"I didn't tell him to abandon us!" the Girl protested. "The Supreme Chancellor ordered him to evacuate from Jabiim."

"That's not an excuse! You encouraged him to follow the order!" Tae told her. "You are a stupid, selfish, and cowardly girl! If only Master Sirrus saw you, he would be ashamed of you. How come a trash like you even joined the Order?!"

The Girl wept. She didn't believe that Her master would hate her. But strange voices encouraged her otherwise.

"No, it's not true," She whimpered. "Master Sirrus believed in me."

"Maybe he just pretended, so that you wouldn't start crying?" Zule Xiss responded with a smirk. "You caused our deaths. Now, you will pay!" the padawans spoke in a sinister voice. They then ignited their lightsabers, though the color of their blades was… red. Horrified, the Girl pleaded for mercy, only for the dead padawans strike her with their new lightsabers.

The Girl screamed as she opened her eyes. She immediately understood that it was a nightmare, as She sobbed. She remembered the battle in which Her friends died as if it happened yesterday. Looking around, She didn't know where She was or what day it is.

The Girl was around 15 years old. She had a light skin, brown eyes and She wore a padawan braid on Her brown hair. Looking around, She saw a passageway with a staircase. The Girl immediately dashed up the stars, only to enter a massive structure built of stone. She froze, as She immediately felt disturbed by the structure. Everything here was not right. Not just the statues of various people sitting on chairs, they looked frightening, but what She felt. It was the cold, the pain, the anger, and pure hatred. She immediately understood what it meant, a huge presence of the Dark Side was radiating from these statues, or tombs, as the Girl guessed.

Suddenly, the pain returned to Her and the Girl screamed in agony, grabbing for Her head. Tears were floating down Her face as She heard voices of her friends.

"It was all your fault!" one voice shouted.

"You allowed him to leave us." Another voice stated.

"If you didn't encourage him to abandon us, we would have been together! How come you have survived while we are all dead!" two more voices told her. "No, no. Please, I'm sorry!" the Girl cried. "Too late! You should have died with us!" the voices yelled in her head at such frequency that blood began to float from her ears.

"Aaaaaahhh!!" the girl screamed, and broke down again. She then heard multiple people laughing at her in a malevolent way. She opened her eyes, and saw three spectres coming out of three statues. Soon, the spectres transformed into three people. They were tinted blue, as if he was a hologram, more transparent. The girl looked at them with shock and fear. Are they ghosts? One of them seemed to be a human, wearing a helmet on his head. Another one was in dark robes, his face covered with mask resembling a skull. The third one looked like a living skeleton. The girl twitched in fear as she felt the Dark Side coming from them.

"Well, well, well. What do you have here?" the third ghost spoke, his voice causing even more fear within the girl. "Our tombs have been disturbed by a stupid, shallow, little Jedi."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" the girl stammered, only to feel herself being choked. "Do you know who we are?" the third ghost asked, the girl shrugged in response. "I am Darth Andeddu, this is Darth Nihilus, and Darth Bane. We are the Dark Lords of the Sith!"

The girl shrieked in horror as Darth Andeddu continued to choke her. She pointed towards the ghost of Darth Bane.

"I heard about you, you found the Rule-of-Two; only two Sith can exist." She tried her best to speak as she was being choked. "Yes, one holding power, one desiring it." Darth Bane answered with a dark chuckle.

"But what about us?" Darth Andeddu asked with curiosity. "Do you know why I am not forgotten? Or Lord Nihilus?"

The girl wanted to say that she did not know, but the Sith lord, despite being dead, continued to choke her. She was desperately grasping for her breath.

"Oh, it seems that the little Jedi does not know," Darth Bane spoke once again.

"Typical for a Jedi," Darth Nihilus spoke for the first time. "They are always ignorant of the Force. Always fear to study all of it, including the Dark Side."

Just then, the girl saw more ghosts of the various Sith lords appearing from the numerous graves. There was a hooded Sith with a mask covering his face. Another one was a humanoid whose skin was red. Right beside him stood another representative of the same species, holding a crystal sphere with a living head inside. A sixth Sith also appeared, his skin pale and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Then maybe we shall show her," Darth Bane chuckled again, and suddenly, to the girl's shock and horror, the ghosts merged into her. She fell onto the ground and grabbed her head, crying in pain and agony as her mind was filled with nightmarish visions. Little did she know that this was just the beginning and that she will be tortured like this for almost three years.

The Great Temple on Planet Korriban. 19 BBY.

Count Dooku watched as the Girl was suffering from the torture caused by his master Darth Sidious and one of his servants, who was standing right beside him. She was a tall Umbaran with white skin and a bald head. The only thing that was not white were her grey robes, while her eyes were intimidating. They were still intimidating as she looked at her candidate, the Girl.

Darth Tyrannus stared at the Umbaran with disdain. He wasn't quite pleased the she was interfering in his affairs in regards to the war, but he nonetheless complied. He knew that he failed his master first with Assajj Ventress, then with that savage Zabrak Savage Opress. Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters recommended him to Dooku, only for the count to discover that Opress and Talzin were in league with Ventress, conspiring against him. Now, the Umbaran has found a new acolyte to fight the Republic forces, especially against Skywalker.

He turned back to the direction of the Umbaran as he heard a dark chuckle, though he was not looking at her. Across the terrace stood Darth Sidious himself in his pitch-black robes, with his head and face covered by a hood as usual. The Dark Lord of the Sith laughed as he was enjoying the show. Dooku then saw the Umbaran also smiled as she too was enjoying.

"And what is so special about this child, mistress?" Dooku whispered to the Umbaran, trying not to disturb their master. "This child is not some ordinary padawan, Lord Tyrannus." The Umbaran, Sly Moore, answered. "Shortly after the Crisis on Naboo, Lord Sidious took notice of Young Skywalker and I was one of the few that have been tasked to assign agents and spies to keep an eye on the boy, and his inner circle. In regards to the inner circle, it was quite hard to do so, for as soon as Skywalker became a padawan, he lived a quite depressing and lonely childhood within the Jedi Temple. He literally didn't have any friends. From what I understood he couldn't relate to his fellow peers due to his painful past and strongest connection to the Force."

"Yet, there was one of the classmates with whom he got close, this girl. Saved her from bullying if my memory is right. Since then, she began looking up to him. Anakin became like a sister-figure to her. Obviously I kept a close eye on her. Especially when she became member of the Padawan Pack on Jabiim. When she was shot by one of your commanders, we had to act quickly. Thankfully, our healers managed to save her, for I think that her connection to Anakin Skywalker can be of use to us, and to our master's Plan."

With these words, Sly Moore smirked and began descending to the lower floor and approached the girl, Aubrie Wyn. It has been three years she was torturing the child with the summoned spirits of the past Sith lords, same method Lord Sidious used on her. This time, however, Wyn is also tormented by the spirits of her fellow dead padawans. A good thing is that the fallen Sith lords have also showed her a glimpse of the future, particularly one event which Aubrie was seeing right now, once again.

Aubrie Wyn, the Girl, found herself in the Jedi Temple. She immediately knew what this was; the worst part of her endless nightmare. Aubrie began weeping as she saw the clones with blue markings on their armour firing at the Jedi. They were killing everyone in the temple, even the younglings. She couldn't stand it as the gunned down younglings of 5 and 6 years old fell on the floor after being shot. She then heard lightsabers clashing. Her inner voice told her not to look, but she nevertheless did, only to regret. Watching in horror, she saw as Anakin Skywalker, now a knight, hooded, is slicing the Jedi standing in his way, with the clone troopers covering him. This moment she hated the most. Anakin, her dear friend, Anakin, has betrayed the Order, which has become weak.

"No! No, please! Stop this! Anakin stop!" Aubrie cried, but it seemed Skywalker didn't hear her. "Stop!" she desperately cried again and suddenly, he froze in front of a few younglings. Aubrie smiled as she believed it worked, only for Anakin to kill a Rodian Jedi youngling. Aubrie cried in horror, as she understood that the reason for her best friend's stillness was that he was deciding on who to kill next. She wept hysterically as the nightmare continued. However, the course of the nightmare has changed suddenly when she saw Anakin kneeling in front of a hologram of a hooded man in pitch-black robes. Anakin, who was for some reason called Vader, told his master of the outcome of the massacre within the temple. Pleased, the hooded figure orders him to go to Mustaphar in order to eliminate the Separatist leadership.

To her shock, the nightmare suddenly ended as she once again was within the hall of the Great Temple on Korriban. Everything was the same, except that alongside her, someone else was present. Sensing the presence, Aubrie looked and shocked to see the Umbaran female standing in front of her, smiling.

"Senior Administrative Aide Moore?" Aubrie yelled in surprise.

"You have seen it, didn't you?" the Umbaran asked instead of answering. "You have seen of what the Jedi Order shall become. What the Republic shall become. What you dear friend shall become."

"No, it's not true. It's impossible!" Aubrie objected. "Search for your feelings, you know it to be true." Sly Moore repeated the words of her master, causing the tormented girl to break down once again.

"Aubrie," Sly Moore spoke once again, attracting Wyn's attention. "You have seen that Young Skywalker has betrayed the Jedi Order. Everything what you knew. Betrayed your friends. Betrayed you."

"There were his friends! He couldn't betray them! I told him to leave." Aubrie argued. "But he could have disobeyed you and stayed with you." Sly Moore interjected. Aubrie lowered her head in defeat, despite her encouragement to leave her on Jabiim, Anakin could have disobeyed the Chancellor's orders. But he didn't, and soon he would betray the Jedi Order.

"I know what you're thinking now; if he stayed on Jabiim and died with you, then none of what you saw would have happen." Sly Moore disrupted her thoughts. "But I can see that in truth you want to have revenge on him, for leaving you."

"You're lying!" Aubrie yelled at the Umbaran with tears in her eyes. "You're only trying to recruit me so that I can assist you in turning Ani to the Dark Side!"

"Ani? Well, that's quite interesting." Sly Moore chuckled darkly. "Alright, child, even if I am lying, then let's take a look at this from the other point of view. Yes, my master has great plans for Skywalker, and that means keeping a close eye on him, and on his inner circle; friends, family. Since you were friends with him when he was a padawan, or should I say, his only friend, we needed you too, all because of him. My master has started this war for him! It was because of him, your fellow padawans died, and it is because of him you are here, on Korriban, suffering."

"And if you are going to say that it is not his fault, little dove, then you are bluffing. You may hide it, but I see that deep inside, you hate him."

Aubrie sat shocked from the conversation. While a part of her still loved Anakin Skywalker, the rest of her has gained and hatred for Anakin, for what he did, for what he would do, and that hatred was becoming stronger and stronger. Aubrie was barely able to keep it at bay, but she failed as Sly Moore mentioned it.

"What do you want from me?" Aubrie Wyn asked in an unpleasant tone. "Your collaboration." Sly Moore simply answered. "You will assist in my master's Plan. You can get your revenge on Young Skywalker. As for the Jedi, you shouldn't defend them. They have left you and your friends too, and you're not the only ones. For millennia, the Jedi Order have been deceiving, betraying and murdering their own."

While the two females talked, they were overwatch by the two Sith lords. "It is time, Lord Tyrannus." Darth Sidious disrupted the silence. Nodding, Count Dooku made a sign to someone hiding. Sensing their presence, Sly Moore stopped their conversation, drawing out a lightsaber.

"I'm afraid this conversation ends for now." Sly Moore answered. "The servants of my master must test you. In order to survive, you must embrace the Dark Side. Use your anger and pain."

With that, the Umbaran stood aside as six figures appeared, surrounding her, like predators. Aubrie gulped as they ignited their red lightsabers. Understanding that she must defend herself in order to survive, the girl ignited her new lightsaber, which was also red. Suddenly, one of the figures leapt at her. Desperate, Aubrie managed to block the lightsaber strike of her opponent, only to be hit in the face. Another figure charged, who managed to punch her in the chest. She received several cuts and blows from all of her opponents as Aubrie knelt on the ground in defeat. Despite her skills in lightsaber combat, her opponents were far more skilled and experienced than she was.

"You are so weak" she suddenly heard Zule's voice and was shocked when one of the figures revealed to be the Falleen. "You easily give up, unlike me. Back then on Jabiim I embraced the Dark Side, and although I was killed in the end, I was stronger, I gather my strength from all the anger and hatred I harbored for years."

She stopped talking when suddenly Aubrie charged at her. The Falleen blocked her strikes, but the girl did not give up, yelling in anger, viciously trying to slay Zule Xiss. She then turned her attention to another opponent when they attacked her. Aubrie fought aggressively. In the end, she once again engaged Zule in a fight, which resulted in the two losing their lightsabers and Aubrie knocking the Falleen to the ground. It was not over, however, as Aubrie Wyn began beating Zule Xiss, punching in the face, with her fists filled with blood. She continued until she heard a thunderous voice.


Aubrie raised her head and saw two figures approaching. She recognized one of them as Count Dooku, who was following the figure in pitch-black robes. She wasn't sure which of them ordered her to stop, but she guessed that the one in robes and his face covered with a hood was Sly Moore's master and the Dark Lord of the Sith. Aubrie shivered in fear once he spoke.

"Well, well. It looks like we have a new member of our small society. Don't you agree, Lord Tyranus?" Darth Sidious spoke with a devilish grin on his face as he looked at Aubrie from above. "I may agree, she has some potential." Count Dooku answered before she heard another male voice.

"And quite a crazy one she is."

Aubrie looked down and gasped when she saw that instead of Zule Xiss, on the ground was lying a man in his early forties. He had long brown hair, brown beard and moustache along with three scars on his forehead. Shocked, Aubrie stood up and turned around to see various specimen with red lightsabers watching at her. She immediately deduced that she fought them. To surprise her even more, they were led by Sora Bulq, whom she knew as the Weequay Jedi master who betrayed the Republic and the Order by joining Dooku.

"A worthy servant of the Dark Side you have found, Sly. Well done." Darth Sidious praised the Umbaran woman, who in turn smiled at the Sith Lord instead of bowing. "From now on, you will partly train her in the ways of the Dark Side., while at the same time, she will be working with the acolytes of Lord Tyranus." Darth Sidious then ordered Sly Moore.

"Yes, Lord Sidious." Sly simply replied.

"I will serve you well, milord." Aubrie told the Sith lord as she bowed in front of him. The acolytes followed her example and every one of them bowed before the Dark Lord of the Sith, despite feeling the disturbing presence of the ancient Sith lords.