1 Prologue

In the night sky, a dragon fought alone against the storm. Balanced back and forth by the swirling wind, he fought with all his will and strength to stay balanced while protecting his precious burden.

The dragon's scales were duller than usual because of the rain, who fell like torrents on his back. The dark red dragon tightened his grip around the smooth and regular surface of the egg he was holding.

Suddenly a big, heavy weight came crashing into his side. The two dragons, tangled in a bulk of paws and tails, tumbled down along the steep slope of the mountain, tearing bushes and all sorts of roots on their way. After a long and rude fall, the two creatures landed on the ground with a loud thump. With a sigh of pure relief, the red dragon found the egg unharmed.

Ember got up, growling, and picked up the egg between his long sharpened claws before flapping his massive wings to flee. But the fall had scratched the edge of his wing and he did not fly two paw steps as the other dragon crashed into him again. This time, he got tackled and he landed on his face with a loud grunt, managing just in time to let go of the egg. His faced was thrust on the muddy ground and a weight landed on his shoulders.

Ember struggled to see his opponent; when he saw the female dragon's face, he couldn't help letting out a cry of surprise.

-Nala! he gasped. What are you doing?

-I'm doing what has to be done, growled the beautiful dragon, looking at him with undisguised hatred.

-I thought you were with us, not against us! protested Ember. The Peace Wings need you, and so do I. Why are you acting like this?

-You really thought I was working for those dumb pacifists? asked Nala, surprised. I guess I am a good spy after all.

The blood that pounded in Ember's ears felt even worse than the rain on his muzzle.


Nala looked at one of her bloodstained claws. Her brown scales took a copper reflection as thunder crashed not too far away.

-I was spying for August's account, explained Nala, shrugging. And I learned far enough. I'm good for the rest of my life, now. I'll just hide myself in some rotting hole and wait for the war to end, accumulating gold and power for myself. Who knows? I might even end up being the next Mudclan queen...

Ember had heard enough. He couldn't believe this dragon, with whom he had se much fun, so much adventures, had been a spy all along! What did she even report to King August ? What did Mudclan discover about the prophecy and its baby dragons? Were the chosen ones even safe now?

-Whatever you're planning to do, growled the Fireclan dragon, you'll be in hell before you can do anything!

In a rush, Ember slipped out of Nala's claws. He turned around to face her, whipping her muzzle with his strong tail. Nala howled in fury and shot him a stinging blow to the shoulder. Ember did his best to ignore the pain that burned like fire inside him; he tried gripping her horns but she struggled free. The Fireclan dragon thought quickly. Nala was a lot stronger than he was, he had no chance of winning this battle. He had to use his brain and use Nala's lack of intelligence to get away safely with the egg.

His eyes stopped on a low branch, hanging from a fallen tree. The branch was thin, but it sure looked heavy. Maybe he could try and stun Nala with it? Surely it would give him enough time to get away.

Ember dodged a new assault from the furious mud dragon. He quickly grabbed the drooping branch and swirled it around him. Just when Nala got up, he knocked the heavy branch right on her head. Nala's skull cracked under the violence of the shock. Ember didn't lose time in feeling guilty; as fast as he could, he grasped the egg and flew off in the storm breaking sky.

A little female dragon stepped cautiously on the sharp stones bathed with moonlight. The storm had gone east. The ground was left wet and slippery by the rain; she lost her footing more than once.

As she progressed among the forest of stone, a strange scent came floating to her nostrils. She wrinkled her nose. What was that? It smelled like crow food.

Suddenly, after turning around a jutting stone at the edge of a patch of dark grass, she stopped abruptly. She took a step backwards and pressed her palm against her eyes.

-No... she murmured. Ember.

The red dragon laid dead, impaled on one of of the sharp stones pointing out of the ground. In his claws, he gripped a round and smooth egg. It was really big, and surely close to hatching.

The gentle red dragon picked up the egg. She forced herself to look one last time at her brother's face. He looked... relieved. As if he was finally free from all the burdens of his hard life.

-Don't worry, she whispered, brushing his nose with the tip of her claw. We'll take care of this baby dragon. And we'll make sure no one ever forgets your name. You were one of the bravest dragons who ever lived.

As she returned to the cave that night, Sunflower didn't mention Ember's death to her two comrades. She did well: the three dragons needed seven eggs, and only five had been found. Even worse : the light dragon they needed had been killed, along with the other eggs supposed to hatch that night, bye their merciless queen.

A blue dragon suddenly lifted his head.

-Where is Ember?

Sunflower shifted uncomfortably before looking shyly over to the good-looking male dragon.

-H-he died, she stammered. He died bringing the Fireclan egg. I'm sorry, Wave. I know he was your best friend.

Wave's eyes widened; he dropped on the ground with a loud thump.

-Dead? he repeated. Impossible. Who would kill such a nice and innocent dragon?

-The world is full of cruel dragons who wouldn't hesitate to kill a loner, rasped a light yellow male dragon. Ember just didn't get lucky.

He shook his battle scarred wings and blinked twice.

-At least we have five of the eggs.

-But we don't have the Lightclan and Rainclan eggs! protested Wave. What will the Power Wings say?

-We don't care about whatever they'll say, growled Sand. Why should we obey to mysterious dragons who came out of no where just to give us their stupid prophecy?

Wave blinked a few times before sighing.

-I guess you're right.

As the three dragons settled down to eat, Sunflower cast a last glance at the eggs. They were incredibly shiny, the baby dragons would soon be born. She closed her eyes for a second, feeling sad. Those poor baby dragons were going to leave their warm shell to step on a long and dangerous path that led to an unknown place. What kind of life was that ?
