

It was a day like any other. The sun was high up in the sky as it added some warmth to this winter day. It's 4 PM, school was just ending and the kids were rushing out of the school gates eager for the christmas holidays.

After all the kids went home with their parents and only four of the teachers and the gate keeper were left behind, an 11-year-old petite girl was still waiting against the wall beside the gates.

She had long straight black hair that went down to her shoulders, a round face, porcelain-like pale skin and a pair of big black eyes, she was wearing a simple purple coat and holding a red backpack between her hands. She was really cute and looked like a doll.

As she was getting impatient, she began to fidget around. She then noticed that one of the teachers was approaching her.

It was a young woman with curly dark brown hair and lightly-tanned skin, she was donned with a grey fur coat and a white wool cap. She was her previous teacher from two years ago. She was slightly younger than her colleagues and often had a smile on her face. With a motherly disposition, her kind and soothing demeanor won over everyone.

The reason why she took the initiative to get close to her was to ascertain why her parents weren't there to pick her up after such a long period of time. As she felt the weather was becoming colder, she thought that it was unnecessary to wait any longer and decided to ask if the little girl would like to call them.

Just when she was getting nearer to her, faint and hurried footsteps were heard from afar that stopped her in her tracks, she then looked up to see who was coming this way.

Meanwhile, the little girl noticed her teacher had stopped to look in another direction and turned around to follow her line of sight. As the girl peeked at what she was gazing at, her eyes instantly lit up.

On the horizon, a vague silhouette that was quickly approaching could be perceived. The figure's barely discernible features were gradually becoming clearer as it closed the gap between them.

It was a young man that was heading toward them. He had short silky black hair, a pair of obsidian like eyes and was around 6" to 6"3 feets tall, had broad shoulders and a pair of long legs. He wore a black long coat over him and was adorned with a red scarf around his neck that contrasted with his pale skin. With such good proportions and a flawless look, one would wonder if he was a famous model. He was also carrying a navy blue school bag on his right shoulder that would always slip from his grasp every time he moved his arm from running.

With sweat trickling down his forehead, he finally stopped in front of them as he panted vigorously and took deep breaths before calming down.

Suddenly, a clear and loud shout rang in his ears that startled both him and the teacher: "BIG BROTHER!".

Before he could react, he felt something small and soft had already charged into his abdomen and as he took back a few steps, he saw a familiar little girl was glued to him. He gently smiled and patted the little head in front of him: "Sorry Luo Lan, I am late." He said with an apologetic gaze.

"Even though I promised to-"

Just as he spoke again he was interrupted by Luo Lan: "En, I forgive Ge Ge." She said softly while trying hard to keep her snot from dripping down her nose because of the dropping temperature.

Relieved, he let out a sigh. Soon after, he realised that her teacher was currently watching them by the side with a grin.

He looked back and smiled awkwardly: "Good afternoon Ms. Liang. Thank you for keeping an eye on Lan-er." He said gratefully while he separated from Luo Lan who reluctantly let go.

Ms. Liang waved her hand and replied as she giggled, amused by his and Lou Lan's behavior: "Good afternoon Luo Chen. No need to thank me, I didn't even have the chance to do anything before you came."

Hearing this, Luo Chen laughed along with difficulty.

She then asked: "How are your parents? It's been a long while since the last time I saw them picking up Luo Lan. Are they busy?"

Luo Chen stayed silent. He did not respond to the inquiries of Ms. Liang, whilst his sister blinked her eyes at him, waiting for his answer.

Seeing that she won't be able to expect any form of response from him, she continued as she furrowed her brows.: "The exams are coming up, we can't let you get distracted by coming every day for your sister. Are they even aware of that?"

After hesitating for a moment, he finally gave in: "Yes, they know. But lately, there is some sort of tension between them. Even though they do not show it before us, I can still feel it." He answered with a forced smile.

Seeming like she understood something, she briefly replied: "I see."

Afterward, they exchanged another round of words and then conclusively bid farewell to each other as Ms. Liang watched their shadows going further and further away with light reflecting on her contemplative gaze until they completely disappeared from her view. She ultimately turned around and left.


Within an elevator in a certain six storey apartment, the pair of brother and sister merrily talked about christmas by trying to guess the gift they each had planned for each other. Whilst waiting for the elevator to reach destination, the numbers on the display screen quickly flew past.





While they chatted about, their ascension went smoothly up till it finally halted to a stop at the third floor.

The door before them slid open. Still absorbed in their topic of discussion, they stepped out of the elevator. As they turned left, it did not take long for them to attain the end of the corridor.

Facing the door of their home, as soon as Luo Chen reached out his hand at the handle, it abruptly opened. Startled of that unexpected move, they both retreated.

A beautiful woman with a tear stricken face around 40 years of age who was wearing a brown coat over her, a black wool cap and black leather gloves, hastily exited from the apartment as she pulled a heavy luggage and carried big bag with her, while in a daze, did not pay attention to what was in front of her.

As the siblings recognized the shaken woman in front of them, they both cried out in surprise: "MOM!?"

She did not react and continued in her steps. Meanwhile, Luo Chen put down his school bag from his arm and strode forward to block her path.

After doing the same actions repetitively, their mother finally - after an unknown number of times - reacted and snapped out of her daze: "Luo Lan..." She first mumbled to herself.

"Huh?" Not quite understanding what she said, Luo Lan and Luo Chen with worried looks looked at each other.

"Where...? Luo Lan? Where is Luo Lan?!" Just as they could finally hear something, she screamed all of a sudden as she frantically asked and searched for Luo Lan whilst glancing left and right.

Luo Lan immediately hurried at her mother side, afraid that she would behave unusually again. She did not want to see her dear mother sad again for whatever reason.

"I am here mother, look at me!" She said as she tugged at her clothes trying to attract her attention.

Noticing that Luo Lan was beside her from the beginning, Madam Luo forcefully grabbed her by the arms: "Come with me! We are going!" She said as she pulled her along with the luggages.

Hi! This is the very first work I've done in English, it was a really tough challenge but I finally did it. I want to say my thanks to all the people who helped me to improve the chapter by editing! Thanks for all your support and I hope some people will sincerely read this lol. Anyway, see you in the next chapter.

Ziyuncreators' thoughts