
Prelude: The Scenery of Nanome

'Calm down, Noel.' A young man thought to himself. 'It's been a long time since this happened.' He fidgeted in his seat within a subway train compartment, his gaze darting around. Despite his thoughts, he kept observing his immediate surroundings just in case, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Around Noel, the passengers were immersed in their digital worlds, their attention glued to their mobile phones or other portable devices. He glanced around, feeling a temporary sense of invisibility that slightly eased his tension. Despite the distraction of the digital world, Noel couldn't suppress a lingering unease at the sight of them. Would they start looking at him?

'Stop it!' Noel mumbled, glancing at a window to distance himself from his worries. The fast-moving underground scenery outside was his only indication of movement, as the near-soundproof train with its steady speed felt no different from being still.

In Nanome, residents primarily relied on the sophisticated network of automated subway trains and tramways for transportation. Capable of reaching speeds up to 1350 km/h, the train network spanned the entire country with departures every twenty to thirty minutes. Each city was serviced by a tramway system, operating at more frequent intervals of two to five minutes and capable of speeds up to 600 km/h.

Thanks to this efficient infrastructure, traveling across the country in a single day was entirely achievable. However, security measures were stringent, ensuring that one couldn't simply board an essential component of Nanome's transport system, without undergoing a quick but proper process.

'Less than five minutes… It was at least thirty last time.' Several years ago.

Noel disembarked from the train that had stopped underground in Cotiny. He proceeded down the only available exit route, a path designed so all passengers inevitably passed through the gate detection system.

Passing through the gate without alarm signaled that Noel possessed either a valid ticket or a subscription. Also, if he carried something dangerous, he would quickly be apprehended. The system balanced leniency and strictness to minimize false positives, yet robust enough to prevent accidents in most cases. …however, human imagination knows no bounds. For instance, a terrorist recently managed to create a bomb from non-hazardous objects on a train, though it was a rare occurrence.

Noel pondered. 'These scans… do they detect if—'

But then he shook his head. 'That hellish month won't happen again. Stop thinking about that!'

He quickened his pace taking a lift a few other individuals. A soothing, repetitive tune began to play as the doors shut.

'…My parents were with me last time.' He shook his head. 'No need to think about that too! The past won't change.' Six months ago, his parents' sudden death in a new year's car accident left him in a complex emotional state. He hadn't shed a single tear; yet he couldn't say he was happy, sad, or even indifferent about it.

However, his current and oldest problem was the emotional scars from a certain event that had occurred throughout Nanome years before. While it may not have been a major incident for others, and many might have forgotten, he couldn't. His memories stubbornly resisted fading into obscurity, and there was nothing he could do about it. This was mostly why, since that day, he had mostly remained isolated in his room.

'My only choices are moving forward …or killing myself.' He shook his head, then looked around in the small space going up. Teenagers, adults, children, elderly people — nothing out of the ordinary. Though being in such close quarters with strangers did bother him, it was maybe an occasion to be close to someone.

'On second thoughts, it sounds creepy.' He shook his head. 'And I should stop shaking my head so frequently…' Even without looking back, he felt the weight of stares bore into the back of his head. Fortunately, the lift finally stopped, then the door opened. He exited the elevator as if it were about to explode.

Several seconds, he slowed down and looked around while walking. Now that he was no longer underground, he could take a look at the city.

His eyes swept across the once-familiar landscape of the city, now startlingly unrecognizable. Each glance collided with foreignness, shattering his decade-old memories like fragile glass under the weight of relentless change.

He took a deep breath; air filled his lung. 'The air… is clean.'

Urban life in Nanome, characterized by a unique and complex web of technological progress, showed uneven distribution of advancements across the country. This created a landscape where cutting-edge innovations coexisted with areas seemingly unaffected by the rapid pace of technological change. In Cotiny, the distribution of technology was uniform, showcasing the pinnacle of Nanome's advancements, befitting its status as the capital of the country.

Noel's gaze instinctively moved upward, tracing the lively dance of drones against the skyline, emitting barely audible sounds despite their astronomical numbers. These drones varied in purpose, some for news reporting, some for delivery, and some under government control. Everywhere he looked, the sunny sky was filled with drones, leaving no view unoccupied and moving masses of shadow across the city.

As he lowered his gaze, he noted another change.

'I never imagined a day when I would see so few cars on the road during a busy hour.' Noel thought as he finished observing his surroundings.

'…So what do I do next?' Noel mused, feeling a wave of uncertainty. His room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a cage. He knew he couldn't forever avoid the world outside, no matter how daunting it seemed. Confronting his fear of crowds, of engaging with others, seemed a necessary step, albeit a frightening one.

The ten-year-old event made him lose trust in having any kind of deep relationships but he couldn't ignore that he was human, a social creature. At the very least, he felt a real need for occasional genuine conversations with people in real life once in a while.

As he scrolled through forum after forum, Noel felt a growing sense of emptiness. Initially, these online spaces were fulfilling, perhaps even a source of happiness. But over time, he realized they were stagnant pools, where users circled endlessly in their comfort zones, reluctant to evolve. This realization hit him hard; he didn't want to be trapped in that loop, happy with stagnation like before. Although these forums had, in some way, satisfied his need for connection over the years, Noel now found himself weary of their repetitive and unchanging nature.

'This isn't difficult. Just have a conversation Noel!'

Where could he go first?

'Why not—' He was interrupted by his stomach rumbling. '…Why not fast food or a restaurant?'

He was walking aimlessly to avoid getting any attention on himself by standing still. Then, he paused before an electronic panel, its screen displaying a simplistic, smiling face, "(•‿•)".

The panel suddenly chirped in a cheerful tone.

(◉‿◉)/ : "What would you like to know? I can help!"

The face on the screen shifted to a larger, more animated expression to emphasize its readiness to assist. A transcription was also showing with a keyboard in case Noel was deaf or mute.

"E-Er." Noel stammered, surprised not only by the flawless, natural-sounding female voice but also by the accompanying animated face. He remembered seeing such animations online but had dismissed them as fabrications. In retrospect, relying on online forums over official news sources might have been more than just foolish, considering he could (and indeed, already did) place his trust in, or dismiss, the wrong information.

He was not particularly surprised by this innovation, as he always had an appreciation for technological advances and stylish changes. However, it momentarily disrupted his train of thought. Speaking infrequently, any unexpected element could slightly throw off his planned words.

Noticing his hesitation, the panel's face morphed into a concerned expression.

(ಠ︵ಠ) : "Are you alright, sir? Do you need assistance?"

The machine's tone became serious with its next comment.

(¬_¬) : "Checking the database for escaped mental patients…"

This sudden comment startled Noel, triggering a memory from a distant event in his past.

"Crazy…" Noel muttered, his fists clenching as a wave of intense anger and terror surged within him.

(ಠ︵ಠ) : "…Are you really all right?"

Soon, he reminded himself, 'Take it easy Noel! You know it's a programmed joke made when the person takes time to answer.' He focused on steadying his breathing.

"Y-Yes!" Still struggling with verbal communication, Noel finally managed to say. "W-Where is the nearest cheap facility Wheeere I can… c-caN… eat?!"

A map appeared on the screen, displaying his current location and the position of a nearby establishment that was a hybrid between fast food and a restaurant. At the bottom of the screen, the face provided directions, accompanied by text transcription.

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ : "Just turn right and then…"

The panel continued, listing detailed directions in a cheerful tone. Of course, Noel could use his phone but he was curious of these panel that were introduced when he isolated himself. Although artificial intelligence had developed significantly, it was still far from actual consciousness; nonetheless, it had become a significant boost to the country's productivity.

'I stutter to talk to a machine… Never mind, even if I don't talk to someone, a change of scenery is more than good for me.' Noel considered giving up what he planned as if it was a delusion.

Within two minutes, Noel arrived at the restaurant. He ordered a pork-chicken burger with potato chips using an indoor panel. Then, he found a table and sat down.

(ᵔ◡ᵔ) : "Please wait for a few moments."

Despite technological advances, this fast-food place seemed largely unchanged. The decor was basic: tables, chairs, customers, and a counter. Yet, something felt missing to Noel. What could it be?

Upon closer inspection, he realized the missing element. Behind the counter, where he had expected human staff, machines were busily preparing the orders.

'Interesting.' Noel mused. 'I wonder if it's more or less expensive in the long term to use machines for such simple tasks instead of humans.'

After a brief wait, a wheeled service machine approached, bearing his order on its surface.

(ノ•ヮ•)⊃-旦 : "Here's your order, gentleman."

'…' Noel quietly received the tray from the wheeled service machine, conveniently without needing to stand up. As the machine departed silently, he began to unwrap his burger. He paused for a moment, examining its contents closely.

He was expecting a burger with pork and chicken, not a meat qualified by many of cursed abomination.

'…So, this wasn't some elaborate joke after all.' He thought, dismissing his initial skepticism, at the end seeing was believing.

However, regardless of its unconventional nature, food was food. Noel was indifferent to the ongoing protests against such products.

After Noel took his first bite, he mused. 'This artificial meat is actually quite delicious!' The meat had all the characteristic of the pork and the chicken and the mixed curry-ketchup sauce greatly increased the taste.

After finishing his meal, Noel prepared to leave. He had not interacted with any other customers, nor had he made eye contact with them except perhaps inadvertently. Why would he disturb someone who was eating? However, he did listen to their conversations for inspiration as he ate.

'Where can I find a less crowded place but still crowded?' Suddenly, an idea struck him. 'The city's largest shopping center, why not?'

He left the restaurant and asked an electronic panel for directions.

'I see. Let's go.' Traveling 50 kilometers was a mere 5-minute journey on a tramway.

This chapter is more about introducing the country and the main character. The situation will quickly escalate in leaps and bounds right near the start of the second chapter.

Maybe the image of the planet on this fiction's cover isn't explicit enough. To be direct, this world is completely separate from ours.

UncoverTheStorycreators' thoughts
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