

Still Y/N's POV

After we arrived home we arranged all the foods in the kitchen and it's pretty late we didn't eat because jimin brought a lot of clothes and hobi tried them one by one.

"We forgot to eat"Hobi said while arranging the foods in the fridge

"Yeah, let's just eat a heavy breakfast tomorrow"I said and he nodded in response I also help him put the shopping bags in his room before heading to bed

"Thank you Y/N,you can rest now goodnight"He said and i smiled

"Okay,goodnight too and wait c-can i have my white teddy bear that we bought earlier?"I said and he took from the bag before giving it to me

"Oh here"He said and smiled and i headed to my bed to sleep.

I woke up because i smell something delicious so i ran downstairs

"Oh, Goodmorning Y/N!"Hobi said and flashed a heart smile,why is he so cute?

"Morning Hobi!"I said happily while walking forward at the kitchen table

"Did the smell wake you up?"He asked

"Yeah the smell wakes me up what are you cooking?"I asked

"Pancakes with strawberries inside"He said while putting the pancake mix in the pan

"Ooh, it's look delicious i can't wait to eat that"I said and he just smiled when someone knocked at the door

"I'll go get it"I said and stood up and opened the door,i was shocked when i saw who's in the door

"O-oppas?"I said

"Why so shocked?"yoongi said

"Why are you here?"I asked

"You don't want us here?"Jin asked

"It's not that"I said

"And Y/N, what are you wearing?"Yoongi asked with a serious tone

"It's just an oversized shirt i am wearing shorts underneath"I said

"Y/N-sshi why are you taking so lo-- oh guys hi come in!!"Hobi said and everyone came in

"What's that smell it's so good"Taehyung said

"Hobi is cooking some pancakes"I said

"Oh really?"Jin said

"Yeah,come have a seat"Hobi said and place the pancakes in the table while Y/N is placing some plates and other utensils,hobi getting the maple syrup from the fridge and placing it also on the table

"This is delicious hobi good job"Jin oppa said and the others is nodding

"Uhm,want some coffee?"I asked and they all nodded

"Do you have hot coffee?Jimin asked

"Yeah,we have here"Hobi said and place the hot brewed coffee

"Can i have a cold one?"yoongi oppa said and i immediately took the cold Americano from the fridge that we bought yesterday

"Here"I said and hand him the coffee

"Where did you get this?i didn't see this on the supermarket"yoongi asked while opening it

"You were battling over jungkook's banana milk yesterday you don't have the time to look for that"Hobi said

"Hobi,why did you let Y/N wear this kind of clothes"Namjoon asked

"Hyung just let her, she's here inside so it's okay besides I'm here don't worry and it's fashion"Hobi said

"Namjoon hyung,yoongi hyung Y/N suits that kind of fashion"Jungkook said and the two just nodded

"What brings you here?"Hobi asked

"We want to spend time with you hobi we missed you"Namjoon oppa said

"Ah,are we going somewhere or what?"Hobi asked

"Can we stay here for a week?"Jimin asked

"Well you can,but you need to sleep on the floor"I said

"Yeah,we don't have enough rooms"Hobi added

"How many rooms are in this house?"Jin oppa asked

"Are you and hobi sleeping together"Yoongi oppa asked

"We have two rooms here and hobi is using the other one"I said

"You can use it guys i can sleep with Y/N"Hobi said place his plate on the sink

"If it's okay with you yoongi hyung and Namjoon"He added

"It's okay hobi,we trust you anyways right yoongi hyung?"Namjoon oppa said

"Just promise us that you won't do anything ridiculous to our sister hobi"Yoongi oppa said,his brother side is showing again,i rarely see that since i start living alone

"Of course yoongi hyung"Hobi said and smiled

"Don't break the promise"Yoongi oppa said and hobi nodded

"Where's your stuffs?"I asked

"It's still in the car"Jimin said

"Wait we'll put it here"Taehyung said and they all headed outside to get their luggages.

"I regret bringing a heavy luggage"Yoongi oppa said

"We'll just stay here for a week but you bring clothes for a month"Namjoon oppa said and everyone laugh

"Follow me upstairs,hobi is cleaning the room for you guys"I said said and they followed me eith their luggages

Hoseok's POV

I was cleaning the room and put my other stuffs in the cabinet so they have more space just in case they don't fit in the bed but i think they really won't fit on the bed,two of them should sleep ng the floor or maybe on living room the couch can fit two people if they will sleep there.

"I haven't released my animal features,i should release them since I've been hiding them for a long time now"I mumbled and released my tail and ears

"Much better"I mumbled once again when someone knocked at the door

"Come in!"I shouted and they opened the door

"Wo-woah"Jungkook said

"Hobi-yah!"Y/N shouted and ran towards me

"What's wrong?"I asked

"You're so cute with those tail and ears"She said while trying to reach my animal ears so i carry her to touch my animal ears why is she so cute?

"They're so fluffy hobi"She said and i just chuckled when i heard yoongi's voice from behind

"Ehem!"Yoongi said while smiling

"We're here you know?"Namjoon said and I put Y/N down

"The room is ready,just choose who's gonna sleep in the bed the other two will sleep on the couch"I said

"Hobi, there's another cushion underneath your bed they can use it"Y/N said

"There is?I didn't know that"I said and she pulled the cushion underneath

"Here you can use this"She said

"We'll go ahead,feel at home hyungs"I said and we left them there so they can settle their stuffs.

Next chapter