
Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter

A generational tale of the moderately naughty adventures of a young bounty hunter (and his family) in the star wars universe with beautiful Alien women. Why? because lets be honest, human girls are boring... The ORIGINAL story Straight from Hentai Foundry and Questionable Questing

SnowWolf35 · Movies
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259 Chs

Interval Twenty-One: Deals and Descisions

I don't own star wars

I sighed through my nose as I sat in the chair, waiting patiently as I played with a delightful little puzzle cube Haley had given me. It twiddled and whirled in my fingers as I soon solved several colored sides of it, though not all of it. Then the door to the office opened.

"Good evening General Tartan I hope I find you in a good mood." I said pleasantly enough, my expression betraying nothing of my motives.

"…Who the devil are yo-"

"Shut the door General, the Empire is WATCHING." I said softly, then his hand moving away from his sidearm he slowly shut the door. "Good. Now. Have a seat."

"You're in my chair." He said firmly, he was a tall burly man with a bushy mustache and a drill sergeant's voice. And even at his age could probably break several bones in my body, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Depending on how you play the rest of this evening General." I said calmly, "…It might not be." His eyes narrowed angrily and he sat across from me. "Now." I pulled two envelopes from my pocket, placing them evenly apart on the desk. Then a very large envelope between them. "Let's get down to it. You've been a very, very clever and very stupid man General." I said. He glowered at me, "So clever, and stupid that I had to come personally. Such cleverness could be honed and even rewarded in the empire, but stupidity was severely punished.

"I don't know what you-"

"Let's… skip that part." I said interrupting him and pushing the large envelope toward him. "Look."

He did so, ripping it violently open and looking at the pictures and documents. His eyes slowly widened in fear, in fury… then slowly acceptance as he carefully placed the documents back into the envelope. "…What do you want?" he asked obediently, and I clapped my hands. Giving him the courtesy of a very, very small twitch in the corner of my lips.

"Now that also depends on you General." I pushed the left envelope towards him. "In here is your payment for your cleverness." I tapped the envelope. "And what you'll have to do to keep my silence." His knuckles whitened as he sat in the chair, "And here…" I said, pushing the other envelope forward, "Is the payment for you STUPIDITY" I replied, "And what you'll have to give to keep my silence.

He stared at me, confused. "I don't understand."

"It's very simple. You will accept one of these demands, and I remain silent. Or you can deny both and I release the 'nitty gritty' the point is General you will be at my mercy, either as an enemy or ally." I gestured to the envelopes. "Read. Pick. I'll wait…"

He took the 'cleverness' payment first, slowly reading the instructions. "…You want me to resign?"

"Officially yes, but you would essentially be reassigned to my command." I answered playing with my puzzle, "In its entirety General you would no longer be a General."

He placed the document and the envelope back down then took the 'stupidity' payment. And slowly he read the document… then a look of utter fury crossed his face and he stood up, "You son of a bitch!"

"Sit!" I said firmly, pointing at him and stopping him in place. "…And do not talk about my mother in such a way General." He exuded fury and rage and I could tell he wanted to strangle me. "Believe it or not General. This is a test." I tapped the table. "This shows me what kind of man you are and no matter what you WIN." I said, getting up to look him in the furious eyes.

"Refuse my offers? You will retire indefinitely and I'll even recommend you for an honorary discharge. "Take the cleverness offer and you will continue to serve the empire loyally albeit in the shadows."

"And THIS ONE?!" he roared, slapping me in the chest with it and letting it flop to the ground. "You sick alien bastard?!"

"This one shows me how far you're willing to go to continue being a General for the empire." He went rigid, staring at me in surprise. "You take that one? I go away, and while our future 'business arrangement' stays intact you will continue to be a General."

"And what if I decided to shoot you?" he said coolly.

"Then you can explain to Tolara Kane why you shot one of her Watchers." I replied confidently.

He stared me down, his fist tightening as if to strike me. Wouldn't be the first time. He was quiet for a long time, staring at the envelopes deep in thought, I could see his well-honed mind whirling through his options.

…I enjoyed that the most about humans… when they really sat down and actually thought about something they were utterly entertaining. "Whatever one you decide to accept General." I said, with a soft placating tone. "Tear up the other…"

After a long… tense moment. he took the 'cleverness' offer… and tore it up.

Ah… fun for everybody then…

"Meet me here General. Be prompt." I said firmly, handing him a time and place on the 'stupidity' payment, and taking the large envelope. "You'll find the instructions very detailed in the envelope." I exited the grounds as easily as breathing and entered the back of my speeder.

"Which one did he pick?" Haley asked from the driver's seat dressed as my chauffeur in a very tight black uniform.

"The fun one." I said cryptically, "The usual place Haley."

She sighed, and off we went. Arriving at the meeting place hours in advance. A slightly above-average hotel with good vantage points and privacy rules. "Go have a little fun Haley." I said, giving her a rare smile as her beautiful blue eyes narrowed at me. She had been in service to my father long before I was born: she was still beautiful, still 'healthy', her body was seemingly ageless with only a few streaks of grey in her blonde hair that gave her any sign of aging. I leaned close to her, and she blushed, looking away determinedly. "I'll call you when I'm ready."

She nodded and sped off. She was so fun to play with… I think it's because I reminded her of my father although I personally think I had my mother's striking features.

Still, I went to my usual room, the manager nodding as I passed. Another of my many off-the-books informants like the General would be. He knew exactly why I was here. I sat calmly in my private room, pouring a shot of smooth liquor as I sat in the chair, and waited. Absently playing with the puzzle cube as the time counted down in my head…

I had long solved the puzzle when the door slowly opened. The General entered, looking downcast… and he brought a woman with him in a coat. She was very attractive, short cut boyish black hair high cheekbones, brown eyes, and pouty lips. She had the sort of face that you couldn't tell how old she could be and probably guess her to be much younger, although I did know her age she had been married to the General for 20 years and was closing in on 40.

She glared at me, looked me up and down, and promptly turned, smacking her husband hard across the face. "Bastard." She hissed as he merely looked down ashamed, shoving past me as she entered the bedroom.

I nodded stoically to the General. "Have a seat General." I said politely, and like he was in a trance sat in the chair, "And have a drink. I insist." I said as he took the bottle and ignoring the spare glass on the table began to drink heavily. I turned and followed his wife into the bedroom.

"You bastard." She said coldly as I shut the door behind me, staring at her rather curious.

"I'm sorry?"

"Making him… making me do this." She spat, glaring at me with cold eyes.

"…I'm not making him do anything Mrs. Tartan." I said, and giving her a rare smile, she recoiled slightly. Not expecting it, tightening her coat around her body tightly as I approached. "He CHOSE to do this… the alternative would be he would be demoted." I leaned close to her beautiful features, and she gazed at my ruby colored eyes. "Essentially Mrs. Tartan he's making you do this… so you might as well enjoy yourself." She slapped me, I shrugged it off. Being traded away by someone you knew deeply was a worse blow.

I stood before her, and she shivered as I stared at her in silence. I kept my unnervingly calm glare pouring into her as she slowly turned away. "Now then Mrs. Tartan… Perhaps you should look at this as an opportunity to punish him?"

"Punish him?" she spat, not facing me.

"Yes." I said simply, standing close behind her, smelling her strong lilac perfume. "HE got caught. HE is the one being selfish. I assure you Mrs. Tartan he made his choice and quiet frankly I'm quite happy with the results…" She was very still, but she looked over her shoulder at me as if to say 'really'? "An evening with his beautiful, ravishing wife? Why in my opinion he chose the best possible blow to himself..." my hands gently rubbed her arms, and she shivered in fear only briefly. Then stood very still. "You will be a constant reminder for him to never fail again… you will have total control over him." I whispered in her ear, "…Think of the scandal if it got out? Think of what you could achieve with the backing of a General and myself?" she was listening, I held her attention and she was buying what I was selling.

"This wasn't about the General my dear lady…" I said softly, cooing in her ear like a lover. "This was about you…" I began to caress her, feeling her soft body beneath the coat, "I have dozens of men like him… not enough women like you. Beautiful. Talented. Intelligent…" I could feel her arousal building in her body, she began to fidget and writhe as she was touched by a younger, and personally better, man. "He traded you away like so many credits…" I said, she frowned, but this was necessary. "You are however worth much, much more…" she leaned back against me as I gently caressed her large supple breasts under the coat. "You my dear are worth far more to the Empire and Tolara Kane than your dear husband…"

"Tolara Kane?" she breathed, sounding impressed. "…That is not a name you just throw around…" good. I had her attention now for the finish. I suddenly stopped and I pulled away, she jumped at the suddenness and turned towards me with a red face as her mind returned.

"Indeed." I said staring at her as her fingers tightened on the edges of her coat, "… It's NOT." I replied softly. "You work for me. You work for Tolara… so many opportunities…"

"…And what exactly…" she began, fidgeting in her coat. "…Would I have to do?"

Now I had her. "Well, my dear Rebecca. May I call you that? You'll have to keep an eye on your wandering husband for me." Wives are so much fun. "And of course…" I gently rubbed her sides as I whispered in her ear, "Take off the coat…"

It took her less time to come to a decision than her husband, and the coat opened revealing tight purple matching lingerie, along with stockings and garter. I gently rested my hands on her large breasts, she gasped softly as I began to carefully caress her. She moaned as I pulled her bra down, letting them bounce free as I pushed her onto the bed. Slipping my hand underneath her underwear and slipping my fingers into her quickly dampening pussy. Her legs spread as she let me go deeper, they twitched and trembled as she lay on the bed, letting me play with her body as I suckled and squeezed her breasts.

She suddenly gasped, her high-heeled feet, slamming onto the floor and pushing her hips up into my hand as she tightened around my fingers, flooding my hand with her arousal as I forced her hips back down, she struggled against me as she orgasmed. I just smiled internally… I loved married women.

"Have you ever been with an Alien before Rebecca?" I asked, licking her scent from my wet fingers as she panted and gazed at me, slowly shaking her head. I grinned as I undid my pants, her eyes widened at my hard, long, and girthy monster. A last preset from dad. "I'm going to do things to you your husband can only dream…" then as she stared hypnotized at my cock I removed her panties with minimal effort as I loomed over her. "Make sure he hears you now…"

Like a dam had burst, her pussy flooded my length as I immediately buried myself balls deep into her. "By the Emperor!" she shrieked, feeling me stretch her tight pussy, burning my length with heat as I quickly made her adjust to my size.

"Hmm…" I began coyly as she scrapped the sheets, her hips instinctively moving beneath me as she tried to resist the foreign massive invasion inside her. "No… louder I think."

"Oh gods!" she shrieked as I lifted up my hips, almost leaving her, then dropping back down. She screamed in utter pleasure as her eyes widened in ecstasy, my cock giving her more pleasure in a minute than she's ever had in an hour. "Oh my GODS!!" she shrieked as I began in earnest, "Oh gods!"

"Your so tight Rebecca!" I praised, continuing my assault. "You're a perfect fit!"

But she merely screamed incoherently in delight as her body bounced on the bed, her big breasts rubbing against my chest as I thrust deep into her. She screamed, tightening around me as her pussy leaked juices everywhere, coming once more as she gargled, no other word for it, in pleasure. "To good, to good…" she whimpered, biting her lips, "SO GOOD!" she whined loudly, writhing beneath me as she came again, shrieking the word to the wall… hoping her husband heard her.

Uh oh… her eyelids were flickering, she was passing out. I slapped her once across the face. She blinked at me blearily so I slapped her again on the other side, she was fully awake now. "The deal only takes effect if I'm satisfied…" I said firmly, leaning close as I sped up, watching her lips part in gasps as she felt my cock slammed deep into her. "And I'm never satisfied at just once…" I grabbed her hands and held them above her head, slamming my length deep into her and roaring my primal release. Pressing my lips against hers as I pinned her to the bed with my body, cucking her husband. She wrapped her legs around me, continuing to kiss me lustfully, and opened her mouth with her tongue trying to pull me in as I conquered her womb…

I pulled away, she panted up at me gazing almost seductively into my eyes as she silently pleaded for more. And she'd get it, I had to make my point after all. She yelped in surprise as I lifted her off the bed, she tightened her arms and legs around me as I began walking to the wall that separated this room from the one her husband was in. Then adjust her slightly as I moved her eager pussy up and down my cock, I slammed her hard against the wall, thrusting deep inside her as she screamed in pain and pleasure. Shaking the very wall itself as I fucked her hard against it.

She should've been in holo-girl vids. Saying all the right words to me… "Come on. Come on…" she begged, "You feel so good… I won't be able to do this with anyone else!"

And said all the better words to her husband, "Oh gods he's so big! By the fucking Emperor I've never had it so good! Alien cock is best!" she declared loudly to the ceiling. Her eyes manic and crazy as she came hard once more. She was flooding the carpet with her pleasure and my seed, sloppily staining my length as I lifted her hands above her head once more and began using her body to drum the wall in a steady banging beat with her fleshy ass.

"This is his punishment…" I purred at her as she stared devotedly, her whole body bouncing and trembling with my well-practiced skills. "And your reward…" I said, and slammed her so hard against the wall it cracked beneath her, she screamed bloody murder as she quivered in orgasm. Actually crying she had enjoyed it so much.

"Oh gods…" she hissed softly, stroking my hair as tears of pleasure continued to flow, "I've… never had a man who could do that…" she whimpered, her pussy pulsating around my throbbing cock, drinking in its fresh load. I pulled her away from the wall, smacking her ass rhythmically as I carried her back to the bed. It was perfectly shaped for slapping, jiggling just the right amount and sounding just right.

"Well… get used to it. You're going to have an awful lot of meetings working for me…" I replied smugly as she giggled at my spanking.

"What will I tell my husband?" she said, almost as a joke, laughing as if it mattered and I pulled out of her. Sitting on the bed as she sat up. Her breasts heaving as she tried to catch her breath, groping herself as she eagerly watched my throbbing blue erection stained with her wet pussy juice. I wrapped my hand into her short hair and pulled her firm, warm lips to my cock with no resistance from her.

"Who cares?" I said flatly, shoving her head down on my cock as she greedily sucked. On all fours she bobbed her head up and down at my guiding, using her obviously talented tongue on my messy shaft. Groaning with effort as she tried to take the entirety of it down her throat. She was taking her duties in her future employment to me like a gungan to water…

Could hold her breath like one too…

"Ahh!!" she gasped with a chuckle as she stroked my wet length, licking my cock head as she gazed at me. Rubbing leftover saliva from her mouth onto her lips as she brushed and slapped my length against her face. "...Are you ready again?" she asked lustily.

"Turn around…" I said, "Face the door." She did, wagging her ass like a bitch in heat as she waited for me to penetrate her from behind. I stood on my knees behind her as she looked over her shoulder at me, her breasts hanging like udders beneath her as I aimed… I slapped one ass cheek, and she trembled and cooed, then the other. She whimpered desperately. Then I destroyed her…

Laughing manically as I fucked her she cooed all sorts of curse words, bouncing her body back against me as her tongue and eyes rolled with pleasure and satisfaction. I went at her harder and faster than before, normally I was careful not to hurt my partners… but she wanted it.

"Fuck me! Fuck me like a bitch!" she hissed at me, "Fuck me harder!" she cried, desperately to the door. "Fuck me like he cant!" she begged at me, as I grabbed her head with both hands, pulling painfully at her scalp as she moaned at my thrusting, bouncing rhythmically against me as we approached.

"Fuck me! Cum in me! Fuck me! Cum in me!" she chanted desperately as her tongue lolled from her mouth, "Inside! Inside! Inside!!!" she shrieked, and we came… I filled her once more, holding her to my body as I spilled my seed deep into her married body. "Ahhhh!!! Fill my pussy!!!…." She moaned, actually drooling as she collapsed to the bed, twitching and giggling happily as her body shook in orgasm…

I caressed her soft fleshy ass cheek, keeping my cock sheathed deep inside her. I smacked her ass absently on each cheek, feeling her pussy twitch on my length with each degrading blow. "…Don't divorce him now…" I laughed, slowly, agonizingly pulling from her vice-like pussy as it desperately clung to my length. Instinctively desperate for more thick and superior alien seed.

"Married to him you're a spy… married to my cock you're a whore…" I said simply, and some of her brilliant mind returned, glaring at me but getting up. She reached for her coat but I pulled her back to me, letting my fingers dip deeply into her used, and for now gaping, pussy. "Keep me informed now." I said softly, "And maybe if you're a good girl I'll introduce you to Tolara…" she moaned on my fingers as her pussy drooled our fluids. I licked her earlobes as I let my words worm their way into her mind, "And we'll have another evening like tonight…" I added with another firm slap on her ass, staining it with traces of her pussy juice and my seed. I stared proudly at the sight of her jiggling ass, stained red with my hand prints...

She silently donned her coat and gave me an affirmative nod, then with hardly a glance at her cucked husband she left, him still drinking my expensive liquor like it was a 2 dollar beer before stumbling behind her.

That worked out completely to plan… granted I didn't expect him to sell his wife but I hoped he would. Tolara would be pleased with the results, I'll just keep my usual 'negotiation' tactics out of the report. I called Haley to tell her I was done and to meet me in my room.

…She entered with hardly a wait and immediately paused as she saw me resting in my chair completely nude. I gave her another grin as she looked away. "Oh come on Haley its nothing you haven't seen before…"

"…I was changing your diapers at the time. Sir." She added softly, not looking at me.

"… It's ORIN. Haley…" I said, standing up. "We're all alone here…" I approached her, gently rubbing her arms as she trembled, still not looking at me. She continued to play this game even though we've done it many times before.

"I'm old enough to be your mother…" she said softly, not meeting my eyes.

"And thank goodness you're not." I said, turning her beautiful face to look at me. Before I kissed her. She trembled in my embrace, not sure whether to hold me or shove me away. She chose to do neither and let me play with her. As she often did.

"…Take it off…" I said firmly, caressing her large wonderful breasts through the uniform, although hesitant she obeyed, slowly stripping and standing before me in her black bra and panties before slowly reaching for her cap. I stopped her. "…Leave the cap." I grinned. And took her to the bedroom…

"Cum for me Haley!" I roared, burying my length wildly between her legs as she shrieked in loving pleasure, her breasts bouncing wildly before my eyes as I pounded down into her pussy, "Cum for me!"

"YES! YES!!" she shrieked, her cap becoming loose on her head as I made her beautiful mature body writhe in pleasure. "Orin!" I devoured her lips, consuming her saliva as her tongue lolled from pleasure. Her heavy, firm breasts pressed against my chest.

"Give me your body!" I demanded, groping, caressing, and piercing her body as I continued. "Give me everything!"

"Orin!" she gasped my name in reverence, "Orin!.... PLEASE!!!" she came again, and I joined her, claiming her body once again. I arch her hips upwards, pressing down as her feet brushed against the headboard as I released deep into her thirsty womb.

"You're mine Haley…" I declared as her eyes became lidded, her chest heaving in exhaustion as her womb devoured our third load together for the night, "Not his… MINE." I said, anger building on my face as she gasped, a little nervous… scared of me. I made her look into my eyes, "Don't be scared…" I said, pulling out my length from her loving warmth. "…Be mine…" I let the remainder of my load splash against her face as her legs flopped back onto the bed. In some primal backwater world way, I was marking her as mine, as I often did.

I rubbed my seed into her exhausted skin as she panted weakly, hypnotized at the exotic sight of her. Then… I heard a buzzing…

I frowned, annoyed that my Haley time was being interrupted. It was coming from my drawer. I opened it and to my surprise, I found a com… a very weird com. I picked it up and a screen appeared, words forming on the screen.

"If you don't want Tolara to shoot you tomorrow you will use all your resources as a Watcher to find Roland Firemane." It said, the words disappearing as I read them and for a moment I was a little flabbergasted before it added. "NOW ORIN!" Feeling a very familiar dread in my soul I let Haley rest and got dressed, arranging for another speeder for her as I drove quickly for my office.

End of Chapter