
1. Hidden Identity

The moon hung low in the inky sky, casting its silvery glow upon the dense forest below. Among the towering trees, Aron moved with an uncanny grace, his every step a testament to years of training as a cultivator and spy. He leaped from one branch to another, the forest floor a dark abyss beneath him.

"Keep moving, Aaron. You're not alone," he muttered to himself, his breath forming small clouds in the chilly night air. His ebony hair flowed behind him like a shadowy river as he weaved through the dense canopy.

Behind him, the faint but unmistakable sound of pursuit echoed through the forest. They were closing in. Someone was after him, relentless in their pursuit.

"They must not get hold of that information," he reminded himself as determination flashed in his emerald eyes. He clutched a small, nondescript scroll close to his chest, its contents known only to him and his enigmatic employers.

In his past life, Aaron was a gifted healer and a cultivator. He possessed a deep connection with nature and a rare ability to communicate with plants and animals. His skill in harnessing the healing properties of herbs was unparalleled.

Tragedy struck when a severe drought ravaged the region, causing crops to wither and water sources to dry up. People faced famine and despair. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't save everyone, and his heart ached witnessing the suffering of innocent people.

Somehow, he got the secrete information about an evil organization trying to manipulate humanity into slavery, before he could tell his mentor about it, since Aaron in his past life possessed a weak body with extreme low level Qi energy. He was killed but later he got transmigrated in to the powerful body of a Spy Cultivator who also got hold of the confidential information.

The branches quivered beneath him as his pursuers drew nearer, their footsteps growing louder. Aaron's keen senses detected the faint scent of something not quite human. Demons, he guessed, servants of those who sought the secrets he held.

Almost there," he muttered as he approached a massive oak tree. It was more than just a tree; it was the guardian of his home, the threshold to his sanctuary.

With a swift motion, he grasped a concealed lever on the tree's bark, causing a hidden door to swing open. Aaron slipped inside, and the door closed behind him seamlessly. The secret passage led to heis house, which was nestled on the edge of the forest.

His house, a quaint cottage that masked its true nature, faced the foreboding expanse of the Demon Forest. Inside, it was a different world entirely. High-tech security systems monitored every corner, and cameras surveyed the surroundings. Aaron had ensured that his home was an impenetrable fortress.

He moved to the control panel and scanned the cameras' feeds. His pursuers were closing in on his position outside. They were relentless, unyielding in their determination to seize the confidential information he guarded.

Aaron reached for a small device on his wrist, activating a concealed mechanism. The cottage's facade shifted, its appearance now that of an ordinary residence, its defenses hidden from prying eyes.

He hurried through the underground tunnel that led to the city, Aaron reflected on the events that had led him to this perilous point. His double life as a cultivator and a spy for supernatural entities had always been fraught with danger, but the recent discovery of a cryptic message had escalated the stakes to a new level.

The message hinted at a conspiracy that reached deep into the heart of the supernatural world. It was a web of deceit and power, and Aaron was determined to untangle it, no matter the cost.

His feet touched the cold, damp ground as he emerged from the tunnel into the heart of the city. He moved quickly, his senses on high alert. The city was no less treacherous than the forest for the cultivators.

Back at his house, the pursuers had breached the outer defenses. Aaron knew that he e had to stay one step ahead, to protect the secrets he held and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. He had a plan.

"Aaron, we know you're in there," a chilling voice echoed through the forest, sending shivers down his spine.


His secrete hideout base blasted leaving no shreds of his pursuers.

"They won't get to me," he whispered, his voice resolute. He disappeared into the depths of the city to start a different life, hiding his identity as a famous spy Cultivator.

He still had to find his family. Her mother and two young sisters. They must have been devastated after his death. Though they wouldn't recognise him in his new body but he'll still support them. "I wonder what their life would like be now?". He will prove to be a good son.

Spy Cultivator's family was renowned for their immense fortune and political influence, which they had accumulated over generations. They were respected leaders among the Business and Political factions. Aaron's wasn't rich in his previous life nor his family was but in his new life he was a part time Multibillion-dollar conglomerate and full time Spy Cultivator, whose name is same as Aaron.

His new family consisted of his parents, who were influential figures in the supernatural council, a younger brother, and an elder sister. They lived a life of opulence and luxury, surrounded by the finest possessions and privileges. Aaron had to avenge all those people who hurted his family and abused him in his past life. He was back with more power, respect, wealth and bewitching personality that drew attentions of passers-by. Aaron also had a fiance, Zoe, before his recarnation but he later found out that Zoe only used him as a male sex doll but in reality she was already engaged to a Darsonite Company's Elder Son, Dexter.

The secret that Aaron guarded with utmost dedication was a cryptic message that hinted at a far-reaching conspiracy within the supernatural world. The details of this secret were known only to a select few, including Aaron and his enigmatic employers.

The message contained information about a plot orchestrated by a secret organization known as the Order of Shadows. This organization sought to harness and manipulate the supernatural forces for their own gain, with the ultimate goal of reshaping the world according to their desires. Their nefarious plans included tapping into a powerful nexus of supernatural energy and unleashing chaos by merging the realms of the supernatural and the human.

The message also hinted at the involvement of influential figures from various supernatural factions within the conspiracy, including demons, vampires, and shape-shifters, who had covertly infiltrated positions of power and influence.

Since Aaron was the new owner of Spy Cultivator's body, the list of his sworn enemies was not short. Since the Spy Cultivator practiced the evil Qi Training Technique by mistake which he taught from his wife, who was actually a witch. His soul began to dissipate until the point it vanished and Aaron's soul inhabited it because of his extreme Cultivation Intelligence. His strong soul found a perfectly strong body ideal for Cultivation Training which will ultimately boost his Qi energy. He had already completed cleared his Core Foundation Stage. There was yet time for his Celestial Awakening.

"I'm coming for each one of you!", sneered Aaron as he drifted through the tunnel almost torning the air with his panther like agility.