

Hi there,

Im Zara, 21 years old and currently living the best possible life anyone could have imagined. I am the founder of a reknown fashion brand called FASHION INDUSTRY and I am also known as the LOST PRINCESS.

Being in the 5th to the line of succession is hard . You know , just think about it, all the balance in life from being playful and happiness ends when I realize WHO I AM?!.

My country MILESTONES is peaceful but our current Queen ,My grandmother is making things hard for me. SHE WANTS ME TO BE THE NEXT 1ST IN LINE AFTER HER UGH..... I dont want this.. and I am going to deny it , until she finds someone else.

I wasnt born as a normal child or considered as one. I have this unique rare hair that changes colour every second. Truely speaking , i Am quite a topic you see. I inherited these hairs from my mother and she from her. From the moment I was born ,I was sent away to the other side of the globe as I was a danger to myself. I never met my mother nor got a chance to even speak to her on phone. Not that I want too.

At the age of 18, grandma gifted me Caesors Palace that I adore. I started my mbbs but completed till 4 years and had to leave as FASHION INDUSTRY required alot of time to develop. My BLOOD AND FLESH been invested in this brand since then.

Besides from being a Royal and CEO, I am also known for being BEAUTY WITH BRAINS.. My hairs could have gathered all the attention but how can I forgot to mention my eyes. These f*king eyes changes colour the same way my hairs doo. And here comes wigs and contact lenses part tobe played. Like I thank God every single day for these creations.

I have alot of degrees under my name from being a bachler to masters to phd. But the biggest sorrow of my life is I had to leave mbbs for my company. I could have easily asked Grandma to handle it at that time ,but she has been handling my other 7 companies for so long.

Apart from all this stuff, I can be a mixture of both teasure and grief. My life have always been on a roller coaster life.

living in another vountry without your family is hard to deal with but i have managed it all out living in India. I shifted to India from SriLanka when I was around 16 yrs old and establishing 2nd main house of Fashion Industry in India.

i think this is quite a big info regarding just my self. i am nit self obsessed but maybe speaking the facts wont hurt me.