
Chapter 1


It took Taehyung about half an hour to reach his destination on feet as he walked from his appartement, to a nearby night club that his brother called him to, apparently for something important.

He had a hunch that the bastard would ditch him after he finds a good enough night stand and eventually forget about him just like the last time he did, so this time he decided to outdo him and be the one to do so,

Hence why this time he dressed up, put on a light make up and showed up there before the time they agreed on, to actually have fun and drink once in a while since he was always so busy with studying for his dreams, he was currently a music major university student; the very reason of him coming to Seoul in the first place.

Clad in a black jacket, and a bandana to keep his bangs from falling on his forehead, he ignored the heated stares that already were on him the moment he stepped foot inside and he almost smirked at that if not for the fact that none of them caught his eye.

He proceeded heading to the bar.

Greeted by the middle aged bartender who was straight he presumed as he noted how his eyes didn't hold that much sexual interest towards him, he rather appreciated how the younger looked silently pleased but nothing more, nothing less.

Taehyung then ordered a light drink, not in the mood to get wasted or something, he quickly turned his back to the man who still hadn't left his side of the bar,

'If you're straight then fucking go away' he thought as he tried his best to ignore the still staring man, so he thought maybe he misjudged him? Or it could be the fact that he could bend or straighten anything he wanted easily.

He enjoyed the dim lights and cool atmosphere that filled the air, no disgusting body fluids smells, no underage stupid teenagers and no annoying electronic music that gives him headaches.

The music was idyllic and calm, healing to his soul and just perfect to his taste. No actually everything was to his taste, even the fresh waves of clean air that hit him from the air conditioners made him smile a bit, the frown on his eyebrows disappearing and his shoulders slumbering a bit with closed eyes.

It was his heaven, a silent yet rich heaven.

He wasn't bothered until the clanking of a cup being placed beside him was heard, he opened his eyes curiously glancing back to the bartender who slid him another full cup of what he ordered previously,

he raised an eyebrow at that questioningly and the older pointed to a tall black leather clad figure seated on the far right side.

A handsome face on top of all that amazing build smirked at him, bringing a mixed drink of his own to his lips sipping without breaking eye contact, and Taehyung scoffed amusedly at the old fashioned way of flirting.

He turned his head in front of him again, looking around the space interested in whether other handsome individuals were there besides the black haired male. But he heard confident footsteps approaching him with a steady and elegant pace only to stand to his left and a strong aura suddenly was felt near him, he looked up at the male who wore a handsome lazy smile on his face looking like a fucking hot meal that waited, no offered to get eaten.

He leaned a bit as he was so tall, to start his convo with the younger,

"Hey, pretty."


"Pretty lonely as I see, how sad is your life that you are here looking like a depressed run away prince?"

'How much that is true' he wanted to reply but only snorted to the irony of the situation, a complete stranger resuming his life in a few words jokingly.

"Maybe I'm a run away prince, but I'd rather not look depressed and ask for other's pity.."

"Oh, don't get me wrong I don't pity you, I don't really pity people...

But I know exactly what you need to relax " the male brought a calloused and big palm to the other's face, caressing his cheek carefully as if he wanted to voice out 'Is your face even real?'

Then the younger chuckled lightly, leaning to his touch

"What's your name though big boy? Don't expect me to let you touch this face of mine without a cost" and he snickered cheekily at his own statement

"Sehun.. and you expensive-to-touch-face doll?"

"Taehyung! And I like your name it suits you"

But the black haired failed in his distracted moment to notice how a dark expression made it to the older's face, as he narrowed his eyes for a moment at him, having already another name in his head to associate with the pretty face

'We lying now?'

But at that moment the younger's phone chimed vibrating in an annoying way in his pocket so he did what he had to

"Excuse me,um Sehun? I need to go somewhere real quick"

And the other only nodded intending to follow him of course.

The back door of the bar fell heavily shut as the brunette made it out to the alley that was illuminated by a single lamp street giving it an eerie vibe,

Taehyung tapped his foot on the concrete floor impatiently sighing as he glanced down at his watch from time to time, as Baekhyun was not showing.

'he did it again!' He thought even though he just sent him a text, where the fuck could he be?

Whereas Sehun bumped into someone when he was trying to follow the younger discretely only to get shocked when the same pretty boy he was trying to follow bumped into him

"Oh you're back?"

Baekhyun looked up confusedly at the stranger but but his lip the same moment his eyes landed on his face, body and well him.

Throwing all confusion out of the window, he asked in a sultry voice

"Where you waiting for me big boy?"

Hooded light blue eyes holding his gaze

"Well, yeah. But what happened to your uh eyes? And clothes. I mean you look different, and.."

"Shh, I can do magic. But that's a secret" he chuckled as the older brought his hands to his waist whispering a "Really?" In his ear making the other's body shiver from his big catch the thought sending him to a state of euphoria,

of course he was not stupid and he assumed that Taehyung was there before and flirting with this handsome stranger.

Unfortunately for him, he was not letting him have him.

Smirking to the thought, he threw his arms around his neck bringing them even closer only to whisper back

"Call me Baekhyun..."

While the frustrated male, was walking in circles he heard a clicking of heels against the pavement so he turned to the source with arms crossed over his chest.

"Took you long enough you bitch!" He hissed towards who he assumed was his brother.

Only when the figure stepped into light, instead of his twin, a handsome black fitted male stood there with piercing eyes and a smirk

"Surprise kitty"

and before he could process or say anything he blacked out, after a strange smelling cloth covered his mouth.


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