
Going Out with Friends

"Reb, sweetie wake up Its time. Wake up or you'll be late. You wouldn't want Kate and Jim to wait for you, now do you?" I heard my mom saying." You have gotta stop being ...." She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw me coming down the stairs all dressed and ready to go.

"Wow, You are.... umm....you look beautiful" she says stunned.

"Thanks mom," I said to my mom and left home to meet Kate and Jim in the cafe for breakfast.

I know my mom wasn't expecting me to get ready as early as I did. I was never an early bird but I guess people change with time. I did too. Mom doesn't know what happened that day which made me move out of New York. My parents were very worried when I told them I wanted to move to Miami and live with aunt Debbie. They sensed something was deeply wrong, I never made such bold decisions but they respected my decision anyway. My parents are utterly stunned by my changes and keep telling me that they are always there for me and I can share anything with them. I know I can tell my parents everything that's been troubling me but I don't want to trouble them. All these years away from home has made me strong I can handle all my troubles myself. I know what I have to do and I am determined to do just that.

I reached the cafe before them and had my seat. Kate came in a few minutes later followed by Jim.

Kate came in a few minutes later followed by Jim.

They came in after they spotted me. As they approached the table Jim pulled out a chair for Kate and had his seat after Kate thanked him. That earned him a quizzical look from me but he just gave me a shy smile. I know Jim is a nice guy and he is a gentleman for sure but he never did that before for Kate or for anybody else for that matter. Now I am curious.

" Guys am I missing something here?" I asked them with a smirk.

"Uh-oh. Reb you're early today I didn't know you were an early bird" I heard Kate say after we placed our orders.

"I'll take that as a compliment Kate but you know you can't change the topic this time," I told Kate.

"I've been meaning to ask you about this Kate. You always avoid the question but this time you can't." I asked Kate looking directly at Jim to see his reaction.

"We went on a few dates last week to see where this goes," Jim said shyly and they both looked into each other eyes so affectionately.

"So?" I asked excitedly.

" So we think that we like each other and we are somewhat more than friends," Kate said.

"You mean you are friends with benefits now?" I tried keeping a straight face but failed miserably.

"Shut up Reb. We are serious." Kate scolded.

"Sorry. Please continue." I apologized.

"It's not official yet. We want to be very sure before we take a step ahead and make this official because we can't risk our friendship if anything goes wrong" Jim explained.

"Wow, my best friends are actually an item now. I am so happy for you" I congratulated them.

Food was served by the time we were done with the big news of the day. We all talked about how we missed our outings and how we can plan an outing to catch on the missed times while having our breakfast.

After breakfast, we all went home. Kate had to help her mom in her boutique. And Jim had to go for soccer practice after dropping Kate at her mother's boutique.

I went home because I had to go shopping with my mom. Mom believes this way we can have some mother-daughter time because she misses spending some alone time with me as I had been away for too long.

After reaching home I and mom went shopping and had quite a wonderful time with each other.

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