
Returning Home

The disturbing sound of my alarm woke me up from my dreamless sleep. It's been like this for past three years. I wake up every day, do my daily routine get dressed and go to school. My day at school passes by like a blur. The once bubbly, funny girl who was always smiling was long gone. Now I have learned the art of faking smiles because that helps me in hiding my real emotions. It is all because of him. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I'd never let myself forget that day. It reminds me how much of a fool I was back then, it reminds me how I never have to trust any guy especially a player again.

Today is the day I've been dreading for all these years, the day when I have to go back to New York. I was just fine away from him, sure I missed my parents and my best friends Kate and Jim but I was doing fine as long as I didn't have to see his sick face every day. Ughh! I can't believe I once used to love seeing that face. I guess I was so busy cherishing our friendship that I didn't see through his facade.

God help me I am doing this again. Reb you've got to stop doing this, stop thinking about him or you'll probably be late for your flight. This is the last thing I'd want to do. I want to see my mom, dad, Kate and Jim. It's been 3 months since they last visited me here in Miami at aunt Debbie's place. Ok enough of my pity party. My flight takes off at 10 and it's already 7. I need to hurry up.

I am sure gonna miss aunt Debbie a lot. I never had to request for privacy with her she always understood when I needed my space. Though she is still single and has no kids; she took me in like my own mother, she is a split image of my mother. She was so sad and emotional at the airport when I was leaving for my flight. She has made me promise her that I'll be in touch with her and visit her once in a few months even if it's for a day. And she has promised me that she'll take care of herself and take her medicines on time and visit me in New York whenever she can.

Nearly three hours into the flight, I am now taking my luggage and looking for my parents. Two minutes later I found them waving their hands for me to see them. Kate and Jim came along to receive me. I could see their huge smiles after they were sure I've seen them. I missed New York. I missed my parents. And I sure as hell missed my crazy best friends. I know they won't leave my side for a second as I am here in their den now. And its fine with me because they are the only friends I have.

Mom and dad are so happy to have me back at home. Mom has cooked all my favourite dishes. She is love. After reaching home I realised my room hasn't changed, its still very much the same. But yes my mom has kept it way more clean than I ever did. Love ya mom for this. After lunch, I retired to my bed. Everything is still the same as I remember it. But the sad part is I am not the same girl who left home three years ago. With so many things in my mind, I drifted off to sleep.

So, This is the first chapter. This chapter is from the point of view of Rebecca. So what do you think about her?

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