
Chapter I: Tatooine

(Castle Dooku, Serenno)


Within the halls of Castle Dooku, Count Dooku was Dueling with his student Cantorus.

Powerful in the Force and prodigious with any weapon, Cantorus was the culmination of centuries of selective breeding in the hopes of producing a Powerful Warrior to subvert the Jedi in the Grand Plan.

The Order of Sith Lord's had kept complete control over it. The best and brightest members of the Dark Knights, Mecrosa Order, Blackguard, Bladeborn, and Prophets of the Dark Side.

Every child receiving the peak of combat and specialist training...Echani, Teräs Käsi, Bakuuni Hand. Mandalorian Instructors, Morgukai Teachers, Umbaran Shadow Assassin's, Alion Nova Guardsmen, Journeyman Protectors, Knights of Ren, Echani Sun Guard, Antarian Rangers.

For centuries the House of Mecetti has profited from being the Rule of Two's Prized Broodmare.

And only now does the final product be deemed ready for deployment.

Or rather deemed ready for the final test....


(Cantorus Mecetti POV)


Lord Tyranus was an unforgiving Taskmaster, one who accepted nothing less than perfection in every aspect of Training.

But so far Cantorus had yet to disappoint.

If he was disarmed, he switched combat styles, fighting physically until he could either reacquaint his hand with his weapon or disarming his opponent to more evenly affect the playing field.

He initially fought defensively in order to Gauge an opponent's styles before unleashing a furious barrage few were prepared for.

When on assignment he scrutinized everything, including but not limited to what his enemies had done both during their upbringing and during their years of service, but in the years between. He built a profile on them in order to familiarize himself with them prior to a first-hand witnessing of them.

Every enemy no matter how versatile or unpredictable, will inevitably form some patterns of some kind. It was thus realization that shaped Cantorus and made his status additionally more unique.

Cantorus was a Loyal member of The Mecrosa Order, and a member of The Knights of Ren. But his first loyalty was always to Lord Tyranus.


(POV Shift: Count Dooku)


House Mecetti hadn't yet proven a disappointment for him or his Master with their producing of Cantorus, whose combat potential was simply off the charts.

In fact, his greatest strength in Dooku's opinion was not his Force-Sensitivity but in his Combat Intuition.

Able to easily analyze an opponent's fighting style and promptly adapt to overwhelm them. His ability to compile a preliminary dossier on potential opponents was nothing to scoff at either.

In terms of Lightsaber Combat his student specialized in Form VI Niman. Which fitted his highly versatile combat techniques extremely well.

His student wore an Armor that was comprised of a Beskar based Phrik, Ultrachrome, and Durasteel Alloy. The weight was a minor discomfort at best. The Vacuum-protected flight suit that he wore beneath it was lined with Neuranium and Armorweave.

This ensured that he was afforded the best possible additional Protection should an enemy wielding a Lightsaber penetrate his defenses.

His student typically chose the use of a Beskar Spear with a collapsible shaft for easier use. He did however carry an Ultrachrome Shield and Two Cortosis Swords if his Spear proved ill-suited for an opponent.

Which is why his student was presently causing him significant difficulty.

The Shield was difficult for even a Fearsome Makashi Duelist such as himself to bypass and even then, those Cortosis Swords were problematic.

But then that was the point, wasn't it?

Besides, there was a substantial difference in the way Cantorus wielded them and your typical run of the moisture farm opponents.

In the rare instance such opponents had received the necessary training to wield the Shield and Swords, then the thrill of such a challenge begins. For an experienced warrior such as himself, being able to extend the battle despite the disadvantages he faced until his Saber reactivated? That was a rare opportunity and should thus be savored.

Sadly, he has only so much time to waste indulging in this feeling as the beeping of his comm signified.

''That will be all Cantorus. You may return to quarters for now.'' Dooku says as he can no longer ignore the comm.


(POV Shift: Cantorus Mecetti)


Alone in his refresher, letting his body soak up the steam.

Cantorus realized the time was near. He had lived till now in order to satisfy his goal of romancing Ahsoka Tano.

His life was not his first. Which was why he was determined to use his position to ''lose'' substantial troops.

Or rather he'd send and deactivate them. Keeping them in hibernation mode until they were needed.

He'd do the same with any clones he managed to acquire, except they'd be in cryostasis. The ships and such would also prove crucial.

Even just thinking about Ahsoka aroused him.

Though whether or not that was due to this bodies puberty stages still running or his collection of Ahsoka hentai from his old life still clear in his memory who could really say with much clarity? Or maybe it was due to his habit of engaging in intercourse with Togruta? Everyone had their vices and ways to relieve stress from missions and training, and he took a Togruta to his bed for that.

Killing his growing arousal with the Dark Side, Cantorus silently and mentally acknowledged that he was prepared to form a genuine bond with Ahsoka. Lust was a poor substitute.

Only time would tell whether or not it would work out.

In many ways The Jedi weren't wrong to deny Anger, after all, channeling your anger in his old life wasn't much different. It drained you and offered at best a minor strength increase. Lust was just a distraction, and a euphoric high at best.

Exiting his refresher, Cantorus sat in his meditation circle after dressing. He wasn't just trying to romance Ahsoka, he also had a vengeance that needed satisfying.

He simply needed to survive long enough for Darth Maul's return...

''Cantorus, my meditation chamber now.''

''Yes, My master.''


Arriving at Dooku's Meditation Chamber, he knelt and awaited acknowledgement.

''You will accompany me to Tatooine. I'll be meeting with Jabba the Hutt. If Ventress fails, then it will fall to you and I to succeed.'' Says Dooku.

''Shall I have the ships prepared master?'' Cantorus asks.


''As you command, my master.''


There were two ships which needed preparing.

Firstly, was Dooku's own heavily modified Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop Solar Sailor, and secondly was his own Ginivex Fanblade Fighter.

Cantorus had an appreciation for Starships, as well as an interest in Superweapons. So, it shouldn't surprise anyone when he heavily modified his ships.

The Solar Sail was a natural structural weakness in the Ships design, thus the points holding the Solar Sail were structurally reinforced. Furthermore, the ship was larger than the average Fanblade. This was due to the extra hull plating and shield generators, but also due to the small cargo supply room and the extra weapons.

Every Ship Cantorus owned was equipped with Proton torpedoes and Concussion Missiles.

As well as a nice stealth coating along its hull. He'd never sacrifice structural strength for additional Stealth capabilities. And yet, he'd still fork over a large chunk of his Pay as a Separatist Commander to ensure that even though the Ship wasn't built to stealth, it's parts and coatings were.

On the Separatists pay scale, he was what was known as a G3 Commander. Every officer had one, be they a G1 or G7 and anywhere in between. G7 Officers were notable but lackluster as opposed to anybody at or between G1 and G4. As a G3, his status was worth considerable payment, but if captured, then his termination is the priority.

Officially there were only three individuals at a G1 level: Dooku, Grevious, and Admiral Trench. But really who was going to tell any of the three they had a limiter on their spending? It was like telling Vader you are the biological father of his kids and not him...pure suicide.

And although tempting to get into bed with Padme, Cantorus preferred non-humans. Now he wasn't strictly a Togruta man, but if he had to, then he'd get into bed with a Twi'lek, Mirialan, or Pantoran. He wasn't exactly saying no to Padme or Leia, but in either case it's either a taken pre-MILF or virgin and jailbait.

And either one had its downsides.

It was funny, wasn't it? No matter what the verse, Human sexual relations were always dramatic and troublesome. There were exceptions of course, but there is never not one count of drama. It's like a multiversal no-no.

He'd have to ask the Father about that if he ever got the chance to meet him. And maybe hit on the daughter and extract the location of Abeloth's planet. He wanted to bathe in the waters of what gave the Son and Daughter their powers, just one of the two though, not both. The side effects were clear and very bad.

It was necessary. Balance and shit.

If he had to he'd bathe in the Dark Side, become the new son in order to maintain balance, and other stuff. Cantorus knew the planets general area of locale, but not it's exact coordinates.


(POV Shift: Count Dooku)


Dooku arrived to find Cantorus had prepared both ships for departure. If nothing else, Cantorus Mecetti prided himself on exact and careful maintenance of all weapons and ships in his hands.

One of the better Mecha-Deru adepts Dooku has met in his lifetime, Cantorus is perhaps the only person alive who knows the exact specifications of Dooku's personal Ship. Previously the ship had no weapons, but Cantorus completely redesigned the ship. It's only publicly seen weapons were a set of quad Ion Cannons at the daggers tip front.

''Cantorus, is everything ready for departure?'' Dooku asks.

''Just about Master. Goldie's doing one last system check. I wanted to have a diagnostic report on file in case any difficulties arise on Tatooine. Chief among them, Jawa's.'' Says Cantorus.

''An adequate precaution. You may not be my Apprentice, but there are times when your precision is something I wish Asajj would take as an example.'' Says Dooku in praise.

''It's not my lot in life Master, and frankly I'm happy where I am. I value stability and order, as your Apprentice I will be expected to help you supplant Lord Sidious and one day in turn do the same to you with an Apprentice of my own. Any Coup disrupts stability and order. As the Weapon of the Rule of Two, I do not have to focus on disrupting the Plan. I live and I die to see it come to fruition. I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid to either. Such is my duty, such is my pleasure.''

It was sad to see just how content such a powerful student was, as in many ways Cantorus Mecetti was his son. But by staying as a tool of the Sith Order, and not a member, Cantorus ensured his use would remain.

''Master, if I may ask? Is it wise assigning such a subtle mission to Ventress? I don't mean to question you, but other than myself there are your acolytes. Temperamental as they are, they aren't overly eager to spill blood.'' Cantorus asks.

''Asajj has her uses, and it is not yet time for my acolytes to debut. But we may yet reevaluate either case.'' Dooku replies, just as a Golden Astromech comes rolling over.

''Looks like Goldies done, shall we Master?'' Asks Cantorus as his Astromech appears.

''Yes, Let's.'' Dooku agrees. The sooner they arrive at Jabba's court, the better off they'll be.


(POV Shift: Cantorus Mecetti)


It's official, Tatooine is near the top of his shit list for planets.

Consider it a planet sized no-fly list.

The reason he was anti-Tatooine? Jawa's and Sand. It was aggravating just how easy it was for either of the two to get in and fuck with your starship.

Especially for him, when his ship had so much anti-theft hardware and software installed, that it was like a post 9/11 airline security had woke up,  looked in the mirror and immediately felt like they were still in the pre-digital age, while everyone else was in a fifth-dimensional computing age.

Still, it wasn't all bad, there was more than a few Slaves with a decent appearance present. Only question was whether or not he'd catch a rash from one.

Since he wasn't Dooku's Apprentice he was free to loiter around Tatooine until called.

Thus, he took a look at the local slave markets. He didn't typically buy, and frankly abhorred Slavery, but it had its uses. Punishing an enemy or humiliating disloyal subject being amongst them.

Cantorus ignored all the Slaves, until a seat of features caught his eye. Togruta. A group of females.

''How much for the set?'' He spoke in huttese, swallowing his own distaste.

''Fifty a head.'' Came the reply.

''So, roughly four hundred and fifty thousand credits? Done.'' Cantorus replies taking possession and ownership. ''Come with me.'' He instructs.


Sat in the cargo supply room of his ship, Cantorus provided each girl with food and water.

''I should tell you of your situation. Though you are not free, I do not require much. Respect and order. That is all I ask, and in exchange you shall be afforded respect, a degree of freedom and allowed some manner of dignity. I will not take you into my bed unwilling either. Don't think I make an exception or difference for paying a Togruta girl to warm my bed and paying my own Slaves for it. Under my roof my Slaves give their bodies to whom they see fit. When we return to the estate rooms and jobs shall be afforded to you and your collars removed and replaced with something more than a little less degrading.'' Cantorus tells them snapping his fingers as his Commando Droids appear.

''Commander?'' The lead Droid asks.

''Ensure they remain here, provide them food, water, and medicine, but do not let them leave. Under no circumstances is deadly force permitted unless a third-party attempts to take them, and even then, only against that party and not them. Shoot to stun. Not Shoot to wound, cripple, maim and definitely not shoot to kill. Is that understood?'' Cantorus asks.

''Yes, Commander.'' Says The Droid.

''Good, I must report to Lord Tyranus. You have your orders and I have mine.'' Cantorus replies, leaving.


There was a reason that Cantorus bought those Slaves. Well two reasons, one was that he sensed the Force in three of them.

The other was he recognized one. She would prove very useful in the future.

Very useful indeed.


(POV Shift: Count Dooku)


Cantorus arrived at his side swiftly.

''Ventress has failed. We must delay Skywalker and his Padawan before Kenobi arrives.'' Says Dooku.

''Delay Master? Should we not also kill the child?'' Asks Cantorus.

''No, Ziro has been taken and revealed our complicity. Our only hope now is that Jabba's impatience and rage will see Kenobi dead before Skywalker can arrive.'' Says Dooku, gritting his teeth in frustration.

''Yes, my Master.'' Says Cantorus.

''Target the Padawan, Skywalker is mime.'' Dooku adds.

''Yes, Master.'' Says Cantorus, trying to suppress his excitement for the moment.


(POV Shift: Ahsoka Tano)



lmost there!

She was almost there.

''Hold on Stinky. Just a little more.'' Ahsoka says.

''I think not.'' Says a Voice.

''Who's there!?'' Ahsoka demands drawing her Lightsaber.

''Allow me to introduce myself, I am Bastion, a Commander of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Lord Tyranus has commanded my brothers and I to delay you.'' Says The voice revealing a human male carrying what appears to be a unique Vibroblade.

''We stand with you brother.'' Several more voices say, as men and women in dark clothing show themselves..

''Who are you?'' Asks Ahsoka again, more firmly.

''We are what remains of the Mecrosa Order. The last of the true Mecetti line. Ever since your Order murdered our kin in the Cleansing of The Nine Houses, we've had to rely on Separatist groups and dissidents.'' Bastion replies.

''Are you Sith?'' Ahsoka asks, activating her Lightsaber.

''Sith Trained. But no, I suppose you could call us a breakaway sect that became a cult. After the pogrom you unleashed upon us, we had to restructure. Now loathe as I am to harm such a pretty girl, I do have my orders.'' Bastion said, handing his sword and shield to one of his friends and drawing a Lightsaber.

''Afraid of red?!'' Ahsoka jabs taunting her opponent as she rushes in for a strike.

''Hardly. Not everyone who carries a Red Blade is of the Dark Side you know? Jedi Master Adi Galli for instance, before this sorry war she carried a red blade. And In any case, I detest the colour, give me a good amber any day.'' His blade ignites, revealing an Amber and Cyan Blade.

''Close off her escape, but do not interfere.'' Says Bastion.

Ahsoka, struck at him. He expertly blocked, and struck out at her, delivering a strike against her cheek. The Lightsaber quickly cauterized the wound, but she'd get a scar.

Striking back with a flurry of attacks, each one gaining a new scar. Her lower back, her stomach, her arms, and her legs.

''Leave us.'' With a Command, Bastions men swiftly depart.

''You may go. I've done my job. My master has failed, which makes my mission null and void. Your form is sloppy, I suggest you seek out Battlemaster Drallig for additional training. Later Princess.'' Says Bastion as he departs.


(POV Shift: Cantorus Mecetti)


Cantorus left Ahsoka some scars in order to leave a permanent reminder of the flaws in her defense. Bactq might remove them, but she'd still feel them.

His blade was like the Darksaber, in terms of blade appearance. Very sharp and very refined. The type of hilt was a Forked Crossguard with a Curved-Hilt. A Curved-Hilt was traditionally Makashi-oriented, however it also allowed better power transfer in the use of Form V's Djem Sō variant.

As for the Crossguard being Forked forward, it made any locking of blades dificult as even though the blades were not very long, they were long enough that you had to be wary of how close you were in a blade-lock.

Another reason why he chose not to use his Cortosis Swords or his Ultrachrome Shield was because they were first of all fucking expensive to maintain and repair, and second he wasn't out to win a battle on a campaign, if he had a priority mission, then yes he'd go to use it, but his mission was to delay.

As for scarring Ahsoka, qnd even sending her to Cin Drallig? Well call it cultivating and nurturing a beautiful rose among weeds.

As things were going like they are now, he would probably make a reappearance either during or just after Malevolence...he wanted his hands on that ship, or at least it's blue prints and technical readouts, if he could get his hand on those, it would make his future fuck you and your Order move to Palpatine all the grander.

He planned on racking up a large number of public victories against the republic. This would make his eventual rallying of the Separatist Remnants easier.

Because his ambition....was to become an Emperor. And though Ahsoka was always his first choice, he was prepared to seek a bride out elsewhere.

Being an adherent of Legends cannocity, the de-cannonization of Legends was one of the saddest days of his old life. But it meant he knew where to look for certain things. After all, not all of Legends stopped after de-cannonization. That was a gold mine opportunity in terms of information.

He simply had to take advantage of it, with both hands, and never let it escape his grip. Knowing what he did? He simply had to step up and say fuck it, the galaxy was his to take, his to unify, and his to rule!


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