
Act 2 - Revenge of the Slayer

Star Kimura was just gazing at the remaining people of Kurogami Village. He only killed four of them. Star wondered why that was. He had felt the man's bloodthirsty presence, but he didn't care for him until he had gotten close enough to him. The man had stunk of human blood. When one of the women tried to thank Star by giving him money, he politely yet firmly refused to take the money. "I was just passing through. I didn't mean to help you out," Star tells the woman, but the woman absolutely refused to hear it from Star. Star glared at the woman, but Star respected the woman's bravery for standing up to him. "I'll take it because you have guts to look me in my eye," Star tells the woman, accepting the money. The woman smiled at Star, glad that he had finally accepted the gift that she was trying to give him.

Star decided to leave that very day and as he prepared to leave the village, something told him that the slayer wasn't really done with him. He ignored the gut feeling in the pit of his stomach as he knew that getting into a brutal fight now would give him attention and he didn't want that. Having attention on him left a bad taste in his mouth and that was his honest opinion. Star left the village, unknowingly leaving them defenseless as the slayer stalked the village.

Nightfall had soon came and Star was currently pacing back and forth, thinking about his decisions. He could either go back to Kurogami or he could just head on out to another village. However, his gut feeling won him over this time. Star was heading back to Kurogami Village. When he had arrived there, the slayer was just about the kill the woman that gave Star the money. The woman screamed and that was when Star had unleashed his sword.

CLANG was the only sound heard as Star had unleashed his sword from his scabbard. His hair flowing in the wind, he glared at the slayer that had attempted to kill the one person that had shown him kindness. The slayer was shocked at Star's sword and he gulped. "That's the Mitshun Double Bite sword," the man was shocked at the sword that Star had.

"If you know it, you would remove your blade," Star warned the slayer cautiously. The slayer released a shuddering breath at the threat, but he left his sword clashing with Star's sword. Star smiled coldly and he moved his hand up quickly, breaking the slayer's sword in half. The slayer gasped in shock.

"My sword. You broke my sword!" The man shouted, rushing at Star with his broken sword aimed at Star's neck. Star prepared his sword and he rushed at the slayer, cutting through him very much quickly and messier. When Star stopped moving, he turned around to see the slayer still breathing, but he was breathing very heavily.

"Just be grateful that I didn't kill you," Star says, leaving Kurogami Village. The slayer was shocked that he was still alive, but the pain remained and he passed out. As Star left the village, he smirked to himself. He won't follow me nor will he ever hurt those villagers again. I paralyzed his body with my Cruel Technique: Cruelness of the Soul. It gives a punishment fitting for the person that meets my blade. He thought, feeling accomplished for a day.

He decided to camp outside in the forest and he rested there. The next morning, Star was approached by a few samurai. He had his sword, but he didn't want to get used to using his sword. "You there, boy! Did you attack a man that came into the Kurogami Village yesterday?" Star knew how to play this game.

"So what's it to you?" He asked them. The samurai drew their swords and they swung them at Star.

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