
The state of a core

Like all mornings, she woke up early. Though she was surprised to find Tom already up and searching for pieces of wood to lit the fire again, she didn't comment. Slightly berating herself for not noticing him awake, too used to having her familiars out to check her surroundings. Not that she let her inner thoughts show on her face, instead she asked him if he needed help. When he shook his head with a smile, she decided to let him be and wake up Amycus, not feeling like meditating with his friend asleep, defenseless. Even if Tom seemed like a good enough guy, one could never stop being careful.

When he was awake and ready to do his exercise routine, she stopped him and instead told him they would do a bit of theory before doing his meditation forms. She didn't want him tired next to a stranger.

Paranoid? Yes, but it was better than to be dead.

... Maybe she was letting her experiences in her previous world color her new life.

"Today, we're going to be talking about our cores. First, though, what can you tell me about yours? How does it feel?"

Amycus scrunched his nose cutely as he thought. He looked so serious she decided not to disturb him as he tried to formulate his words. She instead thought of how to tell Amycus she needed to go to Dudria, the place they once were so against going to. It was a whim on her part, but something she felt she needed to do. Would she accompany her or would their paths be separated?

That thought actually made her hesitate; she didn't want to be alone in this new world. She didn't feel ready, at least not yet. So... Should she tell him the truth? Or at least some part of it?

"Well," Amycus started, making her concentrate on him once again. He was now looking down with arms crossed as he kept talking. "I think it feels faint? Maybe it's because I'm weak, but, I don't know. It feels like... air? Something like it."

She smiled. "Yes, you're right. The first phase of a core when it's being used it's like that, but denser, right? It's called the Vapor Phase. It's the time when you select the place where you're going to put the main part of your cores."

"... What do you mean?"

First, she made sure Tom was a bit far away. Then she showed her wrists, where small cyan diamonds could be seen on the back of each one. "You see, what you need to do is concentrate your prana in one point of your body. The more visible to you, the easier. Also, it takes less time as you can see the exact point where you're doing it."

"Can I?" he said, motioning to her wrist.

She slightly hesitated for a second, but in the end, she complied and gave him her wrist to grasp. He only looked closer, as if to see if it was really a tattoo or there was a texture hidden in it. Which, he would be disappointed to find that only one with their Third Eye open would be able to see its uniqueness.

When he let go of her hand, she continued. "You can even concentrate your core on another object." At his widened eyes, she nodded. "It's harder but feasible. It can even make you slightly more resistant to damage. Because with your soul practically outside, you can, theoretically, live forever. I won't talk more about it, because, again, it's dangerous."

"Why though?"

"Well, for example, if someone manages to damage or destroy the object... You're dead."


"Yes, 'oh', indeed." She smirked before adding. "I recommend you to do it to a place no one can see it, but it's your decision in the end, so."

He once again scrunched his nose. "I don't understand why you chose your wrists though, you don't seem like the type to rush things up."

She smiled and thought about what to say. She couldn't tell him how she was once young and reckless too. And, besides, she had discovered her powers just when mages had been discovered to the world at large. She needed to quickly control her powers then.

In the end, she shrugged. "I didn't know better. Remember I told you how I didn't have someone to really teach me?"

This time he squinted his eyes at her. "Though you do know an awful lot about theory and more."

"Well, later I got some instructions but the names I invented them." Not really, but she wasn't sure if here they called it the same. She clapped once. "Now, after selecting a spot, you will begin to bring wisp of energy from the world and mix it with yours before focusing on that point you chose."

He blinked once in bafflement. "That doesn't sound easy."

"It isn't," she nodded. "But you have the advantage of being inside that weird prana room where they put you to train and already have a feel of how the world's energy feels. That doesn't mean you will have to quit doing the other exercises. I tell you so you can start practicing while you do your mudras."

He looked at his hands without really seeing them, his gaze lost. She waved her hand in front of his face. "Don't think too hard about it, kiddo. This is just the first step to empower your core. With this, your strength will increase as will your healing factor."

This time he glanced up at her, but his gaze wasn't empty but filled with determination. He nodded once. "I will do so, Alula."

She smiled.

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