
Star Of Rex: A hero nobody likes

Arthur was a normal kid who dreamed of being a powerful hero, he would always go to the library to read about heros in fantasy novels, how the hero is always more powerful than everyone and he defeats the Bad guy gets the girl then he and his friends live happily ever after. Arthur gets his chance to be a hero when he opens a mysterious book that teleports him to another world, now he has the power and chance to become a hero but there is one problem, everybody hates him

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 2: Another world

Long ago, a great war ensued between the gods and the titans to see who would rule the universe, The titans, huge monster like creatures harnessing the power of chaos ruled over all worlds, they turned the worlds into battle grounds where only the strong survive, till the gods came into existence. Powered by divine energy, they became agents or law and order, seeking peace and unity they fought the titans and at a point it looked like a stale mate untile the divine artifacts where made, powerful relics, weapons which gave the gods the edge in the war and finally vanquished the titans.

But the battle wasn't over, monsters immerged from the dead bodies of the titans, offsprings carrying the titans DNA, left alone these monsters would grow powerful enough to replace the fallen as new titans so the gods made mortals and put them in charge of slaying the monsters, For a while there was peace between the races, elves, dwarves, fairies, Atlantians,beast men and humans all in harmony but one day another monster rose up to conquer our world, it gave itself the title of demon lord and led an army of monsters to wipe out all the other races, that was when it descended.

The star of rex, one of the first holy relics, a divine weapon was give to us buy the gods to fight off the demon lord, ever since then, the star of rex would appear whenever a demon lord arose, giving birth to a new hero who would vanquish the monster.

and your trying to tell us your not from this world? said one of the elders

uhh yh

that's impossible, maybe you came from the skies?

no, I already told you, I picked up a book with the name star of rex and then poof I was here then the next thing I know I was holding the sword

everyone in the room was silent, still finding it hard to believe

After Arthur pulled out the sword, a sheath appeared and wrapped itself around the sword, it was black with gold patterns on it, Arthur was then taken to a castle and was met by a queen and king, later on he was interrogated and they where shocked to find out he was from another world, even when they used magic which surprised arthur, they found he was telling the truth, but why would the sword choose him, this was the question on everyone's mind

So now what Arthur asked

it seems the sword summoned you here, which means your the next hero in line to slay the demon lord

what?! Arthur yelled

elder that's absurd the princess complained

you heard him, he's an outsider he's not even from this world the king also complained

I heard everything he said and I understand your concerns and worries but this is the simple truth

Arthur lionheart, as of right now you are this worlds next hero he declared

me? Arthur said still in disbelief, in this world there were multiple races, gods and most of all magic, I was summoned here and now I'm going to be the hero who saves everyone, this is just like in the novels I've read Arthur thought to himself as a huge smile appeared on his face, mean while everyone present even the guards aldo they're faces were covered with helmets had a look of disgust

Pls your majesty, prepare a room for where he will spend the night and let the news spread, there will be a feast tonight for our hero has appeared. The elders words where far too late as the moment Arthur was taken to the palace the news had spread through out the land that the sword had been drawn, spies had been sent to monitor the sword as it had been a long time since a human had been the hero.

Arthur was in a huge room rolling on a king sized bed, he couldn't believe what was happening

I really am in another world, and even better, I'm the hero. He sat up and looked at the sword that was kept by his side, looking at it again Arthur couldn't believe he was holding a real mythical sword

I wonder what kind of powers it'll give me, I bet I can destroy cities and wipe out an army of monsters with it he wondered

Meanwhile the royal family was in a state of unease, this Arthur person was summoned from another world, doesn't that make him an outsider

he must be an imposter right?

why would the sword chose someone who isn't even from our world, was there really no one worthy of it's power?

what do we tell the others

mother, father can you pls calm down there has to be another way we can get the sword back said the princess

what if we kill him


my Lord!

think about it, he just got the sword so maybe there's a chance it hasn't connected with him yet, if we kill him then we can choose another hero

This is risky, how do we even go about this, if sudden news of the hero's death spreads they'll know it was us

we can pin the blame on an assassin sent by the demon lord

That's not a bat plan my dear, as I've always said you are truly fit to rule this kingdom

indeed father, you have saved us all from the humiliation of that outsider

That night a feast was held and all the royal families of every race was in attendance, The king, queen and princess of the elves, king and princes of the dwarves, king, queen, prince and princess of the fairies, the elders of the beast men and even the king and queen of Atlantis where present . The banquet was set in place and all where waiting the arrival of the hero, meanwhile he was finding it hard carry the sword

My Lord the banquet I ready for your presence

yh umm can you get the guards to hel me carry this. don't want t be dragging it around, the sword wasn't only heavy, it was a few inches shorter than he was, standing up next to the sword the maid quickly noticed the struggle as the hand was the same hight as his shoulder

as you wish my Lord

Few minutes later Arthur walked into the banquet hall just as they announced his name

and introducing the 27th star of rex, our hero, lord Arthur!

all eyes here on Arthur so he was obviously nervous but he noticed something

why does it feel like they're looking at me with disappointment