
Spring rain [Brothers Conflict Fanfic] [BoyxBoy]

Haruame is a lazy young boy who happens to be Ema's younger adopted brother. He was supposed to be relaxing in his near-empty dorm-to-be when he got a call from his father. After that, he basically had no choice but to agree to move in with his older sister, wanting to keep her safe from the 13 boys she was going to be living with. That was the plan so why were the brothers getting so close to him? Weren't they supposed to be after his sister? WHy were they falling for him? [Various X Male0c] [Will not follow anime. Any pictures aren't mine unless stated otherwise.]

Shyphoenix_1130 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 6: Hugs and Tears

A little while after Haruame fell asleep, He started having nightmares about a very awful period in his life. He began hyperventilating, he was clutching his chest and desperately trying to get air into his lungs. He panicked and couldn't think straight, All of sudden he heard a yell and someone ran over to him. 

 He heard them saying to calm down in a soft and gentle voice, Their hand rubbed circles on his back and held him close to their chest. Haruame didn't know which brother it was because his eyesight was blurry but he saw long ginger hair and unknowingly smiled as he began to calm down. 

Once he was calm enough to speak, Hikaru helped Haruame lay back down in bed. 

" Are you alright now? I came in to check on you and  . . . saw you struggling to breath while clutching your shirt. What happened? If you feel comfortable enough to tell me, That is " Hikaru softly asked as he sat down on Haruame's bed with him. 

" I just had a nightmare  . . . . . It was about something I don't want to remember  . . . .  I started hyperventilating because I was terrified then you came in. Sorry you had to help me with that " Haruame apologized with his head lowered, He was expecting to be yelled at or something like that but instead He just felt a warm hand a top his head, slightly ruffling his hair. 

" Hey, You don't have to worry about it. I'm glad that I could help you, So please don't apologize for something you can't control " Hikaru sadly smiled as he leaned down and kissed Haruame's forehead. Haruame felt his face flush and his heart start to pound, Stop! Stop it, I'm gonna end up with another crush on one of the brothers!! 

Haruame sighed deeply, before he looked up at Hikaru with a bright smile. It was a very real and genuine smile, that made Hikaru blush slightly. 

" Thank you, Hikaru. Not many people I know would tell me that, So thank you very much for saying those words to me. They mean a lot to me " Haruame beamed as he leaned over and hugged Hikaru, who temporarily frozen before he also wrapped his arms around the small boy. 

" Its no problem, Haruame. I'll gladly do it again if you need me to, I would never make fun or shame someone for something like this " Hikaru snuggled up against Haruame's small frame as he smiled slightly. 

Haruame slightly flinched at his words, He began tearing up before he quickly wiped them away his sleeve. However, the tears didn't stop and Haruame started silently sobbing in Hikaru's arms. 

Hikaru felt the young boy tremble and felt something wet drip onto his shoulder, He figured Haruame was crying and wanted to make his tears stop but something in his heart told him that he should just let Haruame cry as much as he wants. Its good to cry it all out sometimes with someone there with you and this was one of those times. 

So the two stayed like that until Haruame stopped crying and apologized repeatedly, Hikaru found it slightly funny that Haruame was relentlessly apologizing for crying but some part of him felt sad for the boy that always apologizes for everything. 

" Hey, Its alright. If you're really sorry then let me call you by a nickname " Hikaru said with a bright smile gracing his lips. Haruame stopped apologizing before thinking over, not many people called him by a nickname Even he has always wanted someone to. So with that in mind, He vigorously nodded his head in agreement which earned a chuckled from Hikaru. 

" Then Haru-Chan!! I'll call you Haru-chan!! " Hikaru smiled as he slightly shouted, " Thats what the Author calls me " Haruame mumbled, {A/N: No breaking the 4th wall, Haru-chan!! I'll have to fix it and I'm not good at fixing things!! Haru: Oops, Then you better look it up. A/N: Haru-chan!!!!!} " Hmm? What'd you say? I didn't catch that " Hikaru said tilting his head slightly to the side. 

"  I said that no has called me that before, I'm happy  . . . .  Um . . . . Could I give you a nickname too? " Haruame shyly asked with blush spreading across his cheeks as he peeked at Hikaru through his hair. 

Hikaru just found that so cute and wanted to hug the life out of Him but refrained from doing so, for now. He smiled at Haruame before nodding happily, " Sure, I'd be happy to hear you call me by a nickname Haru-chan " He chuckled. 

" Um . . .  Then  . . . Ru-kun? " Haruame said it almost like a question, Seeing if Hikaru would agree with that nickname. He didn't hear Hikaru saying anything and got worried, He glanced up at Hikaru, who was trying to hide his face with his arm. His face was redder than a tomato, Which in turn makes Haruame blush furiously too. 

" *Deep breath in* *Deep breath out* Yeah, Haru-chan. I like that nickname, thank you " Hikaru smiled despite his blush not having calmed down yet. Haruame smiled back him before nodding his head happily. 

The two then at in silence, mostly because they a bit awkward, then Haruame's stomach decided that it would speak up and disrupt the tense silence, {At least someone/something/someorgan has the courage to speak up, Unlike some people. Like me, I was planning on just writing a whole scene in silence because I didn't know what to write next.} 

Haruame became more flushed and quickly got off the bed, only to almost fall off it because his feet got entangled with the blanket, {A/N: Honestly, Thats happened to me so many times, Especially i front of my family.} Luckily though, Hikaru reacted quickly and grabbed a hold of Haruame's waist and stopped him from falling face first into the floorboards. 

" Hahahah . . . . Thanks Ru-kun " Haruame nervously laughed as Hikaru helped him off the bed without falling. " Your welcome, Haru-chan. Well, Why don't we go eat dinner? The others have already headed to bed but a few brothers should still be up. There should be leftovers for you in the fridge too, We heat that up so you eat " Hikaru informed Haruame, who silently nodded his head because of his embarrassment. 

As the two were about to walk of the room, Haruame remembered that he was still wearing girls clothes and his wig. He glanced up at Hikaru before he cleared his throat to get his attention, " Um. . .  Could you wait outside while I change my clothes? " Haruame asked while looking at the ground. 

Hikaru smiled as he nodded before ruffling Haruame's hair once again. Once the door closed, Haruame took off his wig and set it down on the table before he proceeded to change out out of his feminine clothes and into A blue sweat shirt and some blue sweatpants, He put on his glasses and grabbed his phone before he exited the room. 

Hikaru was surprised at how Different Haruame looked when he wasn't crossdressing, He was quite handsome when he dressed normally. He made Hikaru's heart beat slightly faster as the two headed towards the elevator. Which for the life of him, Haruame can never remember that he hates elevators! He hates his forgetful memory, He groaned under his breath as he got onto the elevator with Hikaru. 

Hikaru was talking about mundane things, only getting small replies from Haruame. After this happened for a few seconds, He looked over at Haruame but saw Haruame gripping the handle bar while his face got paler by the second. 

" Haru-chan? Are you alright? Whats wrong? " Hikaru wrapped his arm around Haruame to help keep him balanced, " I'm just not very go .. . . good with elevators  . . . sorry " Haruame apologized for the hundredth time already. Hikaru helped Haruame crouch down, keeping his arms around Haruame He hugged him from the side. 

Haruame raised one shaky hand and held onto Hikaru's arm around his chest. He started feeling a bit better, He sighed with relief when the elevator doors opened up on the 5th floor. 

Hikaru then helped Haruame out the elevator and over to the couch. Once Haruame was sitting down, He started to feel a bit better. Hikaru was sitting by his side and was rubbing back to help him calm down a bit. 

" Are you alright now? Do you need anything? " Hikaru spoke softly as he let Haruame lean against his shoulders. Haruame took deep breaths a few times before he spoke again, 

" Maybe some water? That Might help a bit and I should be fine in a few soon " Haruame told him, Hikaru nodded his head before he headed downstairs to get a glass of water. 

While Hikaru went downstairs, Louis and Ema came out of the elevator. They were laughing while they talked, When they got out of the elevator they noticed Haruame sitting back on the couch with an arm covering his eyes. 

Louis walked over to Haruame and sat beside him while Ema stood in front, looking concernced. " Haruame, Are you alright? What happened? " Louis softly inquired as he touched Haruame's shaking arm, It's probably from the Elevator. Louis thought, He saw Haruame sigh before he removed his arm from his face. 

" I'm alright, Ru-kun is getting me some water. I'll be fine in a minute, thanks louis " Haruame weakly smiled as he stood up, " Ru-kun? Who's Ru-kun? " Ema asked what Louis was thinking. 

" Me. I told him that he could call me that while I can him Haru-chan " Hikaru answered as he came up the stairs and handed Haruame a glass of water. Louis felt his heart squeeze slightly for some reason but waved it off as unimportant. He saw that Haruame was feeling better so he was glad. 

" Can I call you that too? " Ema asked with small sparkles in her eyes. Hikaru thought about it but when looked down at Haruame, he felt like the nickname he gave him was special and only for him. 

" Sorry, Ema. But I'd like it if Haru-chan is the only one who calls me that, but you can call me something else " Hikaru smiled at Ema and Louis before he helped Haruame walk down the stairs. 

Louis got up from the couch and was going to walk downstairs too but was caught off guard when Ema suddenly grabbed his arm. He looked back at her and saw he crying, He didn't like it when Ema cried. He sat with her on the couch as she cried for whatever reason. 

Louis didn't know why but When he saw Ema crying now or even earlier, It didn't hurt him as much as before. He was confused by this but simply waved it off as a passing thought before but now, He was sure that His heart didn't hurt as much as it used to when he saw Ema crying her eyes out. 

Instead, When he sees Haruame frightened from being in the Elevator makes his heart ache. He doesn't know what is causing this or why the change but He can't change it as It already too far deep to simply get rid of. 

So While Ema cried her eyes out, Louis deep in thought about this new emotion, Hikaru sitting with Haruame, and Haruame eating his dinner. 

What will happen to these 4? Will others join them in this story of feelings and emotions? 

Will Haruame finally find what he wants and has needed since he was young in these young men? 

[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I started writing some other Ideas for more FanFics. I have a good one but I don't know it I should post it yet. It's a BoyxBoy fanfic of Ghost hunt. Do any of you know that anime? I personally think that it's interesting but I can't write it correctly. Well, Enjoy!]