
A truce ,A prophesy

Have you Ever felt the feelings of love,hate,betrayal and revenge in you at the same time?

what stronger than love?

what's sweeter than revenge?

what painful to remember your past and have regret for what you didn't do?

how can you see your love in pain because of you?

yet you feel the urge to forgive a sin?

There always choices to be made the question ,what'd the greater good?

Have you Ever heard of vampires?

Ever wonder why they don't leave in their own world?

well,what ever you've been told , this is why.

Vampires and the other monsters had always been at enmity right from the beginning.

The vampires once lived in their own world , which they called vampriya.

The vampires like any other world had a ruler,a king, his name was harry.

king Harry had always had to wage war with other monsters some are fairies , witches , werewolves and others.

King Harry real and only job was to protect the entire vampires world(vampriya).

Upon King Harry 1000th year anniversary as king,he sought advices from his advisers,who told him to try to make a truce with the fairies isles who they thought would unite the entire monsters world.

King Harry thought of a better way to unite the monster world and stop the wars,that has consumed millions of lives.

It was learnt from fairies isles that the crown princess of the fairies isles,princess Valencia was finding a suitor to get married.

king Harry saw this a good opportunity to end the everlasting wars among the monster world.

He decided to marry her,He sent Envoys to princess Valencia,Informing her about his plans .

he said

"A truce can be made to end

The bitter war of thousands of years. it would be a time for peace,between

The two worlds.

The vampires and fairies.

I propose we get married.

that's the truce.

from king Harry of vampriya"

princess Valencia happily agreed to marry him.

She said"

"king Harry, we accept your

proposal.we need to stop this I

lost my entire family to it

I think we need to end this but

can't end the everlasting war of supremacy in the monster world.

from crown princess Valencia of The fairies isles".

This was her reply to king Harry.

who was quite Happy you would settle down from waging war against fairies powers.

king Harry and princess Valencia got married on the first full moon.

During the feast celebration, princess Valencia left the banquet hall to the

veranda,where she said

"Don't worry we can end our enemy

once and for all.

but we must wait for the right time"

to someone who wore a black veil.

when she went back,king Harry asked her where she went.She said

"to receive some fresh air".

king Harry immediately waved over it.

just then a man appeared suddenly looked at king Harry who was scared to death,his soldiers stood frozen, and said

"You sought to End the everlasting war of supremacy in the monster world.

but you can't.But a monster with a royal blood shall been the holder of the key of unification or destruction to the monster world. A sin unforgiven source of the pain and hatred".

The man disappeared but king Harry was perplexed not the man but the prophesy,he wasn't clearly dreaming.

He thought who was the destined?

What was the unforgivable sin, was it something to happen in the future?

more chapters coming.

comments pls and I accept corrections thanks.

Ayo_Marxcreators' thoughts
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