
Anita's dedication

David Williams and Alice Williams were the parents of Anita- their first child. Although African American, they have their routes traced to Nigeria- the river region.

It is their custom that when a child is born, after a year, they must be dedicated to the River goddess who their ancestors revere and worship. The River goddess will protect, bless and flourish all their children. It was ritual done to know the true identity of their children. Whether they true born of their parents or bastards- a child from another man.

When Anita was one year old, it was time for her dedication to the River goddess. They contacted the chief priest who told them what will be required and how the ritual will take place.

Usually when a child is to dedicated, the apparent usually brings the following items to the river shore. The items include: Seven white eggs, three white cocks, local chalk, white cowries and a white ckoth to wrap the little baby.

When the day set for Anita's deducation came. She parents invited families, friends, well wishers in theneighbourhood to come rejoice with them as they marked the dedication of their daughter.

At the river shore. They chief priest and Anita's parent including the items for the ritual were close to see shore while others- families, friends and welll wishers were slightly behind them.

The chief came to the sea shore raising up his two hands into the air spoke aloud saying, '' Our great River goddess who our ancestors revere and worship.i have come here today to present Anita- daughter of David and Alice Williams for dedication. so that you watch over her as you always done for our child in the past''

He then moved out of the water, and demanded for the item of the ritual ftom Anita's parents.

He said to David, '' Can i have the items for the ritual now?'' stretching his hands to receive it. David quickly handed over the items to him one by one.

He first gave him the cowries made with some strings. The chief priest put on the child wrist and neck.

Then he gave him the seven white eggs. The chief took it from David and move a little bit into the river.

Taking the eggs on his two hands raised up, he said, '' This are the seven eggs the parents of Anita brought for her dedication, please accept them'' After saying that, he threw them into the water.

He came out the water the second time and demanded for the three grown up adult white cocks from David by saying, '' Please let me have the three white cocks now'' David handed over the cocks to him. He then moved a little bit into the river with the clocks on his hands saying, '' Here are the cocks brought by the parents of Anita for dedication, please accept it as you accepted all other of our child brought to you''

He then threw them into river. He moved out of the water the third time. When he was out, he said to David, '' Let me have the child now'' before he had instructed the parents to wear Anita with the white cloth they brought.

Carrrying the baby on hands, he moved slightly into the water the third time. He paused for a while, then raised the child up the sky, saying '' O queen the river, our ancestors revere and worship, please accept the dedication of the little girl- Anita today. Protect her from every danger, guide her step aright, bless the works her hand and material wealth of this world''

The chief priest dropped her into river. And as soon as her body touched the water she sank immediately.

One strange thing happen. As soon as Anita lowered into the river, there was a strong wind blowing all through the river with a loud sound. The winds so strong that it blew clothes of the people in the sea shore while the chief priest was still standing in the river.

Then all of a sudden the river goddesss herself came floating in the river. The chief priest and Anita's parent bowed slightly avoiding not looking into her eyes directly as it was their custom and tradition not to do so. Fear grip the visitors- friends, families members and well wishers that came with Anita's parents to rejoice them.

most of them so shocked to the extent they goose pimpous all over their bodies.

The river goddess was adorned with bright white eyes ball, long plaited hairs and wearing a white flowing gown that was glittering like lightening. she was radiantly beautiful and gorgeous- what a beauty to behold.

She said to the chief priest, '' Well done my humble servant. i have seen you gift and i have accepted them. Let the parents of Anita know that i have chosen her to perform a great role for me. She must be brought here on a yearly basis to homage to me- to worship. And once she is of age, she must come herself to this river shore to do. Failture to do so will result to very serious consequences?''

Immediately she finished talking, she disappeared into the tin air.

The wind that rushing fast became calm and everything return to normal. That was when the chief priest and Anita's parent raised up their heads.Otherwise there are serious consequences.

The last the parent that brought their child for dedication raised their heads to see the river goddess. The consequences was serious. The parents were blind immediately and ritual put to a halt. It took another two hours to appease the river goddess to restore their sight to continue the ritual.