
The Storm pt. 2

Hakai then leads his Ship Girls towards the brothel building. While they walk there, they murder everyone that going or coming from the brothel building. The patrol guard. Civilian. Underground mafia mob. Everyone died at their hand without any hesitation.

When they arrived in front of the building, they could hear the moan from there. Hakai only sighs and says,

"Even the guard that supposed to protect this base and building are piled up inside this indecent building."

"What a disgusting behaviour! I will never tolerate something like this!" shouts Fubuki

"Fubuki is right! We must chows all of them off!" says Yuudachi full of anger

"Yes... We will make sure... None of them alive..." says Shigure with empty eyes.

"But, we still need to stay aware with the surrounding," orders Bismarck.

"We know about that Bismarck. It's just everyone looks pumped up to give them a lesson," says Mutsu

Hakai laughs at his subordinate and then says,

"My... Bismarck is right you know. Please be cautious when we enter the building. I don't want to make this problem become bigger than it should be."

"Sir, Yes Sir!" shouts all of them

"Good to hear that."

They then enter the building and Hakai orders all of them to murder any men they found and bring the Ship Girl to later will be converted as an Abyssal. He then split the group into two groups. The first group will be looking around on the first floor, while the second group will be looking around the second floor. Hakai joins the second group.

When they arrived on the second floor, Hakai already disgusted how everyone already drowns on their lust. He then says,

"Did they didn't hear when Fubuki and Yuudachi shouting from the outside of this building?"

"Their lust already consume their logic... I must commend their bravery and stupidity for this one," says Katori

"Well... Let's do it fast. It makes me sick."

Hakai then orders his unit to attack any door and do what he orders before. When he is running with Katori, they see a door with 'Ooyodo' name there. Katori stops and then asks Hakai,

"Are you interested with this Ooyodo?"

"No. As there is always one Asami in my heart. And you can't change it with other imposters that take the name Ooyodo." says Hakai as he stops

"Then, what will you do for this girl?"

"Do you want to help her? Go ahead... But, I will never recognize her as Asami."

"I know about that."


"Then, could you save my cute little sister?" asks Katori as her eyes change it pale blue

"Of course... Leave it to me."

Hakai smiles at Katori and then leaves her there. He continues to run towards Kashima's room. And when he arrived there, he can't hide his disgust with what he saw. The condition in the room is gruesome with around forty peoples inside it and they ravaging Kashima's weak body. Even some of them whip her body.

Hakai then closes his eyes and enter the room. When he entered, one of them notices him and shouts,

"Wait! Who the hell are you? Why are you here?"

"Admiral Murakami already gives me to join all of you."

Kashima notices the voice and sees an angel with dark wing standing at the door. She then weakly says,

"Help... Me... Hakai..."

Hakai hears that and sighs. He continues to hear a lot of questions until their leader is stand up and ask him,

"I remember that Murakami said that this one is a private session! Why in this world that vixen woman let you come here?"

"Of course... With a little push, she will hear me," answer Hakai with a smile

"Oh... Money."

"And all of you should know how much she loves money. No, let me rephrase it... Everyone loves money."

"Then how many did you give for that brat?"

"Four briefcases with 4 million yen each."

All of them really surprised to hear that. Hakai then laughs and says,

"I really love your reaction after hearing that..."

"I can't believe someone like you exists in this time period. You are indeed a rich bastard."

"What do you expect? I'm a generous person and have a need."

"Then... You could join us now."

Hakai then enters the room and all of the men are looking at him. Hakai closes the door and proceeds to say,

"Oh, I almost forget..."

"What is it?"

"I think I will give my share to all of you."

All of them are really surprised and gathers to talk about that. Hakai smirks at them and mumbles,

"I really like parasite like you... Really honest about yourself."

"Huh? What did you say?" asks one of the man

"Nothing. Then, will you accept it?"

"Of course! With that much money... We could gain something bigger."


"Then... How much that will you... Huh?" asks one man as he moving closer to Hakai

When he already at Hakai's hammer reach point, Hakai immediately bashed his head. It immediately destroys his skull and Hakai laughs. Everyone looks at him terrified and then hears Hakai says,

"Did I forget something? Oh... Yeah... The one that I will share with you..."

"You!" shouts one of the men

"A free ticket to meet your maker!"

"Guard! Hey, Guard! Where are you?"

"Ahahahahaha... Go ahead... I will wait..."

In desperation all of them shouting to call their guard. But, none of them come. Hakai then laughs at them and says,

"It's futile you know..."


"We already killed them... So you are trapped here... With me..."

"You... You..."

"Hopefully, all of you could get out from this place in one piece."

"You monster!"

"Yes... I am a monster... A monster that will bring destruction to this world... Ahahahahahaha"

Hakai then dashed towards them and bashed them one by one. He continues to bash their head until it only leaves four peoples. That when Hakai feels something penetrating his head.

One of the men shoots Hakai and then see Hakai falls to the ground. He immediately runs towards Hakai and inspects him. He then says,

"Is this... The one that makes havoc around the world? Pathetic."

"I agree..." said the other men

"If we told we kill him, we will become the hero of this nation."

"And we will get a large sum of money!"

All of them are laughing together until one of them notices something. Suddenly Hakai stands up with the gun wounds still on his forehead. He then embraces the one who shoots him and looks at him at his eyes. His eyes already change into a red blood colour and a flame already lit on the eyes that covered with eyepatches before.

He smiles at him and says,

"My... If I could die with that toys... I should have been dead a long time ago."

"You... You..."

"Ah~ What is this feeling? Anger? Happiness? Despair? Sadness? I don't know..."

The other three immediately falls on their knee and asking for forgiveness. Hakai looks at them and says,

"Go ahead... I will hear your wish..."

"Please... Let us alive... We will not make any ruckus again," says one of the man


"Yes... Please... Let us go..."

Hakai smiles and releases the man that shoots him. He then says,

"Alright, you could go..."

"Ah... Thank you."

The four-man run away from the room. When they leave the door, the one that waiting for them is something more horrible than Hakai. Hakai's Ship Girls already waiting there and they immediately murder the four of them. Hakai then says,

"Well... I let you go... But, I don't know about them though."

After that, Hakai looks at Kashima and then kneels in front of her. He covers Kashima's body with his coat, then touches her cheek, and says,

"I'm sorry... I didn't put this into account..."

"That's... Alright..." says Kashima weakly

"At least, I fulfil my promises..."


"Then, do you want to ask me something?"

"Is Katori..."

"Yes... She is here."

"Could I..."

"You will join her soon. So closes your eyes now..."

"Thank... You..."

Kashima smiles and closes her eyes. Hakai then stabs her chest so many times. Not long after that, Kashima enters the room with blood covering her body. She looks at Kashima, bows at Hakai, and says,

"Hakai... No... Ichirou... Thank you."

"No problem... Now, bring her body to our base."

"Sir, Yes Sir"

Hakai then orders all of them to leave the building and immediately says,

"Anemone... Bombard this wretched base to the ground."

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

Hakai then retreats from the base and observes it from afar. He smiles at it and makes a gesture as if he is leading an orchestra. He continues that until the base flat on the ground. After that, he leads his unit back to his base.

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