
Star Martial Soul : Awakening

Laconic_freak · Eastern
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4 Chs

The Awakening tournament

For the past 200 years the Li family was successful in maintaining the throne of Silver Sky Empire. Except some workers and slaves, all those who lived in the palace were the members of the Li family. The Awakening tournament was an exclusive tradition of the Li family and the other prominent families were not permitted to hold such an event. The tournament is very significant for the family because it helps the Li family in planning the future of the family. The winner would most likely be the next ruler if there are no miracles. The ones who shined in this tournament would be payed special attention and are most likely to become ministers and generals.

It was through the Awakening Ceremony held 26 years ago that made Li Jian the boy born in a branch family become the present Emperor.

The Li family had it's branches all across the country. The 29 branch families were responsible for the regional administration in the country. The children of the branch family are free to participate in the Awakening tournament but to be eligible they had to win the selection tournament which was held in their branches.

Even if they won the selection tournament most of them preferred to stay in their own branches. After all they had to travel to the capital and their victory was almost impossible because the children of the main family were much better than them.

Among the ones that made up their mind to go, most of them came across some dangers and lost their lives.

This time there were 8 children of the main family to participate in the tournament while 4 had come from the branch family. These 4 were unparalleled elites in their respective branches but here they were really insignificant.

The audience were focused on discussing the possibilities of the children from the main family. Almost all martial arts enthusiasts from the city and some travellers who came from various parts of the country have filled up the gallery. There are even some who are forced to watch without seats available. But they didn't mind since their objective was to watch the competition.

The spectators were trying their abilities in predicting the future. One of the spectators said, " This time the winner can only be the Second Prince ( Li Ling ). He is very talented and hardworking unlike his brother who keeps idling around and flirting with girls. " The other person was obviously not satisfied by his friend's remark. He objected, " No. Don't speak such rubbish and don't let the others hear you. The First Prince ( Li Shing ) is indeed idling around but when it comes to martial arts he is really serious. He is not in the least behind the Second Prince".

A man who was sitting in a temporary stall besides the battle stage was yelling out, " Place your bets and win with the winner...place your bets and win with the winner". Soon the stall was crowded with people making the stall almost invisible. This stall was setup by the Royal family as this event would be one one the main sources of their income.

Suddenly, an elderly man rose up from his seat beside the Emperor and flew towards the center of the stadium. He began speaking, " Silence" - as he spoke, the word rang across the entire stadium and all the people who were busy chattering fell silent and began paying attention. This Elder's name was Li Yukou. He was the third Elder of the Li family and held high authority just below the Emperor and the First and Second Elders. He was also a powerful martial artist at Lv 4 Martial Master Realm. He gave an introductory speech after which he invited the Emperor for announcing the start of the tournament.

The Emperor rose from his seat, grasping his spear he gave a heavy strike with his spear aimed at the sky. A Golden radiance shot out of the spear moving towards the sky. After it reached the sky it shattered into shining pieces that resembled the stars. The Emperor announced like a loud roar, " This year's Awakening tournament begins".....

Have you ever read a novel in which the story actually begins with a tournament? Please comment if yes.

With this much the introduction are over. Now begins the real story.

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