
Star Lords:My Star Fleet Is Billion Points Strong

300,000 earthlings traveled to the Milky Way galaxy.   Each person gets an initial life planet, becomes a planet lord, and develops their own civilization.   Fang Ze is a planet lord of scientific and technological civilization. From the beginning, he has a super god-level technological talent - construction/production has no time to cool down.   Other lords have not yet entered the interstellar age, and his interstellar fleet has already set sail, occupying one life planet after another.   Other lords have just led their troops into the starry sky, and his fleet has already conquered countless alien civilizations.   When the planet lords are preparing to open up interstellar battlefields and make great plans.   Fang Ze's imperial fleet has already spanned tens of millions of light-years and has reached the outer space of their planet! ----------------------------------------- Not my Novel. Mtl translated. (No proof reading) Author:Entertainment Fox Fox Update ( 娱乐狐狐狐 ) Original Title: 星际领主:我的星际舰队亿点强

jjjakio · Sci-fi
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130 Chs

Boiling! The establishment of the empire! Congratulations from Wanxing!

Fang Ze is independent.

Standing under the altar of civilization up to a thousand meters.

He looked down at Orsa standing on the steps below, dozens of fleet commanders, hundreds of executives of various administrative planets, and the senior leaders of various civilizations and races.

There are also countless figures around the altar.

There are also dozens of administrative stars under his rule, 200 billion citizens of the empire in the distant star field.

At this moment, his inner sense of pride and achievement was born.

He started out on the barren planet of Morda, and as soon as he arrived, he was threatened by the black lizard interstellar pirates.

It was him who, step by step, conquered one civilization after another, and conquered one planet after another.

It took nearly three galaxy years in total.

Finally, he did it.

Has a civilization empire that belongs to him.

This civilization empire that rules the entire Gabriel star system and has more than 200 billion intelligent life forms was established by him.

He is the master and founder of this civilized empire.

He couldn't help feeling proud.

Under the gaze of countless fanatical eyes, Fang Ze raised his right hand and shouted: "From today, my civilization is officially renamed the first-order civilization empire!"

"The main star–Talon Star!

"I am the ruler and founder of the first-order civilization empire"

"I, the Emperor of the Empire!!"

"My empire will accept all civilized races that submit to me!"

"My empire's citizens are divided into three classes, the first class citizens are Mordas, and the rest of the civilized races are third class citizens! All citizens who have made outstanding contributions to our empire will be promoted to the rank of citizens.

"My empire does not exclude any intelligent life form!"

"All those who are loyal to me, including but not limited to imperial citizens, exotic intelligent life forms, and civilized races, will be sheltered by the first-order civilization empire!"

"My citizens, stand on top of the starry world!"

"Any civilized race that dares to provoke the citizens of my first-order civilized empire will be listed as the target of interstellar war!"

"You are loyal to me, and I shelter you!"

Fang Ze's voice fell.

In an instant, Tailong Star, and all the administrative stars under the rule of the first-order civilization empire, all boiled.

Over 200 billion people cheered wildly.

Even the scale dragons and star scale dragons dozens of light-years away are roaring excitedly.

The first "Long Live the Sequence Civilization Empire!!"

"Long live the Emperor!!"

"Always Allegiance!!"

Cheers and shouts shook the entire Gabriel star system.

Mordrians, Flowerlings, Gordonkas, Lizardmen, Pelos, Scaled Dragons…

More than 200 billion citizens of the Empire are screaming wildly.

All the citizens of the Empire were like fanatical believers, ignoring everything and cheering the Empire's slogan "Long Live, Long Live the Emperor".

this moment.

Between heaven and earth, only this voice remained.

And Emperor Fang Ze, standing on the altar of civilization, is the center of the world, a god who is madly worshipped and faithfully believed by countless citizens of the Empire!

Citizens of the First Order Civilization Empire.

Worship at Fang Ze!

Loyal to Fang Ze!

Believe in Fang Ze!

He is the supreme ruler of this empire!!

His word is the divine will of all wills.

Whether it is the universe galaxy or the warp of the endless world, the citizens of his empire worship and believe in him.

He has become a god!

At this moment, a row of golden text appeared in front of Fang Ze's field of vision.

[Congratulations to planet lord Fang Ze for establishing a new civilized order — the first sequence of civilization empires, congratulations to the first sequence of civilization empires under the rule of planet lord Fang Ze to be promoted to level 3 technological civilization…[Get a special double reward–Unlock Technology: 100,000-meter-level Star Fortress Flagship Production Line!"

Look at these golden words.

Fang Ze suddenly took a deep breath.

The reward of the Lord's Civilization Mark is finally here again!

He also quickly opened his own lord information template.

Planet [Lord]: Ze

[Lord Status: Ruler of the First Sequence Civilization Empire–Title Emperor[Owned Planet]: Tailong Star (located in the 11th sector of the Galaxy Galaxy)[Planet diameter): 201,700 kilometers[Main intelligent creatures]: Morda people, Pelos people[Total population of the planet]: about 27.38 billion

[Military strength]: Elementary

Civilization [Category]: Technological Civilization

[Civilization Level]: 3.0[Dominant Galaxy]; (For further viewing of galaxy information)

–Gabriel star system

[Star map): 11 sectors (star map information can be further viewed)[Lord Civilization Mark Level]: Level 3[Unlocked technology]: 100,000-meter-class star fortress flagship production line, 30,000-meter-class interstellar cruise carrier production line, superluminal starship engine production line, Tailong seventh-generation interstellar armor production workshop, 10,000-meter-class heavy interstellar battleship production line, eight The production line of kilometer-class large battleships, the production line of the second-level space base, the production line of Red Dragon mecha, the production line of aerospace fighter jets, the production line of mining robots..[Lord Talent]; Construction, production without time consumption[Civilization Mark upgrade progress]: 0%[Initial Black Hole Space]: Connected

Civilization "Level, level 3 technological civilization!"

Civilization's "mark, has finally been promoted to level 3!"

Looking at the information on the lord template, Fang Ze also breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, as early as when he captured and took over the star field under the rule of the Pelo Empire, his civilization level had been promoted to level 3, but the upgrade progress of the civilization imprint stopped at 99%.

Now, the establishment of the first sequence of civilization empires.

The upgrade progress of the imprint of civilization has also broken through the boundaries, and has been promoted to level 3.

At the same time, rewards from the imprint of the main civilization also came, and they were not normal rewards, but special doubling rewards.

Obviously, his establishment of the first-order civilization empire has stimulated the imprint of the lord civilization.

"Flagship of Star Fortress!"

"A 100,000-meter-class super-giant interstellar battleship!"

The production line technology has also been unlocked!

Fang Ze was shocked.

The 30,000-meter-class interstellar cruise ship is already powerful enough to have the ability to destroy planets. When the main gun is turned on, it can destroy planets like Mami.

It can be seen from this.

How terrifying the attack power of an interstellar cruiser is.

The 100,000-meter-class Star Fortress flagship is more than three times as long as the Interstellar Cruise Ship, so you don't have to think about it, the battle power of the Star Fortress flagship is far from comparable to that of the Star Cruiser.

It has the power to destroy the planet with one shot.

This time, it really made a lot of money!

I do not know when, under the gaze of countless fanatical eyes.

Fang Ze waved his right hand.

Suddenly, the roar of the starship engine shook the entire Tailong star.

Immediately afterwards, a neat array of full-stellar fleets slowly buffered and broke the atmosphere of Tailong Star, smashed the clouds in the sky, and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

That moment.

All citizens of the First Sequence Civilization Empire were shocked.

"My God! What a terrifying fleet!"

"Lots of starcruisers and heavy starships!"

"His Majesty's full-scale interstellar fleet is at least three hundred ships, and each fleet has a large number of interstellar warships with terrible artillery fire!"

"How many full-strength star fleets are there!!

Countless inhalations sounded.

Hundreds of thousands of meters in the sky, a large-scale and full-scale interstellar fleet passed by, not even a shred of sunlight, and the entire sky was filled with the silhouette of interstellar warships.

The scene was simply spectacular!

The high-levels of various civilizations and races were also dumbfounded.

They all knew that Fang Ze's fleet must be very large, so it was able to capture the star field of the Pelo Empire civilization, but they did not expect it to be so large.

The number of interstellar battleships that passed by was too many for them to count.

Totally obscuring the sun!

It is both shocking and terrifying.

Lan Ya also inhaled: "His Majesty's fleet is so huge that it makes people feel incredible! How many interstellar battleships are there, at least thousands?"

"No, maybe more than that!

"There are several more spaceships lining up in the rear."

Lan Ya knew that Fang Ze was promoting the war power of the first-order civilization empire, in order to make the citizens of the empire under his rule more loyal to him.

Fang Ze did it!

As long as the citizens of the Empire who see the terrifying fleet in the sky, their loyalty will definitely rise to the peak.

Strong war power is the foundation of an imperial civilization.

Citizens of the first-order civilization empires will only be more reverent, loyal, and worship Fang Ze.

As for betrayal, that is absolutely impossible.

Unless Fang Ze was ignorant enough to learn from Zhou Zixuan and slaughter the civilized races under the rule of the empire.


In a building near the Altar of Civilization.

The octopus Fogg looked at the starfleet full of stars in the sky, his expression was sluggish, and the skin on his body also turned green, as if shocked and terrified.

"Is this a war power that a level 2 civilization that has just established a new imperial order can have?"

"How do I feel that His Majesty's fleet is larger than the fleet of Level 3 technological civilization?"

(Zhao of Qian) "The first-order civilization empire must have been promoted to the third-level scientific and technological civilization!"

"It's just that we haven't reported to our Akuya civilization!"

First "Although the Sequence Civilization Empire only rules one star system, its war power is completely comparable to the old-fashioned 3rd-level scientific and technological civilization that joined the Dorum Nebula Alliance!"

Octopus Fogg was shocked to the extreme.

He knows how powerful those old-fashioned Level 3 civilizations are.

It is almost not far from being promoted to level 4 civilization.

And Fang Ze's first-order civilization empire is such a civilization, at least in terms of war power, it is absolutely comparable.

"The most terrifying thing is that this empire has also mastered the ability to travel faster than the speed of light!"

"That is to say, the first-sequence civilization empire will soon be able to be promoted to level 4 technological civilization!"

thought here.

The entire body of the octopus personality froze.

Level 4 scientific and technological civilization, wouldn't that be on an equal footing with the Akuya civilization behind him?

And at the same time.

All the planet lords in the 11th sector of the Galaxy Galaxy were also shocked.

Because they also received a special reminder from the mark of the lord's civilization.

[Congratulations to the planet lord Fang Ze for establishing a new civilization order, the first-sequence civilization empire under his rule was promoted to a level 3 technological civilization, the ruling galaxy–Gabriel star system, the main star–Talon star! ][Special case: Wanxing congratulations!! Bet)